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Who needs democracy anyway? : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 29/7/2019

The Australian Labor Party – which promised a sweeping range of climate initiatives – recorded its worst vote in decades with just one in three votes. In the resource rich state of Queensland.

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Good article, Ross Eliot.

I agree with your reasoning and it's conclusions. There exists in western demographics groups of people who think that democracy is an inconvenience to the sort of utopian Brave New World they envision. They are convinced that they, and only they, are the font of all knowledge and all that is good and holy. They stare down their noses at ordinary working class, disadvantaged class, and lower middle class people (who are usually their parents) and consider themselves a caste apart.

Unable to convince the Great Unwashed of the validity of their causes, the elites instead constantly sneer at us and belittle us. They tell us we are too ignorant to understand their causes and that we should just do as we are told by our superiors. Then they wonder why we turn on them at the ballot box
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 29 July 2019 9:43:57 AM
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Street blockers should be put away until learn how to behave around other people. Something like puppy school. The same should apply to those creatures wanting to jam an ever-increasing population into high density cities. They emote about battery hens, but want to dehumanise people in similar accommodation. As the author says, the elitist policies have little or no public support, highlighting again the non- representation of our idiot politicians.

Only voters can put things right; and they will never do that by continuing to vote for the riff raff that keeps doing the same old same old.

We need a system of primary voting with all candidates presenting themselves to the electorate for vetting before any candidate gets onto a ballot card. The party hacks we have to vote for because they brown-nosed the right party commissars are absolute rubbish.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 29 July 2019 9:46:31 AM
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This article shows just what the problem in Labor ranks is and it's not democracy but rather it obvious lack as one of many issues a dying in place, a demonstrably diabolically dumb Labor needs to address.

First things first. How can any organisation with just 15% approx. of the voting population expect to represent the broader and far more diverse electorate, without first representing that broader diaspora's actual asperations. This is not China!

It cannot be a tail wagging a dog and in turn, be a dog wagged by a green anti-jobs and development tail.

I mean state Labor in Q'ld has a rediculous position, it can't/won't allow or consider Nuclear power, because it is prohibited by state law! Almost as if they believe and expect the less gullible public to assume, someone other than the government created those very laws and can lift them as easily as they created them!

It's not democracy at fault, just the makeup and control, where unions weld far to much power and far too much representation!

And because they're drawn from our least able ranks, unable to envision a new role that makes them and Labor relevant in the new century.

We are in the 21st century, they are locked in a 19th-century-time- warp!

With divide and rule, business as usual politics, ruling them! Along with this or that factional chieftain and the larger factions deciding both errant policy and demonstrably disingenuous or divisive candidates. All off who want and or crave the top job. Don't/can't understand in order to lead, one must first learn how to follow. TBC
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 29 July 2019 10:30:27 AM
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Ross has a lovely way with words...but all too often, big cracks in the substance.

If Democracy wasn't so blatantly undemocratic, would there be a need for the Bob Browns and Eco-terrorists?

And also, anybody with a working experience with their undemocratic Local Government, would naturally be highly suspicious with all it's decision making outcomes, as opposed to its democratic requirements! Your a laughing stock on that one Ross.

The demonstrating ecologists were simply outgunned by propaganda, smear and fear campaigns easily waged against it. ( And all this is said by one who holds little regard for him or his greens party).

The problem with Democracy is the power of vested interest, of which Ross is a big winner.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 29 July 2019 10:35:30 AM
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It's not unionism and the unions the problem. It's the communist control of them.

There is now an additional layer of control not obvious in days gone by. It's the young maverick fresh from university on the union payroll, (eg Shorten), marching around the membership and pretending to care about the underpaid worker, when actually it is himself and his meteoric rise through the labor party ranks which features quietly through his whole being.

Unions totally lack empathy. that is why they are discredited.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 29 July 2019 10:49:41 AM
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Labor/democracy need a divorce from thoroughly disreputable, disruptive and divisive unions!

If unions want to protect wages and conditions!? Then the only choice in the 21st century, where they now only represent the asperations of 15% of the working population!

Is by embracing cooperative capitalism, where members create/head up brand new co-ops that are owned and operated by members, competing for trade and or business. Organising officials sit on boards.

Other than that, morph into labour-hire firms that contract labour hire. Much like the stevedoring unions used to. Only this time they need a few vessels competing with regular merchant shipping for trade.

Knowing that this trade as bulk transport remains almost the most lucrative in the world!

Should ours be MSR thorium powered, able to bring margins below where any other shipping operation could ever compete!

It's never was/isn't the cost of labour that makes the difference, but the fuel bill.

Moreover, this new fuel type would be both carbon-free, [a merchandising imperative, but] the cheapest in creation, another merchandizing imperative!

Add on automation/AI and the wages are made minimal/the returns maximised. even as the margins are lowered to the point, where rust buckets with dollar a day crews cannot compete, are left with no choice than relinquish the field.

Yes, it wouldn't return coastal shipping to the good old days, but it would return an Australian owned/managed coastal shipping employing only Australians!


ould be the very template to create, then take over all international shipping/roll on roll off, rapid rail.

Indeed every other industry that needs shipping of bulk goods transport paradigm, be it raw, processed, value-added or comprehensively manufactured.

If the unions want either control or influence or to retain relevance then they need to embrace cooperative capitalism comrade and future vision.

So also does their creation, The Australian Labor Party.

If Labor and the unions would accept and embrace this advice, not only is their futures/relevancy assured, but arguably the only political/union affiliation that has one!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 29 July 2019 11:18:00 AM
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How anyone who has watched the violence, the made up lies, the tantrums, fake race crimes, fake rape claims, lying liberal media of the democrats in America could possibly think the marxist believe in democracy is beyond belief. Labour here in Australia is following the democrats footsteps. No wonder so many people see Trump as a hero of the working class.
Posted by runner, Monday, 29 July 2019 2:11:12 PM
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Sir Henry Bolte, otherwise known as Edward Henry Bolte and one of Victoria's more successful and long-serving Liberal premiers. Tells this story. Some time in the distant future transplants will become far more commonplace and every human organ including the human brain, will be transplanted. The latter stored like blood in a brain bank. Anyhow, in this distant future, an interested visitor was being shown around this brain bank.

They were in clear containers of nutrient and keep alive with an oxygen flow. And labeled according to age, blood type and price.

On the right, priced at just a few dollars, on the left, for thousands.

The visitor saw this apparent anomaly/disparity and questioned. "Why are those on the left, which look no different, so much more expensive?

Well replied the custodian. Those on the right are all Liberal brains and thoroughly worn out and overworked. Those on the left, however, are Labor brains and hardly used at all and in mint or near new condition!

Which likely also applies to the left-leaning redevelopment friendly Author?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 29 July 2019 4:38:35 PM
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I would like to see a strong focus on reintroducing common sense by starting at home then pre school & so on. This would expose the pseudo Democracy of the past-present & rectify the formula !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 30 July 2019 6:48:57 AM
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