The Forum > Article Comments > Oil is now more volatile than bitcoin > Comments
Oil is now more volatile than bitcoin : Comments
By Alex Kimani, published 4/3/2020You know that the oil markets have truly gone to the dogs when they are suddenly riskier than one of the world's most volatile commodities: bitcoin.
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Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 4 March 2020 11:25:45 AM
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Oil is volatile because it's being artificially adjusted and continually manipulated by folk who want to maximise their returns via the futures market or simply weaponise it ( Mahathir, Putin etc) to harm their perceived adversaries, economically!
And are pulling when they should push as they seek to win against each other?
The Saudi's could stuff all of them by just opening the valves and proving that volume sales always, always outperforms tighter margins and they need to understand that their own interests are not served by cartel practises as others decide when to call the shots on supply sides!
Yes Mr Putin, no Mr Putin, how high Mr Putin, very good Mr Putin, right away Mr Putin? Piss off piss ant, Mahathir. That's Singapore's?
Even as Canada sits on an Edmonton reserve larger than Suadi Arabia's!
One hopes sanity prevails and we all get on board with alternatives, electrification and the new hydrogen-based economies! And they'll become economic and underprice current petrol supplies once we transition to MSR thorium and or MSR, nuclear waste burners that can also be tasked with burning, weapons-grade plutonium!
The very last thing we/any of us should be concerned about is whether or not paper shuffling middlemen (meddle-men) oil barons/robber barons make a profit via cornering the market? Then through manipulation? Turn a handsome profit?
Those days are gone and should they continue with this practice may find themselves last sucker in the supply chain holding the pass the parcel, economic timebomb? Yea verily!
Alan B.