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Forgetting Fukushima : Comments

By Jim Green, published 17/3/2020

Last Wednesday marked the ninth anniversary of the meltdowns, fires and explosions that destroyed the Fukushima nuclear plant in March 2011.

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Yes, I hope that people learn the lessons of the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters:

* don't use old 60- and 70-year-old nuclear technology

* don't build any sort of power generation plant within a few metres of a beach, of the sea

* don't build any sort of power generation plant near seismic fault lines

* don't build any sort of power generation plant in a tsunami-prone area.

Given that nuclear power seems to have a good safety record IF the latest level of technology is implemented, from plutonium-powered pace-makers up through powering submarines, to major power-generation plants in France and Finland etc., given its low cost to consumers, and with the limitations of current renewable energy generation technology, clearly it is vital to plan for mass nuclear energy generation around the world, at all relevant levels.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 11:28:32 AM
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Yeah I hope the Australian public learns that the Greens are willing to use an event 70 years ago to send us back into the dark ages. Already we have wasted billions on renewables causing power prices to triple in a short period of time. The are experts at making up problems using pseudo science and then being a large part of the problem when it comes to preventing dams being built, forests from being cleared and anything that actually does anything positive for the environment. Has anyone asked Greta how to solve the Coronavirus yet?
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 11:34:46 AM
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The China virus will be the deciding factor in whether or not the Olympic Games go ahead, not some snivelling about Fukushima or nuclear fallout.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 12:32:41 PM
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Extraordinary comments already on this comprehensive and informative article! It would seem that the commenters have not actually read it.

I do ponder on who actually IS the readership of Online Opinion. I really do not mean to be insulting here, but it is surprising to me, how few comments ever show an appreciation of a strong critical discussion, or even suggest that they in fact read it.
Posted by ChristinaMac1, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 1:29:55 PM
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Well, we know what you anti-nukes are going to say - the same things you always say; and, it is so boring. We just like you to know that we disagree. No point arguing.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 1:39:31 PM
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The article was a one hundred percent focus on the social consequences of the nuclear disaster; which from any technical perspective, misses the real issue of the benefits of nuclear power.

It was clearly a disaster built upon incompetence of irresponsible actors, as highlighted by comments here, which I believe are on the mark.
It is equally clear that it is not the technology which is at fault.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 2:33:35 PM
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Well said Jim Green and ChristinaMac1

And we all wait for someone to preach the virtues of "100% safe, Thorium small modular reactor technology".

What could go wrong?

What State, or Canberra, or Darwin, wants it first?

What insider saboteur nut, or terrorist group, will destroy a small modular reactor first?

Putting Australia on the map of nuclear disasters.
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 17 March 2020 3:54:40 PM
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We will never ever forget Fukushima! Never given this is always going to be trotted out anytime anyone suggests we need to accept our future is unquestionably a nuclear-powered one.

Fukushima was a nuclear accident going somewhere to happen. And the result of poor design and poor backups.

The backup diesel generators had extreme difficulty operating underwater and it was a tsunami that caused that outcome not the fact that the thing was a conventional nuclear power plant!

[Even Jim would have trouble breathing under that much water, albeit, I think he'd probably still be trotting out the same BS propaganda under six feet of concrete?]

As anti-nuclear advocates like Jim Green continually imply/infer with broken record regularity!

Well, he and his ilk need to do what they can to keep us tied to coal and the foreign coal barons only kept afloat by their Australian holdings and exports. From which we the owners of the resource get SFA!

Hasn't clue to bless himself with regarding MSR or SMR probably thinks they're the same item!?

And is completely clueless on MSR thorium and the fact that some highly placed environmentalists, Greenpeace activists and green politicians have come out in favour of MSR thorium. See greens V thorium. And would account for around half the green movement?

i.e., Those able to think, not the brainwashed rent-a-crowd of fundamental tree huggers, who would turn the clock back and force us to live in a dawn to dark, gut bust era, before we had the steam engines or dams, hydro, etc/etc! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 17 March 2020 4:43:24 PM
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Our economy and we are heading for a tripe whammy disaster thanks to the years of unrelenting drought that massive soul destroying bush fires followed by flooding rains and the pandemic.

The only thing that could restore our economy and a balanced budget, is the adoption without delay, of widespread nuclear power and installed to replace aging decommissioned coal-fired power.

That replacement is going to be electricity generated here in nuclear waste burning MSR's and built with the funds we earn as the world's safest repository for the world's nuclear waste. And transmitted every which way, via graphene cored undersea cables,

And done, but only after we've extracted the massive remaining energy potential and reduced the half-life to 300 years.

Even then still useable in long-life space batteries that burn up with reentry.

Investments paid for with non-repayable, donated foreign dollars, as would be the case if the above was adopted!

Just ensure we do not allow the nuclear lobby to decide to lump us with another Chernobyl of Fukushima!

The only reactors we should be considering are those based on the tried and tested Oak Ridge MSR UNPRESSURISED, thorium model and as mass-produced, factory-built, perfected prototypes, based on the current FUJI 350 MW molten sodium model? Rejigged ever so slightly to use fluoride salt instead.

Ask a former NASA scientist and nuclear technologist, Kirk Sorensen to head up and oversee the project, given he would be a world-leading expert in the suggested unconventional nuclear technology.

We are all but down on the floor hearing the 8 count for our economy and need to get back up and into the contest with the only shot we have in the locker, that has a snowflakes chance in hell, of not just reversing our fortunes, but quite massively building them and a new period of unprecedented post-war prosperity as an independent manufacturing economy!

And the very last thing Jim Green and Christinamac want!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 17 March 2020 5:45:15 PM
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We shouldn't forget Fukushima or the fact that the fuel roads in conventional reactors are guided along with a "controlled reaction" by raised aand lowered fuel rods.

Raised and lowered by electromagnets.

Obviously, Jim and Christina don't know that nor the fact that electromagnets don't always perform well in the event of a power loss!

Say that experienced when the electrics are drowned.

Or ignored in an effort to blame the (OBCCESSION) nuclear power option for the tsunami?

Don't take my word for it, Jim, pick up Christina then drive to the nearest beach and see how well the electrics perform under 6 feet of seawater?

Hope you know how to swim and are friends with the great white pointers?

They are after all part of nature and you, my friend, are just part of their food chain, as are all so-called, environmentalists/covert coal lobbyist?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 17 March 2020 9:10:17 PM
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Pete, if saboteurs were going to blow up a reactor, they don't need to wait for us to build one that'll shut down automatically in the event of an explosion!

Given they can get past security and then tolerate the lethal gamma radiations, as they get past the concrete walls and water jacket shielding, while security stands around wondering WTF, are you nut jobs doing!?

They can just take a hike to Lucas Heights and do far more damage there! not a decade from now when our entire economy and manufacturing, may be dependant on the world's cheapest power, i.e., MSR thorium/nuclear waste burners.

Sorry about your solar panel fixing business, but I am for all Australians, not those who've tied their now dubious future to an expensive intermittent power supply that even now, cannot serve us all!

And that includes the forgotten, exponentially expanding pool of renters who will never ever be able to afford a home upon which to install a solar array!

I get that you're ok with that, mate.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 17 March 2020 9:28:46 PM
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