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The Forum > Article Comments > European Court of Human Rights legitimises unique speech privilege demanded by Islam > Comments

European Court of Human Rights legitimises unique speech privilege demanded by Islam : Comments

By Laurence Maher, published 9/7/2019

It seems the preferred way to foster “religious peace” is to pander to the hotheads.

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Oh yair. That would be right. The United Nations, which has a majority of unelected, totalitarian, backward, dysfunctional states uses it's totalitarian majority to claim that Muslim religious rights trump the right of freedom of speech in advanced countries.

Now is the time for every true liberal progressive in the western world (not the pseudo intellectual leftist variety) to give the UN two fingers full of righteous indignation. Explain to them, as one would explain a simple concept to a retarded child, how stupid and idiotic their backward religions and philosophies really are. Honestly, it is about time that political leaders in advanced societies told the mullahs and imams that their religion is a disgrace and that they should reform themselves, right now.

Of course the muzzies will scream bloody murder, but when somebody has a holy book which instructs it's followers to kill, crucify, dismember and enslave non Muslims, and some of it's followers are doing just that, why do our politician continue to pretend that Islam is a religion of peace?
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 9 July 2019 7:30:14 AM
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The Islamic belief/prediction that the kaffirs will perish by their own hand is proving to be true. In Europe, at least, what the Muslims want the Muslims will get
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 July 2019 9:06:30 AM
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Cannot agree with the UN's appeasement! More or less agree with LEGO.

But respectfully agree to disagree with a brainwashed from birth philosophy. Self-appointed Leaders have nothing more as evidence of divine inspiration than their own eyewitness or imagined account?

Be they Paul on the road to Damascus or Mahomad in Medina, or Buddha meditating his life away under a tree?

That said, I fully support the right of followers to worship as they chose. Albeit within the laws of their county or host country!

They have no right to demand more than any other citizen, regarding freedom to worship! In fact, the veiled/secretive nature of Islam's particular exclusive private education, has, for example, allowed boy buggering teachers complete untrammelled freedom/unquestioned authority to sexually abuse children in their care, with complete impunity.

And not something that could ever come from the Divine or the worship of the Divine. Nor can one see a warlord with a largely underage teenage/juvenile harem or a paedophile being selected or so tasked!

Nor his demented followers being allowed to superimpose their flawed (brainwashed from birth) ideology on a host nation. But rather, being offed safe passage back from whence they came/sprang! And good riddance.

An unquestioned life is hardly worth living. Nor is an unquestioned/unquestionable belief system worth following/the time of day!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 9 July 2019 1:27:17 PM
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The Crux of the matter is whether the Convention of Rome is a UN
convention or an EU convention.
If it is EU then the legal implications only affect the EU.
With this rule in place Brexit is urgent.
The appalling effrontery of the muslims to impose their nonsense and
morally corrupt beliefs on others is deserving of worldwide condemnation.
In Britain they are already on that path of submissionion to Islam.
They are still discussing how to make Islamaphobia a criminal offense.
At present they use the more difficult "Hate Speech" rules to achieve
the same end.
In the UK what I have written here is illegal and would get me a visit
from the police to question me on what my thoughts were when I wrote it.
If they thought I was thinking of violence to muslims or hatred of
Islam I could be charged and people have appeared in court. I do not
know if they were fined or sentenced to a gaol term.
All in all it is a dangerous world trend and the legislation that is
emerging out of the Falou affair will need to be examined closely.
A recent appeal court decision in the UK on an almost identical case
gives some hope for freedom of speech.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 9 July 2019 3:42:06 PM
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I just read the following on Wikipeasia;
On 4 March 2010, a jury returned a verdict of guilty against Harry
Taylor, who was charged under Part 4A of the Public Order Act 1986.
Taylor was charged because he left anti-religious cartoons in the
prayer-room of Liverpool's John Lennon Airport on three occasions in
2008. The airport chaplain, who was insulted, offended, and alarmed by
the cartoons, called the police.[20][21][22] On 23 April 2010, Judge
Charles James of Liverpool Crown Court sentenced Taylor to a six-month
term of imprisonment suspended for two years, made him subject to a
five-year Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) (which bans him from
carrying religiously offensive material in a public place), ordered
him to perform 100 hours of unpaid work, and ordered him to pay £250
costs. Taylor was convicted of similar offences in 2006.[23]

