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The Forum > Article Comments > The shameful neglect of Australia's legacy of space facilities > Comments

The shameful neglect of Australia's legacy of space facilities : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 23/7/2019

While Australia played its part in 1969, we need reminding of how Australia (especially the ACT) squandered its heritage from NASA.

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What can you expect from the numbskulls we elect and the science free zones that are, by and large, our parliaments?

Where the focus invariably descends to a contest to win the next election and the endless one-up-manship and betrayal that emphasises and underlines just that.

Therefore, makes the future and our prospects for it, very much of an irrelevancy, when weighed against personal power and the party's prospects, 3 years hence!

So, we have gone from the third wealthiest nation on earth and a creditor one at that to somewhere south of a largely ineffectual one, somewhere south of number thirty, and one mired in record foreign and domestic debt and overcrowded gridlocked cities plus an infrastructure deficit, at least thirty years long. This gives the illusion of being better off!?

And us little more than a toothless tiger that's virtually defenceless, as this party or the other porkbarrels their way to yet another winning of power, as the masses are placated with the morphia of the masses. sport.

If you told any visitor of this past our great big and shining mineral booms, then pointed to how well we'd increased homelessness and unmet need! The ever-widening gap between the haves and the have nots! They'd look at us as if the inmates were running the asylum! And not be too far wrong!

Tell them we tested nuclear weapons, launched rockets and they'd say your joking! I mean, we could have lead the world in alternative peaceful purpose, nuclear energy and with the least fatalities of any power generation provision and potentially the lowest costing and safest.

Denied along with with our lost in space, space legacy by the morons who valued personal power and the business as usual party politics above all else, except maybe servitude to powerful vested interests? By their fruits (outcomes/results) ye shall know them!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 23 July 2019 11:06:40 AM
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Hi Brendan. Here is the drum.

The same CSIRO types who would love to get their hands on public money to build a space industry are the same ones who handicapped this nation with their BS rubbish about Human Induced Climate Change, which cost this country tens of billions.

What we have in the western world today Brendan, is what President Eisenhower warned us about. The emergence of socialised science consisting of massive government departments full of scientists who use the prestige of science to invent problems which they then claim they can solve. That is, given lots of public money they can solve. Socialised scientists are like social workers. Social problems grow in direct proportion to the number of social workers hired to solve them.

Australia has always punched above it's weight scientifically. But this current generation of bureaucratised scientists should not be trusted with too much public money. Unless a majority of them come out and condemn the Climate Scientists leaders who have inflicted the greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated on the human race.

In the USA, the surviving NASA scientists who put the first man on the moon have done just that. They signed a petition demanding that NASA close down it's climate research institute because of it's blatant doctoring of figures on oceanographic temperatures. That is because the NASA moonshot boys were real scientists, not just a bunch of public servants with science degrees trying to increase their funding and prestige by inventing a problem which does not exist, which they claim that their departments can solve, provided that the world turns away from free market economics.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 24 July 2019 8:21:29 AM
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Australia is the sum total of all that went before it....and it always will you can pontificate about woulda, coulda, shoulda, all you like and bask in the light of smugness without a cause, all to no avail.
Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 26 July 2019 8:46:38 AM
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