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Reforming money to rescue economies and the planet : Comments

By Shann Turnbull, published 8/5/2020

Separating the diverse functions of money removes the conflicts that can arise between them.

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An interesting and complex article.

Twenty years ago agreement on a new monetary system would have been easier because Europe (eg. Eurozone and IMF (usually headed by a European)) and the US (World Bank (usually headed by an American) and Federal Reserve Bank) worked together relatively smoothly.

But now we have fragmentation: Brexit, Trumpist isolation from international agencies AND the rise of China as a financial powerhouse that may surpass the US in nominal GDP in 15 years.

All this means major economies are in disagreement and therefore less likely to agree on major monetary reform, be it universal or regional. The US dollar is less trusted as the international trading currency.

Today Trump would ask "What's in it for America?" and President Xi would ask "What's in it for China?" to benefit MOST from reform.

More see

Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 May 2020 12:19:33 PM
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Money as a unit value is intended to represent so many units of energy. And did so when pegged to the gold standard. Therefore, self-liquidating money is a nonsense given energy can neither be created or destroyed or liquidated!.

That said, we could create a few trillions worth of government-guaranteed, self-terminating thirty-year infrastructure bonds. And sure to be fully subscribed right now!

Cannot be used to support recurrent spending but any project that eventually, when complete earns revenue.

Top of that list has to be a very fast train down the eastern seaboard

Followed by multitudinous, nuclear energy, renewable energy and water projects, co-ops and family firms, export industries.

We simply have to stop exporting our best ideas and our smartest people.

But rather, commercialise their ideas, innovation and inventions, then manufacture them here to export via a national freight forwarding shipping line/national airline, to the world.

Key to this and a critical requirement, is truly affordable energy and unavailable as long as conflicted tin-eared, recalcitrants are welded to this or that straight jacket, idiotic ideological imperative?

Or are the puppets of the rich and powerful with their own agendas? Agendas that tell the national interest? GFY!

A very fast train, a VLT, Could require the temporary migration of this or that skill tha simply doesn't exist here! But will need to be imported and with it, the transfer of those skills to our own along with the transfer of technologies.

Temporary migration has to mean that along with a period of mandatory quarantine on Rottnest or somewhere similar!

Assisted by half or two-thirds of their salaries/production bonuses, withheld and only paid to them, upon their completely issue-free repatriation!

In conclusion, let me say, the very best kind of money is money that stays here working in our economy and earned from exported goods, and commodities!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 8 May 2020 12:22:11 PM
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A stupid and misleading article - despite his credentials, it's clear the author doesn't understand what he's writing about!

Official money is not too complicated at all. It fulfils its three different functions far better than it could if those functions were separated out.

> The value of all major currencies has become self-referential and so inherently unstable.
On the contrary, that's what makes it inherently STABLE! The market corrects imbalances in real time, preventing major crises from occurring.

>A crisis in one major currency immediately affects the others.
...AS IT SHOULD! That helps mitigate the effect on trade. Back in the managed currency value era, the effects wouldn't be immediate, so would ultimately be more severe.

>Leading economists recognise this self-referential feedback problem by describing it as a “Doom Loop”.
As Shann would have seen if he'd followed the link he supplied, a doom loop (which stands for Deep Out Of Money as well as its literal meaning) is where businesses that are short of money take on more risk. If things go well, it solves the problem; if things go badly, it greatly exacerbates the problem by increasing the financial commitments that are unable to be honoured.
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 8 May 2020 2:29:04 PM
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It's not Money reform that's needed, it's the disproportional salary/wage imbalance that needs reforming !
Posted by individual, Friday, 8 May 2020 3:22:05 PM
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Hello Pete aka “Plantagenet”
I appreciate your concern that reforming the nature of money is a daunting task. For political parties of conservative persuasions around the world to print unthinkable quantities of money this year, that some may view as stupid, illustrates that radical decisions can become both possible and widely adopted. It becomes simply a matter of running out of options of any more attractive actions.

