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Cleaning the stables : Comments

By Mark Buckley, published 28/1/2020

Recently Senator Bridget McKenzie, a National Party member, and Deputy Leader of the party, was found by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) to have acted outside the spirit of a $100 million sports grant program.

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She was 'found' to have acted outside the SPIRIT. Nothing to do with legalities then.

Sporting bodies should be raising their own funds; taxpayers' money should never be involved. But this witch-hunt against McKenzie is purely political: engineered by hypocrites who can't get their own hands on public funds from opposition or the irrelevance of Greenery and other embittered minorities
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 8:33:51 AM
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So much wrong with your response, ttbn. Found out by the Auditor General, no less. So definitely no whiff of legals there. "Spirit" was too soft, I agree. Rorting is more than against the spirit. The funds are granted from Commonwealth funds, authorised by the Parliament, so probably ok. It's just supposed to be fair. And I am not sure if the objections have come from those who want funds for themselves, and I suspect the only "embittered minorities" are those defending her. Sometimes you just have to look at the facts, and when you don't like them, put your sword back in its scabbard, and suck it up.
Posted by askbucko, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 8:46:10 AM
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I'm very surprised that you are surprised by this sort of pork-barrel behaviour or the fact that integrity is as rare as hen's teeth in almost all our parliaments!

I'm not surprised that this reeks of cronyism or that some of the clubs that received the grants were in seats the coalition wants to hold or win.

I'm not surprised that some of our voters can be bought for so little in real terms when what is required is a massive investment on a monumental scale!

To be sure we need a Federal ICAC with teeth and an incorruptible independent head! And needs to be equipped with covertly deployed space age lie detection equipment.

So that those lying through their teeth most of the time? Most of them? Can be charged with perjury and are sentenced to jail time and carry with them a criminal conviction that automatically eliminates them as ever being able to hold a public office or receive a publicly funded salary!

These folk "earn" huge salaries and self-granted entitlements, plus, pensions, aged pensioners can only dream about!

If it were all on the line? How many of them would continue with corrupt or unethical behaviour? Or rank self-service? Or seek to simply cover it up for a perceived political outcome!? Or instead, grow a backbone and a conscience?

Alan B,
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 28 January 2020 9:25:09 AM
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Graham Richardson said on TV last night that he did exactly the same
himself and no one complained.
The complaints it would seem are politically driven.
It is OK for Labour to do it but oh dear not Liberal or Nationals.
So don't be hypocritical. Did you complain when Labour did the same ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 9:28:39 AM
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Dear Bazz,

Ros Kelly resigned as a minister for Sport and Recreation for this very thing and the bloke you have quoted was in the very thick of it;

"In December 1993, the Auditor-General complained about the manner in which the Department had administered A$30 million of grants under the Community Cultural, Recreational and Sporting Facilities Program, which had been initiated by Graham Richardson in 1988. The Auditor-General reported that he could not find any documentation explaining the rationale for grants made by Kelly's department, and therefore could not assess her decision-making procedures. The opposition, led by John Hewson and Peter Costello, claimed in Parliament that the money had been directed into marginal Labor-held electorates before the 1993 federal election as a pork barrelling exercise. Initially, she avoided answering questions on the matter, but she relented following threats by the Australian Democrats to vote for a Liberal proposition establishing a Senate inquiry if she did not give evidence to a House of Representatives committee. During the enquiry, she said that she had assessed 2,800 submissions for funding on the sole basis of verbal advice from her staff, and that decisions on short-listed applications had been made on a "great big whiteboard" in her office, having been erased without permanent record once the decisions were made.[1] The 12-person committee, despite having a Labor majority, ultimately found in February 1994 that her actions were "not illegal" but her administration was "deficient".[2]"


So contrary to what you assert what you are really saying is that it is okay for the Liberals to do it but not Labour.

Sanctimonious hypocrite is probably the phrase to insert here.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 10:00:02 AM
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Bazz: It is not OK for anyone receiving a publicly funded salary or stipend! Regardless of which side of the aisle they sit or what the colour of their partisan politics is! Blue, black red or green or YELLOW!

