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A manifesto for a crossbencher : Comments
By David Leyonhjelm, published 1/4/2019Elected to the NSW Legislative Council, former Liberal Democrat crossbench senator, David Leyonhjelm, outlines how he intends to proceed
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Yeah, well. He just talked a lot in federal Parliament, and he will probably sound a bit louder in the smaller pond. I don't know what it's like in NSW, but in SA, you would be scratching to find anyone who could name a member of the piddling upper house.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 1 April 2019 10:14:40 AM
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Yes David. We are very aware that you are at least in your mind a very important man and not constrained the hedonistic views of a self-centred, self-idolising, self-indulgent, narcissistic minority.
Christchurch was a wake-up call only a few individuals can ignore. And from this day forward, views on guns I used to share with you are very much past tense. Moreover, I have never ever shared your overly simplistic, financially illiterate views on tax or welfare. Understand at least this much. Concentrating more and more wealth in fewer and fewer hands,[your philosphy], is a recipe for contraction and in a nutshell that which caused both the Great Depression and the GFC! . It's said, fools never learn and your espoused manifesto proves it.. And indeed your addiction to controversy to keep you in the public eye!? And only ever to serve rank political ambition!? Like whatshisname, Senator who, formerly for a day or two, an unelected One Nation Senator. (Unelected swill, quote-unquote) Who literally had real egg on his face to match the mountains of the allegorical kind he habitually wore!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 1 April 2019 10:43:43 AM
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Two points. By all means, allow bicycle riders to not wear helmets, provided they have full medical insurance to cover them for all costs, including life-long costs, should they damage their brains in a crash.
And the barrages preventing seawater from entering the Coorong should be removed as the barrages are creating a totally artificial environment with few if any benefits to the natural environment. If this means buying the water rights back from a few farmers, so be in. Posted by Bernie Masters, Monday, 1 April 2019 10:51:30 AM
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Bernie, if this man had any brains and was GENUINELY seeking to serve? He would advocate that all the millions of annual water we FLUSH out to sea be turned inland after being treated to thoroughly sanitise it in locally invented, two tank, biodigesters.
That after powering the homes and charging the electric vehicles of the homeowners. Converting their waste to virtually free electrical energy 24/7! Plus, also produce millions of litres of thoroughly sanitised and nutrient loaded water that can be used to grow cotton and rice etc. Thus leaving that current water allocation for the environment! Given the methane created in the systems, is scrubbed then used in ceramic fuel cells which also produce endless free hot water and an exhaust product that's mostly pristine water vapour. The other waste product of the digestors is, carbon-rich soil improver of a type which not only improves moisture retention but stays in the soil for literal centuries and longer. GEOSEQUESTRATION! And in annual, millions of tons. Yes, we are talking about an, almost carbon-free, system that could cost the average homeowner as much as $40,000 to install/retrofit and slightly less if mandated in all new housing. And in either case, financed by an averaged power bill repayment. As the only payment necessary! And completely paid off during the average mostly maintenance free lifetime!? They would become completely independent power generators with a significant surplus they could sell to the grid. Which could use some of it O/P to pump all those millions of annual wasted reusable, nutrient loaded water, wherever? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 1 April 2019 11:46:55 AM
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1. What of NSW Upper House Leyonhjelm's GUN POLICIES ? October 2016 "Crossbench senator David Leyonhjelm says Australia's tough gun control laws are not based on data and were an "emotional reaction" to the Port Arthur massacre that left 35 people dead. Senator Leyonhjelm says the majority of Australians have no experience with guns and therefore do not realise that when used safely, they can be a lot of fun. The Liberal Democrat senator took Lateline to a Canberra shooting range as the so-called "guns for votes" debate continued in Federal Parliament. Senator Leyonhjelm is behind the controversial push to relax the ban on the seven-round Adler lever-action shotgun, saying "there is no compelling reason" for the weapon to be illegal." ___________________________________________ 2. Is Leyonhjelm carrying over his old Federal Parliament policies to the NSW PARLIAMENT ? See his Leyonhjelm's Party Policies, still up on the Internet as at 1 April 2019, for example: "Impediments to children participating in safe shooting activities should be removed. ..."Discussion" "The right to self defence, including with firearms, precedes the authority of governments. Consequently, while it may be restricted in the case of particular individuals, within limits, it should not be removed on a collective basis. In particular, it is not a privilege to be granted or denied by governments. In terms of genuine crime control, most gun laws are ineffective. Making gun ownership illegal does not stop gun ownership; it merely affects those gun owners who are law-abiding and least likely to use their guns in crime. Disarming the law-abiding is irrational when the lawless cannot be disarmed." Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 1 April 2019 12:45:19 PM
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Forgot to add 2 other of his Liberal Democrat GUN POLICIES
still up as at 1 April 2019. Those Policies are are : "- There should be no registration of long-arms. - There should be no prohibitions or special limits on semi-automatic firearms." Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 1 April 2019 12:52:39 PM