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Popes against nuclear weapons : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 2/12/2019The Second Vatican Council through its 1965 document Gaudium et spes deemed the arms race 'one of the greatest curses on humanity...
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Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 2 December 2019 7:37:42 AM
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Yes sure, but what moral authority exists from an organisation (paedophilia central) that committed mass murder with sword-wielding Popes and or Bishops at the head of armies. That as history records, has the blood of 6 million Muslims on its hands?
Yes, but that's not us now they will contend. What of it? Nuclear weapons exist some in the hands or under the control of powerful virtual dictators without moral values or conscience. And completely deaf to the words emanating from the "Vatican" Before the "Vatican" starts concerning themselves with the moral values or lack thereof, they need to get their own house in order and reformed to resemble that which the Rabbi Jesus Christ initiated. And that looks very different from the pagan sun-worshipper, Constatine reformed, political organisation with pagan rituals loaded on to it as far as the eye can see, tha it is now. And the Master's words altered or reinterpreted to mean something he never ever said, implied or inferred. If the "Vatican" is serious about limiting the spread of nuclear weapons? Then the only way to reverse proliferation, is to burn up all the weapons-grade enriched uranium and plutonium. The only way that can be achieved is in MSR's that use them as a fuel source that could power the planet for centuries, in perfect safety, all while reversing man-made climate change. And that means, actively campaigning for, for peace purpose only, CARBON-FREE nuclear energy. And given the right paradigm, cooperative capitalism, lifting many more billions out of poverty! Inasmuch as ye do to the least among you, ye also do unto me. Quote unquote.TBC Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 2 December 2019 9:55:27 AM
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The same MSR's that burn up weapons-grade Uranium or plutonium, will also burn up the world's entire stockpile of nuclear waste and in perfect safety! Providing many thousands of years of virtually free CARBON-FREE energy. And if coupled to deionisation dialysis desalination. Capable of also reversing desertification by pumping billions of litres of eminently affordable, desalinated, inexaustable seawater, inland. All while turning inhospitable uninhabitable deserts, into veritable gardens of Eden As this is implemented via NGO's initially? Giving folk who formerly had none or very little income? New abundance. Particularly where cooperative capitalism is the preferred, post-NGO, economic implementation. providing some serious income streams for the least among us! Create it/them! Get it/them up and running, and the capital outlay returned. Then transfer it/them, via title deed, to the locally employed and properly trained workforce. Who would receive a share value, in proportion to their status and ability, inside the now, newly formed, worker-owned, co-op! Which among other things would ensure any new wealth generate by any of these new facilities stayed inside the local community and where the usual economic flow on factors would multiply by a factor of seven or beyond! Therefore I say unto you, go ye forth and do unto others, etc! As this flows through and improves the average income level, it will also act to reverse overpopulation, gradually and progressively, without ever once needing to deploy, weapons of mass destruction. [Some of which could be completely autonomous and indiscriminate] Then pack up and go elsewhere to repeat again and again! As you do so, live the master's words in deed and action! Allow action and example, i.e., the evocation of your alleged Master, to win hearts and minds Enough with the endless words and thou shall nots! Or central control and command! It's driving them away in their millions! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 2 December 2019 10:49:22 AM
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Such an article may well give nuclear weapons a bad name!!
Take this Mao jacketed chickity in China's soothing 1960s H-Bomb test for example. See her countdown here From spherical fireball to mushroom cloud - pretty Aye?! Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 7 December 2019 3:10:49 PM
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Incidentally Japan's emissions have been declining since the restart of reactors closed after 2011. They were buying a third of world LNG production.