And needs to be exposed and removed permanently!


Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 28 January 2020 10:02:58 AM
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At SteeleRedux's comment above the Wikipedia paragraph quoted comes from

Just above the quoted paragraph is:

"The "sports rorts" affair was the name by which Australian media and political commentators came to refer to events during the second Keating ministry in late 1993 and early 1994, where the then Sports Minister, Ros Kelly, was unable to appropriately explain the distribution of federal sporting grants to marginal electorates held by the governing Australian Labor Party. It led to a textbook demonstration of individual ministerial responsibility where, on 28 February 1994, Kelly resigned from her position under consistent pressure from the Australian Democrats and the Liberal opposition about the matter. Ultimately, the controversy also led to her resignation from Parliament..."

Everyone knows the Liberals are cursed by their political dependence on the Nationals. The Nationals, at Federal and State level, are the most corrupt party in Australia.

eg. ignoring water stealing in NSW by the National's rich farmer mates. Also Barnaby Joyce's large sum For-Cash interview about his love life.

Soon Morrison will be forced to sack Senator McKenzie from Cabinet.

But one wouldn't expect McKenzie would follow Ros Kelly's principled move by resigning from Parliament!
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 10:46:30 AM
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Graham Richardsons name pops up above.
Here is a drug running scandalous crook, who has not served time in jail.
What was in those containers smuggled from the wharves into the back streets of Balmain in the dead of night, in the early seventies?
Ask the man in a shiny limo, dressed in immaculate suit and tie.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 11:40:34 AM
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That’s right; they are all at it.

The Australian lunatic left class doesn’t have a president to impeach, so they get over-excited at any piddling little thing done by the government or one of its members. Last week the media was sure that McKenzie’s resignation was imminent. Her lack of compliance with their forecast has taken the wind out of their sails.

Perhaps McKenzie can bung them a sub for therapists to treat their nervous exhaustion and deep depression since their outlandish policies were rejected at the last election.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 12:18:28 PM
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Liberal or Labor, Sport & Art should not be subsidised at all. State-sanctioned Poverty would be a far more worthy recipient of funding from State coffers !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 12:32:47 PM
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"The Australian lunatic left class doesn’t have a president to impeach"
What ttbn said is exactly right!
Just goin' full Pelosi on a soft target.
Still butthurt over the election.

Newsflash leftards. The coalition didn't win because they're what the majority want. Your side are just too damn bat dirt crazy so it was anything other than you.

Anyway, so McKenzie was out there on the ground seeing for herself instances of where assistance could be beneficial. Isn't the usual criticism that ministers should get out and see for themselves. That they're usually too far removed from constituents. I think so.
McKenzie's out there doing what's good and right. The crazy leftards hate that. Shows 'em up too much.
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 1:11:34 PM
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It appears that the work was required because sewage was leaking out
of the building.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 1:22:28 PM
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Yes individual and a worthy idea that reflects the "Christian ethics of the PM, Hahahaha.

Pete the nats probably wouldn't have seat but for liberal preferences! And underlines as nothing else can the values of those libs that cosy up, do dirty swap deals in the dead of night, for the sake of just winning seats! And to hell with integrity and character!?

These folk to a generic man rejected a Federal ICAC with teeth!

If that doesn't tell those making light of spending a hundred million of our money, where the problem lies, nothing else will!

We have sporting clubs and they have public toilets. I don't remember any grants coming to us, given we are a very safe coalition seat!?

Perhaps if this were not so we'd be in line for these charity handouts?

