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US to 'drown the world' in oil : Comments

By Nicholas Cunningham, published 28/8/2019

A recent report from this organization says that to avoid the worst effects of climate change, 'we can’t afford to drill up any oil and gas from new fields anywhere in the world.'

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The climate hysterics are drowning the world in bullshite.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 28 August 2019 9:56:28 AM
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yeah well I suppose the warmist religion of the 70's insisted we would be out of oil by the year 2000. Now they are worried the US is producing to much. Pathetic to think these alarmist have brainwashed so many. Really comical to hear of electric cars needing to produce more carbon than petrol cars. Anyone told Bill Shorten or Daniel Andrews.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 28 August 2019 10:20:43 AM
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Well it looks like all those predicting peak oil, & telling us we would be back on the horse & cart by 2000 got it about as right as those telling us we would all be boiling in a hottest world "EVER" by the 2000, or 2005, or 2006, or 2010, or in 18 months, or 12 years or any time in the next few centuries.

Incredibly some people believed every wrong prediction, & still fall for the same garbage today.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 August 2019 12:18:11 PM
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The world has a future, just not a fossil-fueled one! And just for an economic future that has finally forced the cold dead hand of the price gouging fossil fuel industry off of our's and the global economy.

Every second one of us will confront cancer before we turn 85. Along with infants babies, toddlers and juveniles, fall victim to myeloid leukemia aand some very nasty brain cancers etc. More so if you live close by a highway busy with diesel-powered traffic

. Fossil fuels are toxic and give off toxic and cariogenic particulates. Some of our larger cities are so smog bound from industrial pollution, almost impossible to venture outside on some days.

Oil price shocks contributed to several global recessions and that cannot be allowed to happen again with weaponised oil!

Electric vehicles don't, despite the endlessly repeated mistruths of a brainwashed from birth, runner., have an exhaust or an exhaust product that spews CO2 and other pollutants into an already hugely overloaded atmosphere.

Think, at the dawn of humankind, around 2 million years ago? The atmosphere was 51% antiviral anti-bacterial, disinfecting oxygen. Today it is less than half that and the world has more than doubled the infectious diseases we must now cope with. Incidentally, oxygen is implicated in all healing!

We need other cleaner, vastly less costly, vastly less-lethal fuels and we do have other cheaper safer less-lethal options.

Because thorium is so abundant and all but everywhere, it has to be thorium!

There's enough energy in a handfull of Mumbai sand, to power India for a year!?

And because thorium is so prevalent, almost impossible for greedy speculators to corner the energy market and cripple entire economies with endless maximised price gouging and rationed weaponised oil!

Thorium promises every fusion did, but couldn't, unlike thorium, deliver!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 28 August 2019 12:38:42 PM
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Come on Alan, a bit of rationality would help.

Without fossil fuels we would still, like the cavemen & medieval man, be lucky to reach our 30Th birthday. It is only the civilisation allowed by fossil fuels that has enabled most of us to live long enough to develop cancer.

Even if someone actually solves the problems with thorium & builds a power system that works with it, we will still be using fossil fuels long after you & I have gone.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 August 2019 3:47:14 PM
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The US probably uses half a million barrels of oil per day on wars.

How much oil are we going to waste sending warships to the M/E to protect oil shipments out of the gulf and to protect the US petrodollar?
Why exactly are we starving the people of Iran and Venezuela?
If the US itself wants to overthrow these countries so it can turn the oil taps on for themselves, then that apparently is quite ok.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 28 August 2019 4:50:55 PM
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Hasbeen. How do you expect anyone to build something, although field-tested and found safer than coal, cheaper than coal and cleaner than coal by Alvin Weinberg, the inventor and patent holder of the first operational nuclear reactor, thorium is like all nuclear power, prohibited here by government regulations? And for all one knows by the government you were part of?

Moreover, also prohibited by congress one imagines, to protect your much-valued fossil fuel industry, which would be largely destroyed by the successful rollout of cheaper than coal thorium and electric vehicles! Moreover, 200 times stronger than steel graphene placed as a layer of cling wrap thin, layer under our highways and byways and used instead of very vulnerable, transmission towers, enable a few things.

#1 The reduction of transmission losses.
#2 the massive strengthening of our road works, bridges and other infrastructure.
#3 Allow electric vehicles fitted with underbody magnetic induction plates to be continuously recharged as they travel. The same principle that allows you to recharge your phone by just placing it on a recharge mat. In the foregoing, the recharge mat is hundreds or thousands of miles long and cling wrap thin!

And given we progressively roll out such road works and infrastructure, quite massively reduce essential maintenance and associated costs. And as a solution, eliminate the tyranny of distance, that currently limits electric vehicle range!

And more bad news for recalcitrant petrol heads!

