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Trump's New Year's gift to Putin, Rouhani, and Erdogan : Comments
By Alon Ben-Meir, published 27/12/2018Trump's decision to withdraw US forces from Syria is extremely reckless and is bound to backfire in more than one way.
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Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 27 December 2018 11:51:06 AM
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Alon Ben-Meir writes, "Nothing will deter the main antagonistic players in Syria-the Assad regime, Russia, Iran, and Turkey-other than a robust American military presence."
And, "The US cannot impact the development of events in Syria without a credible and strong military backing..." Hmm, "robust American military presence" and "credible and strong military backing". Wait a minute. It's only 2,000 troops we're talking about here. Robust, credible and strong military = 2000 troops? I don't think so. But if they are, then these troops must be simply awesome with superhuman capabilities and enormous fire power. This article is seriously over the top for such a puny troop withdrawal. Also there's about 600 personnel remaining on station. So it's only about a 75% withdrawal. And further, "...if we must withdraw our forces from any country, after 17 years it should be Afghanistan..." Ah, read the news Alon. I think you'll find that's exactly what Mr Trump is doing. Gosh, is Alon Ben-Meir suffering severe Trump derangement syndrome? Could be. Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 27 December 2018 12:42:00 PM
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Need to remember that powerful Western interests have tried to undermine the secular Democratic government led by Assad in Syria and replace it with puppets and stooges more sympathetic to their own interests. Especially installing a Rothschild controlled Central Bank and building a gas pipeline from south to north across the country to send Qatari gas to Europe. They strongly oppose what the Syrian government wants. One from East to West allowing Iran to supply Europe instead from the northern end of the same field.
Would be difficult to gain popular support for a blatant invasion so the US has long been creating and covertly supporting various terrorist groups to act as mercenaries to do their dirty work. Then have sent their own troops in on the pretext of fighting them. Remember the "US led coalition" has been in Syria illegally all along It has NOT been invited in by the legitimate Syrian Government - a member of the United Nations or authorised to be there by the UN Security Council. The Russians, Iranians and Hezbellah have been invited to help Syrians to get rid of the terrorists. It is now obvious that the US has lost another war it largely created. Apparently US popular opinion is now coming to overall oppose costly unnecessary wars despite efforts by interests controlling the mainstream media to keep them going. So Trump is probably winning himself votes for re election by trying to stop warmongering encouraged by the "Deep State". Of course the Israel Lobby, which supports what under its present government amounts to the Criminal Apartheid Zionist Settler State in Occupied Palestine is horrified by loss of others who do dirty work in the area to help secure its existence. They would like to see Syria fragmented and "Balkanised" Not united and strong, which has shattered the "Oded Yinon Plan" A Zionist long term dream of a "Greater Israel" between the Nile and Euphrates Rivers. Posted by mox, Thursday, 27 December 2018 9:21:19 PM
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Why doesn't Israel just fight it's own stupid wars?
- Doesn't want to be seen to be the aggressor - (Answered my own question) Why doesn't it send it's own servicemen to the front line? - It's their bloody war - Hasn't it gotten enough free stuff from US taxpayers already? It wants US families in poverty to have their kids doing the dying as well? Israel could not give a crap about foreign troop deaths fighting for its agendas. - It might not be so good for the corrupt Likudiniks if their armed forces were dying on foreign shores as well. - Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 28 December 2018 8:47:01 AM
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For those who are a few years behind the game and have failed to keep up with, let alone understand, the changes that Trump and his diplomacy has wrought in the M-E, this might give you a hint of how much you misunderstand and what's really going on in the world around you... This might also help understand why Turkey and the US 'Deep State' were so anxious to attack the Saudis over Kashoggi Posted by mhaze, Friday, 28 December 2018 9:56:56 AM
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Yeah, stuff the Kurds. What did they ever do for us ? Oh yeah, ISIS, but let's conveniently forget that minor detail. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 28 December 2018 4:37:34 PM
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Except LM, there isn't the slightest evidence that the Kurds have been abandoned and growing evidence of the exact opposite. Did you read the articles I linked above?
There is also evidence that Trump, during his telephne conversation with Erdogan a few weeks back, made it clear that the Kurds were off-limits and got commitments from Turkey not to cross the Euphrates. Its all to easy to see that you, like so many others, are simply opposed to whatever Trump does and that you are just using this feigned concern for the Kurds as (weak) justification for you change of stance on Syria. You should also note that, if your position is that the US should stay while-ever there's a threat to the Kurds, they'll be there effectively forever. Its just hilarious that those who constantly whine about US militarism are suddenly wrapping themselves in the flag just so they can, yet again, vent their Trump Derangement Syndrome. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 29 December 2018 6:31:32 AM
Erdogan seems intent on bringing together Sunnis and Shi'ites, i.e. mainly Arabs and Iranians, with himself as a de facto caliph. Against whom, one wonders ? Trump has kicked that process along, together with the possible massacres of Kurds and other minority groups, those who have been bearing the brunt of the fight against ISIS, which has dispersed across the landscape, to await an appropriate time to re-group, perhaps with Erdogan's blessing.
Also, if I were Israeli, I would be very concerned: The Iranians will now have unbroken control over an area from western Afghanistan through to the Mediterranean, and right up to Israel's borders.
During the Koran War, MacArthur planned to draw the North Koreans and Chinese down the Korean Peninsula, then drop a big one on the Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China. Truman sacked him when he found out. Does Trump have some dicky MacArthur-type plan to help to provoke Iranian/Hezbollah attacks on Israel, then drop a big one across the border ? Stuff the Israelis ? And, of course, simultaneously sacrifice the Kurds to Erdogan ?
Until I find at least some evidence to change my opinion of Trump, I'll still believe that he is a despicable turd, a buffoon, a bully, a spoilt rich kid playing with lethal toys, and probably close to a moron as well.
Ttbn probably knows better ?