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Regulatory attacks bringing a sad demise of the Australian economy : Comments

By Alan Moran, published 6/9/2019

The Australian economy has been flagging for many years now. Over the past year we actually saw a decline in GDP per capita and per hour worked.

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We have a government who as an idiotic ideological imperative, need to privatise everything former generations built and paid for!

Chanting as they do so, the government has no business in business. And just wrong.

They critique socialism and communism but have their hands out for financial and defence assistance from, vastly better managed, tiny resource-poor, socialist Singapore. Are like chooks running around with their heads lopped off trying to conjure up trade deals with communist, human rights-abusing, totalitarian China.

I am old enough to remember when one wage was enough to buy a home, support a family of four or more, pay for a serviceable motor vehicle and feed clothe and educate the kids. Plus pay for an annual holiday. At a time when we were the third wealthiest nation on the globe, a creditor one at that!

We've come a long way since then and solely as a direct consequence of government intervention, rules/regulations!

The first being the gradual, progressive erosion of personal freedoms the second being a huge cohort of homeless folk/unaffordable housing.

A nation now 66th in the world? Hopelessly mired in debt, with most of our co-ops dismantled as a consequence of government actions, intervention/evocation.

We've certainly come a long way! Most of it for most folk, being all downhill, their centuries-long, enterprise/endeavour squandered by fiscal illiterates, to shore up political outcomes/personal power!

Our personal wealth is illusionary, the product of quite massive debt! Mining booms, both squandered for base political reasons/objectives!

Co-ops stood almost alone as the only free market, private enterprise, business model, to survive the great depression largely intact! Progressively dismantled at the altar of idiotic, ideological imperative!

We need to reembrace cooperative capitalism as new government-funded/facilitated co-ops. Some could be power providers other water reticulators, using deionisation dialysis desalination to provide ost effective, potable water on demand.

Other could be credit unions/housing co-ops. Time to put this nation back on a forward foot! Just get on with what every boy and his dog knows needs to happen!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 7 September 2019 11:07:20 AM
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Thanks, Dan and rare praise indeed. None of my hats will fit now!

That said, I'm not advocating government investment in anything but our people, and their better ideas and innovation. And in the form of competing co-ops that compete for your dollar.

And as government-funded and facilitated co-ops, beat the pants off of all other private enterprise and any public corporatised model!

And in projects that have to earn their keep/repay the investment capital!

As indicated, Australian owned and operated co-ops that allow us to more than compete for business on the global market.

Imagine once agin building cars here! As electric vehicles with Austrailian made batteries powering them and other vehicles! f the energy componentis cheap enough and the workforce is an owner operator co-op. we keep all the money we make right here as well as the total tax liability, for an enterprise that beats the pants off the competition and yet pays the best hourly rate replete with the best and safest working conditions!

And without any union involvement! They would incorporate a criche and a housing co-op and possibly a shool and hospital for the self employed employees/owner operators.

And the only way we are ever going to reestablish ourselves as a manufacturing economy that can take on and beat the world every which way all while massivel turbocharging the economy.

And one that always sells more to the world than it buys, and done that finally stops us massively bleeding consumption capital to the rest of the world, and one that becomes so productive that we needs must start inviting guest labour.

For the skill sets, we don't have/can't train here. Only requirement being, they train at least two apprentices or cadets during their term.

At least half their total salary withheld and paid to them as a lump sum back in their homeland unless a dozen or more Australians, neighbours, friends, sponsored them, requested they be allowed to stay.

In which case they would have adopted all our social customs and have been thoroughly assimilated model citizens.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 7 September 2019 4:09:11 PM
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Alan B,
And you're still opposed to a National Service ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 September 2019 9:08:34 AM
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I don't believe I ever said I was opposed to national service, in fact, I believe the record show, I've advocated national service (compulsory) for long term unemployed (6 months or longer)

That said we can stimulate a tanking economy with short term sugar hits like tax relief that is reinvested in additional productive capacity or as a rise in pensions. Pensions are spent, put straight back into the economy as increased demand.

Increased demand takes goods from retailers shelves, which in turn create reorders from wholesalers, who need to replace their inventory from the factory here or overseas.

If it's replaced from overseas, it doesn't do much for our economy, but plenty for theirs!

We can support folk with the dole, work for the dole schemes or just create full-time work.

Creating full-time work is too easy as government-funded/facilitated co-ops that produce or process something. Given they do that profitably, say as power, water provision, manufacturing electric vehicles, Australian Lithium-ion batteries, we will reinvigorate the economy/niche market exports.

And indeed, our own economic miracle.

Part of that economic miracle has to include the progressive roll-out of Graphene highways/byways. Why? Because graphene is the strongest material on earth! A superconductor that will allow roads that don't crack or pothole/ bridges/infrastructure that stands without much maintenance for centuries.

Moreover, replace aging and increasingly vulnerable transmission towers, plus eliminate most of the current transmission and distribution losses, (around 75% combined) increase the profitability fourfold as the first consequence from the world's cheapest electricity!

Or further reduce electricity costs by similar margins, given we create intended private enterprise competition, i.e., employee-owned/operated co-ops, competing for the consumers' dollar.

This would ensure the most efficient most capably lead would win and progress as others didn't. Given comparative benchmarking, those qualities could be instilled in other professionally mentored co-ops.

We really have no other real choice if we would put this nation back to work. The drones/users/leaners exposed in this exercise could be offered paid migration anywhere else on earth!

TBC Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 8 September 2019 11:20:38 AM
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We've had so much alleged reform of our tax collection methodology, that it's arguably the most complex on earth with more holes than Swiss cheese!

We can't ever fix it! Therefore it has to be completely jettisoned in favour of some comprehensible, sane, new arrangements!

Those new arrangements would and could do two tasks, reinvigorate the economy/wealth creation/jobs!

And as a 15% flat tax on every dollar earned by anyone here in this country. Every dollar of gross profit would be levied by 15 cents! And collected via the banking industry as a compulsory 15% transaction tax. And the best way, given it could all be done electronically as a direct transfer overnight to the ATO/consolidated revenue.

This would eliminate all reconciliation and compliance costs, meaning the 7% averaged, as these ancillary costs could be returned to the business bottom line.

Farms and rural enterprise could still average their income over 7 years. And treated in completely separate arrangements

GST could also be eliminated in the process! And given we did as proposed, lift revenue by as much as 60+bilions per!? The result would be an effective 8% tax in real terms given the return of all compliance and reconciliation costs, plus the end for all time of ubiquitous and economy harming bracket creep!

They'd be battering the door down to get in and relocate their business operations here! [Or retirement options.]

Even if that required businesses to accept (40-50%) Australian partners. Say employee-owned and operated co-ops? TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 8 September 2019 11:46:54 AM
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And as a 15% flat tax on every dollar earned by anyone here in this country.
Alan B,
Now you're talking ! Get rid of Commercial Welfare at the same stroke of the pen !
Put a ceiling of ten (10) times the minimum wage for Govt salaries !
Australia's Economy would be A1 in no time at all !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 September 2019 12:05:14 PM
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