If you won't help the next generation have a better future than the one you inherited from your forebears? Then just get out of the way!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 28 August 2019 5:41:58 PM
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Got a date on that Alan?
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 August 2019 6:31:18 PM
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Anyone remember when the Obamessiah told his nodding followers that "We can't drill our way out of this [oil dependence]" or "It's time for Big Oil and some in Congress to stop misleading the public about what more drilling can do, and instead push for real solutions to soaring gas prices.”

That was way back before the fracking revolution got underway.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin was admonishing the country to "Drill, baby, drill!"

Its claimed that Obama was the smartest person in the room.
Its claimed Palin was a bimbo.

Anyone see a problem with those claims?
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 29 August 2019 12:06:58 PM
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Yep another thing the entire developed world can thank Trump for. Getting us out of the control of the Arab oil billionaires. If it weren't for his policies we would be paying hugely inflated prices for Arab oil. His freeing up of the US for drilling has put a lid on the prices Middle Eastern oil producers can charge.

Now all we need is a government with the guts to make Oz petroleum retailers supply only that refined in Oz. That would rebuild our refinery capacity & take us out of the hands of Asian oil refiners who are ripping us off in place of the Arabs.

Then we could frack our own huge shale oil deposits. Thus not only saving huge foreign exchange costs, but delivering a vast number of high paying jobs.

Drill baby drill, & make Australia great, for once.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 30 August 2019 1:05:56 PM
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Yes, Hasbeen, we should be drilling like there's no tomorrow, but we aren't and we won't because we aren't the USA. The single easiest and best way to reduce CO2 emissions (if that's something that is of concern - hint, its not) has been overlooked because its politically way too hard.

One big difference here as opposed to the US is that over there, the farmer gets a cut of anything that comes out of the ground he owns. Here, no.

So pass a law that guarantees farmers a percentage of the profits of fracking, and you'd be knocked down in the rush. Farmers who currently whine about the affects of fracking on their cows or whatever, would suddenly decide those affects weren't there.

Fracking would take off just like the US. And the opponents know that so won't permit such changes.

We will eventually frack but only after things become so bad that there is no other choice. That's current Australia for you.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 31 August 2019 12:38:24 PM
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Actually, Peak Crude Oil occurred in 2005 and is currently on a slowly
declining plateau. What happened was that an old technique of fracking
was employed and so you see the current production of tight light oil.
Deep sea drilling rigs seems to have become economic also.

As far as CO2 is concerned, well maybe we might be able to stop worrying
about that in the next few years if the work by Turku Uni in Finland
and Kobe Uni in Japan can get attention. They have shown that global
warming and cooling is a natural cycle.
Caused by sun variation, sunspot variation and cosmic rays effect
on cloud cover. It has been around for a while but recently much
more effort has been put into it.
Interestingly they show that co2 has almost no affect on temperature.

Their hypothesis explains the warm period in Roman times, the medieval
warm period and the Maunder Minimum in the 18th century when the Thames froze every year.
They postulate that the warming in the late 20th century was the peak
and the next hundred years will be getting colder.

It will be interesting to watch the IPCC to see if they treat these
papers seriously or just ignore them.
To acknowledge it will cause much grinding of guts in the pollies etc.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 1 September 2019 11:05:17 PM
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Dear old Hasbeen,

You claim;

“Yep another thing the entire developed world can thank Trump for. Getting us out of the control of the Arab oil billionaires. If it weren't for his policies we would be paying hugely inflated prices for Arab oil. His freeing up of the US for drilling has put a lid on the prices Middle Eastern oil producers can charge.”

What an absolute crock.

Obama oversaw nearly a doubling of US oil production, trump has barely left his mark.

Bloody hell mate, you really don't have to make things up. It is unbecoming, highly detrimental to any standing you have left on this forum, and puts you firmly in Trump's conga line.

As to price protection the average closing price of crude oil world wide in 2016, Obama's last year, was $43.58. At the end of Trump's first year he had managed to oversee it being driven to $50.84. Not content with that he has seen it at a closing average of $64.90.

If you are going to brag about your president perhaps finding a different field could be the go. Alternatively you could stop making things up.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 2 September 2019 8:03:57 PM
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Alan B, inductive coupling charging of electric cars will be dead
before it gets started. The problem is the coupling is done at
frequencies in the 80 to 150 Khz range at powers around 50 to 100Kw +.
The coupling can never be anything like 100% so the radiation would
be very high. The harmonics would spread right through the HF spectrum.
In the UK the OFCOM is examining the intention to use that
technique to charge electric cars. A ban seems inevitable.
Looking at the proposal it just seems to be a wish too far.
Anyone in radio feels it is just not a goer because of the
interference generated.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 2 September 2019 10:13:11 PM
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