And because they own our minds and our rusted on allegiance regardless of the perceived personal integrity, or not, of the member?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 28 January 2020 4:58:05 PM
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Some of the more boring sports could be gotten rid of if there was no funding !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 5:12:25 PM
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read the article, for God's sake. All of it is true. No left or right, just facts. She received a list of worthy, needy sports organisations from Sports Australia, and ignored their recommendations, and in the process spent $100,000,000 (it looks a lot with all those zeroes, doesn't it) of taxpayers' (our) money, on private Adelaide golf clubs, and Tony Abbott's rowing club. And don't forget the cash spent in Kooyong. I don't know where you live, but if you live in Melbourne, Kooyong is more desirable than Toorak, and its sports clubs are not short of a quid. You should wake up and read articles properly before you spout your ill-informed generalities. And like I said to ttbn, if you don't like the facts, tough luck! They must be fake news, like your hero the Donald says.
Posted by askbucko, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 5:23:12 PM
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Oh I read it. askbucko
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 5:53:35 PM
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the "Christian ethics of the PM, Hahahaha.
Alan B,
Australians claim to have a Democracy so, why then do so many object when some funding goes to those who are in the majority ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 6:15:02 PM
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Dear askbucko,

Just a little secret, don't stress about jamo. He is a piss taker and a pretty funny one at that. I know him outside the forum, although he will strenuously deny it, and he is about as right as I am. In one particular case he laid it on so thick I thought he was going to get strangled for his efforts.

It usually takes the alt-right crowd a little while to wake up to him. It will be interesting to see if this current crop twig.

Anyway sit back and enjoy. He really is good value.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 8:47:50 PM
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Well said askbucko!
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 9:25:06 PM
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Yeah listen to Steele..
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 28 January 2020 10:40:45 PM
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"Nationals deputy leader Bridget McKenzie approved sports grants projects in colleagues' electorates that were lodged well after the deadline and announced just weeks before the federal election.

The ABC has confirmed several projects that received funding in a pre-election extension of the scandal-plagued $100 million Community Sport Infrastructure Grant Program hadn't even applied when applications closed in September 2018.

And a handful of other projects only secured funding after the sporting clubs were encouraged by their local Coalition MP to resubmit an amended application.

All nine of the new or resubmitted projects were in Coalition seats or seats being targeted by the Nationals or Liberal Party.

None of the projects were approved by the Sport Australia board, as required under the guidelines, according to the auditor-general.

The new revelations help explain why Sport Australia bitterly complained about their late inclusion in the grants program which, as the ABC exclusively reported earlier this week, sparked complaints from the agency that its independence was being compromised.

In his scathing report into the sports grants scheme, auditor-general Grant Hehir reserved his harshest criticism for the way some projects got funding outside the guidelines.

He cited Sport Australia's concerns that it was "not appropriate to invite or accept new applications at this time".

The program guidelines stated "emerging issues" could be considered in relation to late applications. But the Minister's office did not identify these issues, even after Sport Australia requested reasons from the Minister's office.

The ABC can reveal many of these late applications were for projects in electorates either held or being hotly contested by the Nationals and formed part of Deputy Nationals leader Bridget McKenzie's pre-election blitz.

In the ultra-marginal Queensland seat of Capricornia, held by Nationals MP Michelle Landry, $146,200 was granted to Yeppoon Swans AFL Club.

Senator McKenzie was at the club's home ground Swan Park to announce the funding on May 1, just 17 days before the election..."
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 31 January 2020 4:18:02 PM
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Did anyone just see the alleged leaked email from Soot 'Beam up me Scotty' Morrison's office showing he apparently knew about what McKenzie was doing? This is after he had publicly stated that he had no knowledge of what had happened.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 31 January 2020 5:20:19 PM
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Barnaby Joyce

- of I left my wife and kids for a younger woman fame

- then scored 6 figures in cash for a Commercial TV Interview about his (I left my wife and kids for a younger woman) love life

- thereby adding the 6 figure Commercial TV fee to his 6 figure tax payer funded parliamentary pay

has announced "he will challenge Michael McCormack for Nationals leadership if spill declared" following "Senator McKenzie tendered her resignation as agriculture minister and the Nationals deputy leader on Sunday [this is assuming McCormack was too gutless to sack her] Read it all here of Feb 3rd 2020.

Barnaby - the tax payers who pay your 6 figure salary and who you purportedly represent lose having you anywhere near politics or watching you Tell All Paid TV Interview
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 3 February 2020 2:52:08 PM
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