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The Forum > Article Comments > For heaven's sake sanitise! Coronavirus as a way of life > Comments

For heaven's sake sanitise! Coronavirus as a way of life : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 18/3/2020

Self-isolation is already having its effects, with those doing so suffering, as a study in The Lancet concludes, post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger.

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What's the point to this? Nothing here we don't know. The only thing to be said is that it is shorter than BK's usual offerings. He seems to be a bloke who doesn't know that you don't have to hand out your opinion on everything, every day. He could have said wash your hands and left it at that. We have too many people waffling on about the China virus and how to deal with it. Most of what is said by non-medical people is unhelpful and depressing.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 8:16:08 AM
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If people are getting PTSD from self isolating, with all the technology that can keep us connected, then I fear for the resilience of the general population.
Surely someone could cope with 2 weeks indoors with their tvs, internet, social media, ebooks, pay tv etc.
Fills me with admiration for my ancestors who endured plagues and strict quarantine with no contact with the outside world and no information on what was happening.
Posted by Big Nana, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 9:41:18 AM
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Does seem that way, ttbn. Gotta think he is pissed about the usual pub culture not being what it was and is doing it hard. And it was a ramble wasn't it?

As for, four out of five, not washing their hands? their destiny is in their own hands and a good enough reason to close our borders and quarantine all arrivals. And you got to hand it to me, the pun was intended and handy.

Self-isolation is no big deal, been entirely on my own for a couple of decades. What folk who have trouble with self-isolation, is a problem with self-loathing, I believe, and need to be pointing the accusing finger at all else as their method of avoiding ard introspection?

For heaven's sake sanitise, sounds like he has trouble with being required to wash hands after privvy? Otherwise, why the outburst?

I don't have a problem with any of the issues he raises, given washing hands is just no big deal nor is maintaining a respectful space between myself and others, given if I ever became contagious, I would want to be responsible for infecting others!

But particularly if that had a lethal outcome! I can't help what other folk do or say or rail against! All I can do is be responsible and own my own behaviour. Not out there knocking down old folk and the disabled trying to lay on 18 months supply of poo paper!

This is the time to act like genuine, fair dinkum Aussies, you know those standing beside you with a garden hose fighting fires or those with their Gernies as they cleaned the flood mud out of your home. And just do what we all can do to look out for the other bloke!

It's in the fair dinkum Aussie DNA! Stay safe and look after yourselves! Don't be an AH! Look out for granny, don't shove her aside in a coward's blind panic. And I know you or any other fair dinkum Aussie, would never ever do that, maate.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 18 March 2020 10:21:57 AM
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US remains trapped in its own ego-web, where the wielders of power vacillated between the impact of the falling stock exchange numbers, and the impact on their millions, (and in some cases billions).

Accidentally of course, the US has previously tightened border security to the point where a swift clamp-down at those borders for bio-security reasons, was blissfully easy for them. No effort required there.

What will be more interesting, as things pan out, is the welfare of the part time workforce with no standard workplace benefits such as sick leave.
Who pays the rent and the mortgage?
This is predominantly the workforce most relied on for servicing those confined into isolation.

This is actually the seemingly unsolvable problem for Iran, where the population has effectively ignored calls by the Iranian government to self isolate.
The outcome for them has been upwards of a thousand deaths and a still uncontrolled situation.

I would consider Australia to be somewhere in the middle to lower end of effective reaction. We seem to be following the UK lead.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 11:21:58 AM
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Next to actually catching the virus comes the panic buying that's going on. Not just toilet paper any more, but everything. We have just got back from our normal weekly shop, and the shelves look like those in the government shops in Russia during the Cold War - empty. People are marauding shopping centres they don't normal go to. You can now do bus excursions to buy up as much as you can.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 3:05:03 PM
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Yes ttbn, they are the lowest form of life and lower than a snake's belly!

And only made possible by those bus companies who make profit their God and way, way ahead of the Australian community/the common good!

For all they know, these AH bus tours run by the worst (I'm alright Jack) elements in society, catering for their contemptible contemporaries. May be ideal breeding/transmission grounds for a lethal/full dose.covid-19?

Can't imagine anything more suitable for transmission to all the passengers, than a crowded bus and being confined therein for a couple of hours!

Hope that their worst fears, are the ones realised and poetic justice?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 18 March 2020 6:03:08 PM
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On the washing of hands, the subject has been raised on a number of forums etc.

One thing that has been mentioned a few times is the exit doors on public toilets, particularly McDonald's and similar; the exit doors from the toilets open inwards and to get out you either have to grasp the door handle or wait till someone comes in (not very practical).

You've just washed your hands (as we all do), but you have no guarantee that the last person to defecate in the facility washed his, so you now possibly have contaminated hands as you return to the table to eat your 'Big Mac', that you then hold in your, hopefully, uncontaminated hands.

As they say, "Enjoy".
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 7:11:16 PM
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Well put tbbn. Nothing else worth commenting on from this article.
Posted by Alison Jane, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 7:36:00 PM
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If planned parenthood gets shut down for 2 weeks more lives will be saved than the virus takes.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 19 March 2020 2:45:46 PM
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