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David Brooks strives for the second mountain : Comments
By Mark Christensen, published 18/7/2019Rejecting the religious pride by which some think they’re morally superior, the Canadian-born American also observes there is 'nothing worse than people who are so spiritualised they don’t love the world.'
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Early esoteric Christians did not exclude anyone from their ranks, practised charity as a way of life, built no great edifices to glorify God. Nor did their founder claim that he was God/the personification of God when he allegedly said, it is not I who does these things, but the father within me. Quote, unquote.
It's quite amusing to listen to ignorant fanatics misquoting from the Continue approved religious text as if either it or they had even a scaric of a grain of verifiable truth or moral authority. Or that of any religion officially allowed by a pagan sun worshipper!
Those who would live by the true original Christian ethos need to advocate for a war on poverty and unmet need, the only war worth fighting or winning.
This only justifiable war, can be won by the gifted rollout of not for profit, MSR thorium and gifted deionisation dialysis desalination.
Given to those who have neither, is the only way we are ever going to attack and remove poverty. And in so doing, save both the planet and all life! The holiest of holy causes!
What won't do anything to address and remove endemic generational poverty, is bible bashing, paganised, control freaks with their own begging bowl thrust in impoverished faces, all while commanding them not to practice safe sex, just endless and entirely unnatural abstinence!
All while conferring on themselves, solely self-granted, moral authority that borders on pedantic absolutism!
Verily I say unto you, those creatures have never ever had such Authority or Command! Only an everywhere present God knows what is truly in your heart, whether or not your eternal soul is actually worth saving!
If we with the endless advocation of fanatical falsehoods (FOLAU) have contributed to the suicide of just one other human being, we will be judged as if we had tied the rope, kicked the chair, loaded and fired the gun!
Alan B!