The Forum > Article Comments > Time for new thinking on smoking > Comments
Time for new thinking on smoking : Comments
By David Leyonhjelm, published 5/7/2019To add some perspective, a 25-pack of Marlboro now costs an eye-watering $34.95. That's $12,757 per year for a pack-a-day smoker.
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Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 5 July 2019 3:02:18 PM
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Nothing like the Bloated Medicare Taxes paid by NON SMOKERS
plantagenet, pityful argument ! Posted by individual, Friday, 5 July 2019 5:30:26 PM
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Generally for a developed nation like ours smoking accounts for 15% of our health budget. Given that sits at over $80 billion that returns a figure of $12 billion.
However the cost to productivity drove that figure quite a bit higher. "In 2000, Lightwood et al reported that the total economic costs of smoking, including productivity losses, amounted to 2.1%–3.4% of GDP in Australia." A quick back of the envelope calculation using the most conservative figure puts that at over $35 billion dollars a year. Yet we only pull $8 billion a year in tobacco excise. So smokers really are freeloading off the rest of us. Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 5 July 2019 5:34:29 PM
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Yeah INDIVIDUAL (I'm not!) and you HAS-BEAN you.
Wrap your pert lips around SteeleRedux's word of wisdom. And as you need a sound spanking I recommend you read "Pete's Foggy Friday Poetical Affirmations" at Yours Fellow OLO Tosser Poida da Great Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 5 July 2019 5:57:59 PM
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Figurers quoted by health authority are $600 million cost of smoking related disease, $8 billion tax collected,
Sorry plantagenet, 1 don't ever pay any attention to anything SR posts, it is always some dreamed up bulldust. Great imagination that fellow, pity he has no grip on reality. 1ncidental 1 think people who waste money on smoking, drinking or gambling are bloody idiots. 1 would never have been able to enjoy my motor racing, 6 years of cruising my yacht around the Pacific islands, or my current stable of sports cars, if had been silly enough to so indulge. Just because 1 don't do it myself, 1 still see no reason to rip of those who do. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 5 July 2019 6:51:23 PM
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Giday Hasbeen
Re your idle boast? - YOUR "motor racing, 6 years of cruising [YOUR] yacht around the Pacific islands, or [YOUR] current stable of sports cars" Whada filthy rich, yet "modest?", chick-magnet you must be! Are the Ladies Lining Up at your door nightly for a serious crank Shafting? Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 5 July 2019 7:58:06 PM
Pull (or Light Up :) another one!
Nothing like the Bloated Medicare Taxes paid by NON SMOKERS
to cross subsidise disproportionately high numbers of SMOKER patients.