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The Forum > Article Comments > Pelosi can commit political suicide or help heal partisan rift > Comments

Pelosi can commit political suicide or help heal partisan rift : Comments

By David Singer, published 3/1/2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has acted wisely in not immediately transmitting the Trump articles of impeachment to the Senate to jump start the President's trial.

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Risible rubbish! If Trump has abused the trappings of the presidential office? Or guilty of tax avoidance crimes? Then he has nothing to fear from a donkey court in the patently partisan ultra-friendly Senate!

Let this trial proceed and exonerate an entirely innocent "man"? And let all the evidence be tabled and all relevant witnesses heard!

Or alternatively, hold it until the election and allow a Teflon Trump to face the people with this situation unresolved by a stonewalling President! That should play well David?

Or he could retire at 12 minutes to midnight and have the vice President give him a Presidential pardon? And then he could migrate along with his billions to Russia where he could build another tower or two and several new golf courses?

Albeit, their bankruptcy laws could be different and the Russian Mafia far less forgiving?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 3 January 2020 12:38:59 PM
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The real fact is that many Democrats have suddenly realised that impeachment hearings in the Senate will be able to expose much more of their illegal dealings than it will ever find on Trump.

They are running terrified of being called to senate hearings & having to testify, under oath, in public hearings. Quite a few can see the prospect of swapping government leather for government steel bars, & don't want any part of it.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 3 January 2020 2:34:38 PM
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Speaking of highly toxic partisan tribalistic animosities and the applied politics thereof why not check out this reference - subtitled "the banal,evil,all-destructive reign of ...."
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 3 January 2020 2:38:20 PM
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Hahahaha, oh my aching ribs.
You have a nice day you hear.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 3 January 2020 6:03:51 PM
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The president could defeat the plans of the democrats by getting the U.S.A. in a hot war in the Middle East. Could kick start it by knocking off a general or two and then reacting to the reliable revenge reprisals and so on. The Irans are as predictable as the alarm you've set the night before and can be relied on to cooperate in the plans of the Commander in Chief, as he pulls their extremely predictable strings.

And given a conflict? The president can declare a state of emergency and stay on for three or even four terms, should the emergency last that long? I mean staying ensconced is far more important than the lives of a few thousand grunts? Grunts who signed up for just this?

Me? I would have replied to endless Iranian sponsored terrorism by Nuking the Iranian administration as opposed to spending young American lives, many of them Latinos, trying to earn citizenship via military service!

As for the Speaker, if the Republicans had any dirt on her they would have used it long ago and maybe she doesn't give a rat's about reelection prospects if that includes selling her political soul/personal integrity?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 4 January 2020 9:54:32 AM
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Another fake news article meant to put a positive spin on Democrat stupidity. The reason why Pelosi will not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate is because she knows it will get shot down. The entire exercise was an ill judged attempt by the Democrat seniors to curry favour with the increasingly loony left youth movement in the Democratic Party, led by the wacky AOC and the "Gang of four."

The youth wing of US Democratic party has gone so far to the left that even Joseph Stalin would think they were getting extreme. The elders of the Dems are now caught between a rock and a hard place. The more they placate their young activist class, the more unelectable they become. The UK, Australian, Austrian, German, and Italian nelecti8ons were portents of things to come. Leftism, especially the screechingly intolerant and finger wagging variety, is on the nose with western voters.

The whole Trump impeachment affair is backfiring in the Democrats face, and no amo0unt of regressive left spin is every going to change that.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 10 January 2020 4:37:13 AM
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