Yet I have seen video of London with Behead the Kafar placards.
No action taken and the same in Sydney a child holding a placard with
Behead those that Insult Mohammad.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 9 July 2019 3:58:49 PM
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Westerners are getting more stupid by the hour !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 9 July 2019 4:56:29 PM
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I have been criticised over my suggestions on dealing with an enemy.
It is apparent that the 'elite' have taken control of the running of many countries, with the ultimate goal of their ultimate dream.
It has many names and is called many things, but the fanciful one I find easiest to use is the 'one world order', or a group of people forming a centralised govt which actually runs the whole world, and we the people will come into line and do their bidding.
Don't ask me how the hell these mental deficients think they're going to pull that off, with so many competing for that throne.
With so many fools in the world, it's easy to control people, that's how religion began and for that purpose.
I have been debating for some time that this thing called 'religion', is a fabrication, a fantasy, a man-made institution, with the ultimate goal or agenda, to control people.
Christianity or Islam, in fact all of them, are just the creation of one or more people then promoted by even more people.
I don't get how stupid do people have to be, especially the ones reputed to be intelligent, to be beholding to a doctrine which, in the case of Muslims, was created by a very savage war monger, to stir up his troops prior to going into battle.
He put all that vial disgusting aggression into a book so as to spread his filth even further.
Now one could say, so what, people can take it or leave it, they are not forced to follow the Koran.
Well actually yes they are.
The really, really weak minded and retarded of humanity, get sucked in, but not only do they get sucked in, they feel they are righteous people and are duty bound to follow the teachings of the Koran.
In doing so they virtue shame and even threaten others to come into line or else.
And so it is that they are becoming one of the biggest threats to mankind and our freedom, ever, and I don't just mean speech.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 10 July 2019 3:43:02 AM
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The answer is to stand up to these aggressors, the law makers and govts are now becoming the enemy.
Every day we can see how irrational laws are being created, slowly we are being manipulated and controlled or herded so that we are powerless to those who seek to control us.
The do-gooders and the 'well meaning', stupid and gutless amongst us are to blame.
Think back, how many rights have been removed so the public is pretty much hamstrung and forced to become more and more passive and compliant.
Now we have these same f&*&kwits pushing to remove our freedom of speech under some insane idea that by merely expressing yourself or conveying a message honestly and objectively, we run the risk of offending some pathetic moron, even to the point of suicide.
I say, go ahead, if your that mentally ill, it won't be long your going to top yourself anyway.
I'm not going to stand by and let some jelly brained, stupid, dreamer who is too sensitive to take any criticism, insist that I should lie so as to not offend HIM or HER?
I don't hear any compensation being directed at me for being expected to live by anything but MY rules, so NO, they can all go and get stuffed, or even better top themselves and we, the normal, healthy people can get on with our lives and getting rid of those who would have us change it to suite them.
So what now, the stupid, the queers, the mentally retarded, the neuters, they are the ones running the countries now, is that right?
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 10 July 2019 4:05:30 AM
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There are plenty morons who will dispute that !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 10 July 2019 8:43:12 AM
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The whole situation is descending into farce.
Did the report on the Mining Safety Committee in Queensland get onto
the abnormal media in Sydney.
They cannot meet because they do not have enough women members.
Six miners died in the last year.

A further report said that several rural district water committees have
not been able to meet because they do not have enough women members.

The report suggested that the Qld government has a rule that all govt
bodies MUST have equal men women numbers.
How long before it must be 33% men 33% women 33% transomething ?
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 10 July 2019 9:23:58 AM
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Indy, I would expect them to dispute that.
They don't know any better.
I don't mind if these morons want to hand over their lives and freedoms to some evil scum bags, it's their lives.
Unfortunately they are so stupid and blinded by naively nice thoughts that because of their stupidity, they end up dragging us down with them.
That's one of my pet hates about this so called democracy.
I see no reason why we cannot live our own lives, we would be so much further along as a society, but no we have to live by the rule of the dumbest, most regressive people on the planet.
As much as I feel for the people of Hong Kong, knowing their plight is futile, I never-the-less admire them for trying to stand up to the tyranny of China.
They at least have some pride and conviction, as opposed to ignorance and arrogance, backed by a ton of entitlement.
When there is plenty everyone feels entitled, even though they did nothing to create that bounty.
When things get tough, they complain it's always someone else's fault, and refuse to accept the blame for not doing the hard yards when it was required.
It's going to be a great show when this next recession really kicks in, un-employment already showing it's teeth, things are going to get much worse, I'm going to enjoy these coming months/years, watching, listening to all the pain and suffering coming, at least I'll be OK.
How does that famous Aussie saying go, 'stuff you Jack I'm OK'?
Maybe they'll learn to become more humble once we come out of this current recession.
Although I doubt it.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 10 July 2019 9:50:20 AM
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It strikes me as passing strange that appeasement by the EU court of human rights towards homophobic, misogynistic, kiddy fiddling Islam, has suddenly become a vehicle for our resident nutters to go tropo over world government.

When there is not nor can there ever be a world government. Just globalisation and multination companies with more political power and annual revenues larger than many sovereign nations. Others going tropo over gender equality. Or simple straight forward equality, as if somehow the sky will fall and the world will end, if we have genuine gender equality!

I agree with Altra in his comments regarding the invention by mere mortal men of this or that religion. And self evidently so those self appointed morality dictators, who could never ever, in their wildest dreams win any semblance of power via popular election! NEVER EVER! Let alone speak the unvarnished truth!

Or even seek so much as a semblance/a grain of it and be prepared if honesty was the real guide, to jettison those beliefs that have been thoroughly disproven by credible substantive evidence to the contrary!

The usual morons have again come out of the woodwork to once more rant about Christophobes, their black and white diatribe on all matters, with as usual head buried, moronic, pedantic (flat earth) absolutism! (runner?)
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 10 July 2019 10:05:50 AM
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Bazz, this country has officially entered the world of the sick.
I feel as though I woke up in Zombie land with all these stupid people around me making stupid decisions.
I worry what tomorrow brings.
All I know is, if we don't stop letting these mentally ill people push through these moronic decisions, we are just making life harder and harder for everyone, even the ones who pushed the decisions through in the first place.
Is nobody listening to themselves?
Every day we are complaining about some wrong doing or another, but any attempt to correct them is met with resistance, so who is doing what in this country, because it seems that Aussies are confused, misguided and out of control.
Reminds me of a two year old spoilt brat.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 10 July 2019 10:06:52 AM
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I was just reading about the UN's interest in "Hate speech" and
how is to bring out rules about it. They are working with the
Islamic Organisation of Co-operation, muslim version of the UNHCR
recognised as a UN body. Laws to prohibit "Islamaphobia" is the aim.
I notice reading the documentation the UN is to bypass governments
and connect with businesses, and various civil organisations.

That I think is a VERY dangerous development.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 10 July 2019 11:25:26 PM
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