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When intimate partners betray intimacy with sex : Comments
By Anne-Maree Choi, published 25/10/2019These symptoms can last for years (maybe a lifetime), affecting future relationships, ability to parent well, and even hold down a job.
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Posted by diver dan, Friday, 25 October 2019 8:36:04 AM
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Moral argument?....that train left the station years ago.
The social fabric, in which morality played a part, was destroyed at the same time as gambling was introduced as a pastime which is no different to distributing cocaine freely not caring about the ramifications of addiction. The social fabric didn't just was blown apart....and now you want to talk about moral values...PULEEZE Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 25 October 2019 10:11:40 AM
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Yes, there are and have been a lot of problems inside the sex industry/the oldest profession in the world! First was the corruption created when we tried to unsuccessfully prohibit this industry!
And the spread of STD's that accompanies it! Some of which can be and are lethal! Young kids being propositioned? And they were doing what there, if true? Dressed how? You were furious you say at the thought of a trusting wife being deceived? Ok. So you'd have no objection then to mandatory DNA tests to establish and confirm paternity? And seems to have revealed that one-third of fathers have been lied to by their partners regarding fidelity? Lots of mock indignation here and spin? That said, we need better health checks and security for these ladies most if not all who have little choice in how they earn an adequate income, many of who would seem to be housewives, turning tricks just to keep up the mortgage payments, afford an unaffordable energy bill! None of which is assisted by bible banging virtue signalling! If a fifty-something whore, guffaws at the idea that some men find her more attractive and accomplished in bed than their moralising or frigid or disinterested wives? STD's are spread when condoms are not insisted on and must be mandatory as should be CCTV security! The latter would have a deterrent effect on those men who have compliant wives at home and just need to make an effort to be nice in order to obtain the desired outcome/and end result. sorry the obvious pun was intended And perhaps some reverse role-playing would help both parties and inject some interest back into a lacklustre marriage? Where a healthy normal sex life is the glue that binds marriage relationships and must never ever be weaponised by either party, least they want to see it driven asunder! Alan B. P.S. No sex please, We're British! Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 October 2019 10:29:08 AM
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Has Anne-Maree ever wondered why these blokes are going to prostitutes in the first place? Has she ever thought that the bloke wouldn't be there if he was getting his needs met at home.
Has she ever thought that it might be that the sexy young thing so quick to leap between the sheets with the bloke during the courting, suddenly developed nightly headaches once the goal of home & motherhood has been achieved. Of course he may not be as exciting sexually, as he was 15 years ago, but then perhaps those nightly headaches are not all that exciting either. Most blokes are pretty lazy, they won't bother straying if they are happy at home, unless some temptress appears offering all the pleasures the wife did when they first met, in which case he wouldn't be going to professionals. If mum wants dad to stay home, perhaps she should reincarnate the temptress of old a couple of times a week. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 25 October 2019 11:27:08 AM
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Have seen reports of women who took the view that if her partner was seeking more sex than she was providing, would prefer it was from a sex worker. They are generally only interested in clients who behave while they keep paying for the service. Seems unusual for a man to leave his partner and take on a prostitute as a girlfriend. However, if he takes on a mistress or whatever initially for more sex, she is much more likely to want a more permanent relationship, breaking up an established one in the process. Also, have seen reports that the incidence, or at least reported sexually transmitted infections is overall lower than in the general population with sex workers largely wanting "safe sex". So men using sex workers probably causes less breakups of families than them seeking sex elsewhere.
Posted by mox, Friday, 25 October 2019 3:53:37 PM
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not really rocket science to work out why so many young men and women are topping themselves these days. The 'freedom' to have sex with whoever and whatever is one of the primary courses of 'mental health' although no feminist or emasculated male would ever admit it. You would think with all the useless arts degrees the unis dish out they could work out that people having sex together is more than just a physical encounter for many. As much as men want to guarantee supply and feminist are daft enough to think they can have all the guilt free sex they like, mental health issues will continue to increase in our new found 'freedom'. Kids will suffer greatly but what the heck. We can kill them before birth and not be charged. What a sick society Secularism has promoted.
