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Hydrogen, the clean green energy fuel : Comments
By Keith Suter, published 16/10/2019Riffkin argued that much as oil had transformed the 20th century, so hydrogen could be just as revolutionary in the 21st.
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Posted by Galen, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 11:16:04 AM
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There is always some smarty who can see a buck in doing something, that doesn't need doing, to con people out of their hard earned.
Why the hell would you want to make a new fuel that is, Hard to store, Dangerous, More expensive than what you have now, Provides less power per dollar than what it is made from, Is totally less useful than what we have. This is just another spin off from the Global Warming scam, & academia getting research grants for doing totally useless research. Honda spent years trying to develop a useful hydrogen fuel cell. In fact they spent so much money they were on the verge of bankruptcy, before common sense returned & they dropped the idea. The only way hydrogen can be economic for the public to use as a fuel is if it is grossly subsidised, that is if we are forced to pay the real cost in our taxes. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 11:25:41 AM
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Using high temperature nuclear to split water (not via electrolysis), then combining the hydrogen with carbon dioxide, produces liquid hydrocarbon fuel that can be distributed as normally. The reason electricity prices are high is to cover both coal generation that is being replaced by increasingly expensive gas, and, the building of renewables generation and transmission infrastructure that is redundant when we have to run backup contingent for its 100% failure. I disagree with consumers not having to pay bills that factor in international pricing for gas as this is effectively a government subsidy. Let there be: 1. a hefty carbon price, with income tax and welfare payment compensation which is gradually removed. 2. removal of the nuclear ban 3. no subsidies for any generation source 4. a reliability requirement upon retailers matching that which coal generation delivers. To meet reliability, retailers buying from renewables electricity wholesalers would then have to consider carbon-prices fossil-fuelled backup or preposterously expensive storage. These measures would result in the triumph of nuclear generation over other options. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 1:19:54 PM
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The hydrogen economy will come, but not as Keith Suter envisages. Plenty of hydrogen will be produced, but it will mostly be used for production of sponge iron, ammonia and hydrocarbon synthesis - very little will be used directly as fuel, as it's quite difficult to work with, and batteries are a more practical alternative for most vehicles.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ ttbn, Extinction Rebellion are demanding the government take action, so they're certainly not anarchists. And am I right in thinking you've never actually encountered any of them and your labelling of them as dirty and smelly is based on your imagination (like your wind worshippers claim)? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Luciferase, Where did you get the idea that nuclear power would be a cheap option? It seems to be very expensive in England - why do you think that is? And is a government subsidy really so bad as a short term policy? Even if we do go with nuclear, it will take time to build. We're going to be temporarily far more reliant on gas for the next few years, at a price nobody envisaged, and meanwhile some of our competitors, including the USA, have domestic quotas so gas is cheap for them. Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 3:28:35 PM
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The fact is the scientists are just conning some more of our dollars with this hydrogen nonsense. China, India and Russia will take up all our supposed CO2 savings and add a lot more so it is all nonsense!
Our grid is going to be ruined but watch out when we start suffering power cuts and the continual doubling of power prices. You doughnuts will blame the voter but their blame is what sticks. They will blame the renewables and their supporters. Personally I see that smarty in NSW buying another coal power station and making himself another fortune.. that should show the way but I fear we will lead the world in power expenses. Good news Asia have few solar or wind turbines. Never seen either after over a year in Vietnam. They plan big coal plants and cheap power, now there is an idea! Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 5:44:10 PM
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British bus builder Dennis experimented with hydrogen and fuel cells.
They abandoned it because the life of the fuel cells made it uneconomic. Another major catch, you cannot park hydrogen cars in underground car parks. Connectors cannot be made leak proof. The source to wheels is very inefficient. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 8:25:45 PM
You stated “thorium is less radioactive than a banana”, rubbish.
“Thorium is an alpha emitter and, once in the body, it can cause cancer and other anomalies. Impacts can vary depending on the timing and amount of exposure. Childhood leukaemia is a verified outcome of thorium exposure. Children with high levels of thorium can suffer multiple birth defects. Studies show that children exposed to Thorium contamination suffer primarily from congenital heart defects and neural tube defects. The magnitude of public contamination caused by this alpha-emitting radioactive compound is a serious question to be answered.”
This quote from recent studies of Thorium and other radioactive exposure in Iraq.
How do you like those bananas Alan?