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Economic depression, delusion and the media : Comments
By Malcolm King, published 27/4/2020Editors and corporations don't want the media agenda fixed and focused, on the incalculable damage the virus is wreaking.
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Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 April 2020 9:00:24 AM
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Speaking of business, there is a rumour that Qantas is renaming Business Class as Public Service Class in recognition of the only people flying. There will also be a Commissars' Lounge.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 April 2020 9:13:42 AM
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Finally, someone with enough testicular fortitude to say how it really is and the very real prospects for our immediate future! As those with the power and privilege seek to shore up those privileges and positions to the exclusion of all else, including a turbocharged economic recovery!
Scomo to give him his due is now steering the ship of state in a positive direction. But will soon find those on the hard right, challenging, the necessary restrictions, but particularly, continued social distancing, which will need to be observed until we have an effective real remedy that kills the virus stone cold dead! As the robber barons, i.e., their political masters, see their, "legally" purloined pecuniary positions plummeting? We may find a vaccine that gives some protection via the increased production of the bodies T cells? But this virus may mutate to hide within the host or even inside the immune system? Similar to the viral disease HIV/aids. which does just that! Some practitioners seem to believe, covid-19 may replicate that or that any protection from acquired immunity via infection or vaccination, ma last 6-7 months? Others that all cancer starts with an undiscovered viral infection? Given that may be true, perhaps something quite radical could be attempted to kill the virus stone-cold dead, without any permanent or significant harm to the patient? By attaching a few micrograms o the alpha particle, bismuth 213 to a virus antibody and allow it to seek and destroy the virus wherever it is hiding, as if it were a cancer? In any event, not an untried therapy in conventional western medician and has been successfully trialled in many parts of the world in many clinical practices. Just not here, due to the insane prohibition on nuclear power, on entirely idiotic ideological grounds to protect the interest of mostly foreign robber baron, investors! Investors, in that case, being an oxymoron if ever there was one? TBC. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 April 2020 9:20:53 AM
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Information just keeps coming! We are now advised that retail is booming, with a massive surge in profits thanks to panic buyers. Shop are loving it and they don't give a stuff whether or not they have what you want just buy, buy, buy. They'll keep up the mantra about Australia growing enough food for 75 million people, even though there's not much of it on their shelves.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 April 2020 9:24:30 AM
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tbbn, Two nice short sharp posts, Public Service Class.... yeah, that would be easier to get the bluffocrats bosses, signature on the travel request... and if they made it comrade class, the same bluffocrats would probably give their comrades a special additional allowance for " flying the red flag" of courage for being labelled "public service comrades".
Re the article, the author is spot on. The stupidity of NSW Education (led by the former failed Head of ABC, Mark Scott) and its one day a week only for this 2nd term....words escape me for this incompetence, which is only matched by Premier Gladys Berijiklean's support of Health Minister Brad "hazard top shipping" Hazard! and Dr Kerry Chant ( NSW Chief Medical Officer) who are responsible directly for 1/5th the cases and 1/4 the deaths due to their incompetent risk assessment process (see Fridays article by Essery NSW is still the Rumpcorps state, and the authors comments are even more relevant in NSW. As for the media, "their ABC" carries on its rebellion against the government, spruiking wherever they can the concerns over the "Covid Tracking App". Now there are 1.3 million signed up, so destroy "their ABC" day and sign up, if you haven't already! Posted by Alison Jane, Monday, 27 April 2020 9:33:39 AM
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Cont: On the recovery, if we are "ALLOWED" to have an entirely unfettered one!? The interests of the robber baron class cannot be ALLOWED TO F.I.U.!