Posted by runner, Friday, 25 October 2019 4:22:59 PM
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Thank you for an outstanding article, provoking us to think more deeply about the impact of sexual promiscuity on our society. When people develop autonomous moral values, Australia gets what you've described: <<Stories of violence, rape, coercion, degradation and STI's are horrifying and rife.>> There are world views of differences here: (1) the one you have described involving moral relativism, and (2) moral absolutes: <<to wilfully lie and deceive a trusting partner after years of faithful commitment, is a harsh kick in the guts. Not to mention the very real risk of passing on an incurable STI to the unsuspecting partner>> I'm 100% with you: <<Surely it is preferable to encourage and uphold an ethos of marital faithfulness in our culture, rather than to endorse the expansion of the sex industry, which will inevitably facilitate the shattering of the trusts and dreams of everyday Australians>> However, our godless secular society wants to go so far as to make ... + The NDIS fund sex workers for those with disabilities, + Prostitutes available to Australian soldiers to 'relieve stress' - recommended by an Army chaplain, I look forward to more of your writing for On Line Opinion. Posted by OzSpen, Saturday, 26 October 2019 6:12:30 PM
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Ozspen looks forward to more articles by the trouble-maker Ann-Maree, who by the form and content of her article shows that she is anti-male, and completely unsympathetic to the current problem of marital relations, and in fact seeks to stoke the flames.
Rather than address the problem of the catastrophic breakdown in marital relations, and male-female relations generally, she refers in her article to the patronage of sex workers by a married man, as him ”having a bit of fun”. Ann Maree discloses her research for the article which was her reading of an interview with a sex worker , which included “Then the interviewer asks: And what would people be surprised to know about working on the street? :” "That their husbands are down there every Saturday," Dawn laughs. Ann Maree then launches her fabricated anti husband tirade, based on what the sex worker is reported to have said in the interview She says:“I immediately felt sickened reading those words and the plight of the trusting wife at home rose before me. The fact that the sex worker laughed as she said those words provoked a fierce anger in me, and feelings of frustration and incredulity at the way this is perceived as a funny joke - I was shaken to the core. The situation of the husband, a married man in the situation where he goes to a sex worker, is not considered, but enquiry would soon reveal that his wife used sex as a manipulation in their lives. There is an assertion now that a woman a week is killed by a partner or ex-partner. If true, then the women’s movement, typified by people like Ann-Marie has been instrumental in causing the backlash, of which this is the result. Ozspen should reconsider her support for this obnoxious viewpoint Posted by Leo Lane, Monday, 28 October 2019 7:30:32 PM
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Leo Lane,
So, are you a supporter of men betraying their marital vows and heading to the local prostitute before and/or after work? Don't you have any respect for loyalty in marriage that contributes to a stable family? Research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies found that 'an active engagement in behaviours that are supportive of the relationship is needed to maintain relationship stability—simply wanting the relationship to continue is not enough', Healthy families are not built on sex for convenience. Posted by OzSpen, Monday, 28 October 2019 9:05:36 PM
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Ozspen obviously considers that criticism of her obnoxious views entitles her to tell or infer baseless lies about me, a topic of which she is completely ignorant, apart from her failed attempts to reinterpret my words. .Is there an
Australian Institute of Family Studies ? If so, your link to it does not work. You should stick to your fabrication of despicable lies, until you can use a computer. Posted by Leo Lane, Tuesday, 29 October 2019 8:56:23 AM
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Leo Lane
You and I cannot engage in a rational conversation as long as you continue with your fallacious reasoning: + 'her obnoxious views' - Ad Hominem (abusive); + 'infer baseless lies' - Ad Hominem (abusive); + 'You should stick to your fabrication of despicable lies, until you can use a computer' - Ad Hominem (abusive) <<Is there an Australian Institute of Family Studies ? If so, your link to it does not work>>. The link goes directly to the AIFS, which is a government organisation. I wonder who is the one who doesn't know how to use the computer? Can't you read the wording of this URL that I gave? = Australian Institute of Family Studies. Go to the bottom of the article and it confirms this identification. Do you want to deny the content of the article? If you respond to me with any more logical fallacies, I will not reply as it is impossible to engage in a reasonable conversation with a person like you, who uses erroneous reasoning. Posted by OzSpen, Tuesday, 29 October 2019 9:33:11 AM
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Yes Ozspen, you have no valid response or excuse for your despicable fabrications, so you avoid the topic, make more false assertions,and wimp out of the thread. Good riddance.
Posted by Leo Lane, Tuesday, 29 October 2019 6:24:02 PM
With public sex acts on display in BDSM carnivals, gay mardigrass trumpiting gay abandon and cheering in a new moral-less future for our twisted society, I wish the author the best of luck with her concept of opposition to it all.
While bored housewives in the suburbs turn their family dwellings by night, into brothels by day, and invariably introduce children to the freewheeling concept of anything goes, then ALL does go by the wayside.
The author seems to be living in a cacoon of decency, once which was our standard expectation of community values.
I wonder did she vote for gay marriage and does she still support the rainbow equality, which leads to this end, and adds the oddball additions of sacking our best football players for speaking up about it!