Global pollution, inequality and migration are creating not only inconvenient problems but ones that introduce existential problems for the majority of the world’s citizens living near coastlines subjected to rising sea levels. This provides grounds for unthinkable actions might well also become accepted and widely adopted even in the lifetime of our grandchildren
Posted by Shann Turnbull, Saturday, 9 May 2020 11:16:41 AM
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Printing money has been tried already, in Zimbabwe, And the axis countries. Can't say that any one of those examples was entirely successful!

And because most of that new paper, was spent on recurrent spending and added no value or economic expansion?

Social credit on the other hand as a way to create new money has been proven to work if there are two things. A large economic resource that hasn't been privatised and a modest to small population.

The resource is corporatised and the entire population become shareholders.

And the revenue pumped into government coffers.

Another example is, the government, creates an entirely internal debt and writes cheques to fund income-earning infrastructure

And as the money rolls out, entered in the debit ledger.

However, once the project is complete and functional it acquires endlessly improving value which from the get-go is entered into the same leger as a credit.

The snowy, a good template to create jobs, jobs, jobs, and via the usual flow on factors, many more service industry jobs and wealth creation opportunities.

A very fast train would do all that and more as would the electrification of our economy as well as decarbing it!

If the pandemic has one silver lining? It's the must-do rebuild and the myriad opportunities it gives us to reset/remake our economy and self-reliant independence as an economic superpower, exporting, clean, green, carbon-free, energy to the world!

And for just pennies, a day per individual customer, be they living in hovels in China's N.W., or some slum in Calcutta? All doable with clean, green affordable nuclear energy! And as the world's cheapest and so cheap not even hydro-power could undercut it!

But we need decision-makers that are open to new ideas, new technologies and a new saner political mantra!

The choices are that stark and separate!

We just do not have a leader or a party or post-pandemic politicians able to put the nation and the national interest ahead of other conflicting considerations?

A Darwin port anyone, going cheap, get one now, before they're all gone! Catch my drift
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 9 May 2020 12:35:00 PM
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The choices are that stark and separate!
Alan B,

Weimar Republic
Posted by individual, Sunday, 10 May 2020 7:39:40 AM
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All water ecosystems of this planet require rehabilitation, especially through the development of sanitation and also proper sewage treatment of nutrient-loaded water flowing through them.

A new ocean and freshwater ecosystem repair industry would help stimulate economies worldwide.

Posted by JF Aus, Sunday, 10 May 2020 11:02:03 AM
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Individual: Yup, their paper became worthless!

Had they as a part of Canada, done. Ploughed those resources into a very large income-earning peoples' project that became more of a money earner over time! They could've emulated that very outcome, Where the project/projects paid for all government services/amenity and the people instead of paying any tax at all, received an annual tax refund!

Recorded as described in the annals of history! To be eventually privatised on the empty promises of a cohort of robber barons!

There's one born every day and our dairy industry was full of them as they allowed the dairy co-ops to be dismantled on the greed is good, urgings of tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber! Ditto sugar and wool?

Look at how well the politically based dismantling of those co-ops worked out for rural and regional Australia and just how well they served us through the Great Depression and how Keynesian economics eventually create an economy the third wealthiest in the world and a creditor one at that! Along with a period of unprecedented post-war prosperity!

Look, if we build a very fast VLT that cruises at 900 klms, we'd massively stimulate the economy and our technological energy dependant industries.

And if that train and those industries could be powered with the world's cheapest, cleanest, greenest energy, i.e., MSR thorium.

We'd become an energy-exporting superpower!

Even more so if it, i.e., MSR thorium, was rolled out as myriad cooperative enterprise!

On the grounds that, co-ops were the only free market, private enterprise, business model, that survived the Great Depression largely intact!

And if you believe as many do? We couldn't have another even worse one!? You re dreaming!

Business as usual paradigm is a recipe for a downward spiralling, economic contraction, that may make the great depression look like a Sunday school picnic!