They will if given a chance or their head as their, I'm all right Jack, the rest of you can go visit the nearest taxidermist, position is put under threat or removed altogether to prevent it precluding our very best economic recovery. Represented a cadre of tax-avoiding, price gouging, profit repatriating foreigners and foreign or interstate investors, commission earning entities who talk up investment opportunities, particularly in real estate!? If the recovery doesn't include liting the current OFFICAL boycott on nuclear power!? It'll be a half-assed recovery of eternally enduring, eternally expanding, exponential endemic, generational, postcode poverty! Our best possible recovery lies in adopting tried and trusted paradigms that worked and spectacularly some initially, like that which took a basket case economy in Ireland and turned it into the Celtic co-op and family business based, niche market/cottage industry-based, economic miracle. Killed by fiscally incompetent politicians who allowed debt-laden foreign investors into the real estate market, then proceeded to throw billions of finite taxpayer dollars trying to prop up banks and other robber barons who as always, seek to socialise their loses and privatise our profits! Cooperative capitalism is our best bet for an economic recovery and to set us up as the superpower energy exporter we could be if we can just chart our own course, not that of the robber barons of renewables or their spit-lickle lackeys! Or their opponents in the fossil fuel industry! Allowing special vested interest, to have a seat at the table? A recipe for turning a possibly turbocharged economy into a shambolic Grandaddy of a Great Depression, from which we'll never ever recover? As we emulate Tibet and the northwest as a way out, to become the poor white trash, southern state, of a rapacious resource plundering expansionist Chi-nia? And in very real prospect if we are further sold down the river of no return, by a conflicted, self-serving, quisling, political class!? A Darwin port anyone? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 April 2020 10:30:36 AM
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Funny old things, Australians. Thanks to his socialist, economy wrecking tactics, Morrison’s popularity has soared to the highest level of any leader since 2008. The funny bit is that the two parties remain neck and neck. So, Morrison is really wasting his time, and reputation among economic realists, by going all Left on us. He still has only an even chance this far out from an election. I think that the LNP will be rolled when the gimme, gimme money mob find out just how much spending will have to be cut; how much taxes will have to be raised, or ‘temporary’ levys struck, to pay for Morrison’s brain storm. Ta ta, Scotty. We are just not into 'leaders, like other peoples who have never had a proper figure head like a queen. We are not interested elevating a politician to glory. Take not, republicans.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 April 2020 10:56:48 AM
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Alison Jane,
Where are you getting your anti-ABC lies from? Is the delusion that they have something against the app your own? Or did it come from someone on Sky News? There's no rebellion against the government. They RIGHTLY discussed the concerns people have about the app AND HOW THEY'VE BEEN ADDRESSED! _________________________________________________________________________________ Alan B., Viruses generally don't mutate that fast, and most mutations would not make it sufficiently different from the original for the immune system to treat it differently. The likeliest effect of a mutation would be to make the virus less dangerous. HIV is very different. That's a retrovirus, which means that its code is copied back to DNA from RNA. That makes the mutation rate much higher. There's no danger of coronavirus doing that. But the virologists have not yet completely ruled out the very unlikely possibility that it could hide from the immune system like herpes does. And while it's now known that some cancer is the result of a viral infection, the idea that all cancer starts that way is absurd. Much of it is the result of smoking, and there are plenty of other known carcinogens such as asbestos. >By attaching a few micrograms o the alpha particle, bismuth 213 to a virus antibody >and allow it to seek and destroy the virus wherever it is hiding, as if it were a cancer? That would be like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut. The alpha particles it emits would do far more damage to healthy tissue than they would to the virus. Virus particles are small, and don't clump together like tumours. Posted by Aidan, Monday, 27 April 2020 1:05:01 PM
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Excellent article. It did occur to me that our media were avoiding predicting too much where this lock-down would lead to prevent panic. Hard to imagine how those tens of thousands now with no income or gov support are coping?
I just read how our economy only holds up due to continuous and forever high immigration, to provide new consumers of homes, food, clothing, junk, and then lagging much further behind the needed infrastructure to support the increasing population. It is a ponzi scheme 101. I prefer life in the 70s so much more. Remember when labour made it easy to get onto a disability pension to reduce the inconvenient unemployment numbers? The leaners will soon outnumber lifters in Oz. There is always much talk about the casualization of work but never the simple reason for it - an employer would have to be nuts to hire staff that they cannot sack - so they employ only casuals. Our fool politicians have done an excellent job of converting a home into an over priced investment vehicle - by high immigration, high labour costs, and easy RBA created credit. For any hope of recovery: All barriers to employment must be destroyed. This means small business can hire and fire at will, and wages can be by individual agreement and not subject to gov mandated minimum levels. Right now I can't compete in the workforce by taking a lower wage as an older worker on pain of severe fines - this is not a free market capitalist system, it is communist - which we know does not work. The huge barriers to learning a trade and working in it must be removed. The artificial indentured slave model has to go, as well as the excessive regulation. My conclusion is Australia is rooted - our chickens have come home to roost. Posted by rayhines, Monday, 27 April 2020 1:32:28 PM
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Dear Allison Jane,
People were right to be suspicious about the tracking app. This government's record on this stuff is atrocious. The meta data collection which was supposed to be to combat terrorism is even being requested by councils. However due to rightful pressure from places like the ABC the rules have been dramatically tightened and I will be downloading the app, something I would not have done previously. You can thank the ABDC for that. Pauline Hanson is another fish altogether. "I don't want them tracking me. I don't trust the government," she said. "Why the hell would I let the government download my information?" Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 27 April 2020 1:35:09 PM
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Private enterprise, free-market co-ops, were the only business model that mostly survived the Great Depression, largely intact. Have no peer for efficiency or productive capacity!
Although our resident mega mind and super genius, Adian, will find a link that claims otherwise? And a good enough reason to ignore that anti-nuclear activist' claims, as the last thing a Putin puppet wants, is Australia to use this situation to rethink every ideological economic imperative, that took us away from our status as the world third-largest economy and a creditor one at that! After a government-created employee and family co-ops, served by the cheapest energy in the world! And an absolute must, and our mos preferred private enterprise, business model, we need real tax reform that jettisons the scrambled egg tax system in favour o a universal unavoidable, flat tax, we all pay on income above a generous, tax-free threshold. Benefits could stay around the new more generous level and pensions increased to retain parity, where evidence of loss. Given the new system would end most, if not all, tax compliance costs, this would liberate around 7% and ale to be returned to the bottom line. MEANING THE EFFECTIVE RATE WOULD, IN FACT, BE 8%, and a huge economic turbocharge, An even more so, given regional tax breaks and new development, tax holidays. This is how we rebuild the economy and turn us into a superpower exporting electrical energy to an energy-starved world! And pay down a two trillion dollar debt inside one or two decades! Alan B Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 April 2020 6:31:22 PM
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I agree with that Mal.
But keep in mind: There have been a succession of plagues through the centuries which have all radically changed the face of day to day life. This one will be the same. There'll actually be winners and grinners aplenty. On the natuture of housing as the Ponzi scheme it is, many people before this moment have asked the question, how long can a deplorable situation such as housing people is, continue unchanged? Good thing to crash it and reinvent from the ground up, ensuring that housing is actually and primarily that, a home that all can once again aspire to without a home becoming a nightmare of debt. Housing is built from cheap material rubbish which should be given like value. If a modern day home construction survives past the fifty year mark before white ants take it out, would be miraculous. I agree with the plight of the young. It's mostly an abismil future subjected to the torment and arbitrary whims of landlords and realtors. I witness this abuse of young families daily. I don't like witnessing the abuse any more than they like coping it. No wonder there is a drug epidemic. The inequality of this system needs dismantling. It's an abismal and abusive one which more resembles slavery to debt and greed. And it should be " goodnight Dick" to that! Dan Posted by diver dan, Monday, 27 April 2020 6:50:50 PM
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diver dan, ?? Posted by individual, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 6:18:16 AM
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Various assets previously over valued, and sectors will be impacted, and housing real estate will be interesting.
Juiced up by constant media PR e.g. suggesting high permanent population growth (not true), reinforced by community word of mouth, low interest rates and negative gearing, there maybe a significant correction coming.... Investors already receiving low yields (in real terms many buyers losing value immediately), temporary residents departing and fall in new ones arriving, stagnant wages becoming unemployment and baby boomer generation now in late retirement needing to down size and/or liquidate assets..... Many in their twenties and thirties who have bought at inflated prices within past year may already be in negative equity...... Posted by Andras Smith, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 7:26:13 AM
Three million unemployed is believable, given that we have had three quarters of a million out of work for years, while the morons still indulge in mass immigration.
It's a pity that Malcolm still thinks that his hatred and contempt for SA is of interest to anyone but himself. He's right about the submarines, though.