Keynesian economics coupled to the aforementioned cooperative, nuclear energy, enterprises, capable of turning us into a superpower energy exporter!?

Very stark choices indeed, especially for those who want to retain coal and the business, as usual, exploitive capitalism! I kid you not!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 10 May 2020 11:06:53 AM
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If we do go back to business as usual? And there's a second wave?

Why should we bother cooperating with a recalcitrant government, just looking out for themselves and powerful vested interest?

I mean, there have been sacrifices on the front line and a return to the greed is good, business as usual of the past? A mockery of an and all frontline sacrifice!

If there is a return to business as usual and the robber barons back in control of our destiny as a nation?

I'd say, FT! Just ignore all the evocations of the robber barons' puppets!

I certainly would not don a uniform to enforce their will or spill blood for them in any social unrest, civil conflict or war!

If we're not to be truly free and masters of our own destiny?

Then, WTF is the point? I mean, we can be anybody's slaves or robotic compliant citizens?

The trains will still run, the phones will still work and the hospitals will care for the sick and injured? Schools will still teach and it'll probably be based on mandarin?

And the economy will be pragmatic and in the best long term interests of the planet!

Why do I say these things? Because I d see a return to business as usual, sans less freedom than now and with a huge cohort of collapsed businesses once the nanny tit of government support is ended!

Followed b a crime wave of unprecedented proportions! As hoped for Christian sharing based change is dashed by the, control freak, hard right!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 10 May 2020 11:39:10 AM
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build a very fast VLT that cruises at 900 klms,
Alan B,
I'd gladly swap such a train for a nuke station. Do we really & I mean really NEED such fast, hyper-demanding maintenance dependent train ?
One good parallel high speed Mono rail would be my favourite. No bridges, most services could be run underneath, no trees would need to be cut, it'd be unaffected by flooding & trees or cattle on the tracks, no railway crossings, car parks could be under the rail etc etc. in all it'd be the most practical solution in my opinion !
Plus it would be a perfect project to involve a National Service scheme going on for a decade or more for a start.
All I can envisage is Win, Win, Win !.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 10 May 2020 1:20:56 PM
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VLT means solid-state electronics and no moving parts and no friction. This means SFA maintenance! And means something we can still use for a century r more with a little updating.

The only thing faster is something similar that operates inside a sealed loop and in an airlock serviced vacuum.

And given a rail gun is the motive force, sub-light speeds are possible, if entirely impractical. (All aboard, Sydney to Melbourne, ETA, 5 minutes) ( Stretched limousines? Nah, we got stretched people.)

A monorail would be practical and good for the daily commute, given it could occupy the central division in commuter highways? Meaning, there'd be no need to acquire land or a corridor! We could build a dozen or more, to service all capital cities

Or better yet, dozens of new dormitory suburbs, replete with their own CBD and industrial estates?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 10 May 2020 11:35:22 PM
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A monorail would be practical...
Alan B,
I used to cop a lot of opposition on OLO to such claims !
Posted by individual, Monday, 11 May 2020 9:06:15 PM
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With all due respect Dr. Turnbull, tethering a currency to a "Sustainability Index" might sound sensible, but the devil is in the details. Nobody knows how to calculate a sustainability Index. We've been trying for decades (see Costanza, et al x many times) to determine a monetary value for ecosystems and biological resources. It just ain't very easy to do. And what is a "bioregion?" Just dividing renewable energy by total energy consumed leaves about 95% of the value of Sustainability (water, air, land, food, wildlife, etc.) unaccounted for. That isn't the way to build confidence in a new currency.

Certainly paper money is a social construct, and a very useful one so far. If we all agree that it is useful for what it is intended, then we can all go about our business and produce the goods and services that we all find useful.

I'll admit I don't really follow the details of the other aspects of your paper, but as an environmental guy with some experience looking at ecosystem value and the myriad elements of sustainability, I think the "Sustainability Index" aspect of your plan needs a lot of fleshing out.
Posted by ericc, Wednesday, 13 May 2020 8:23:05 PM
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