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The Forum > Article Comments > Security derangement complex: technology companies and Australia’s anti-encryption law > Comments

Security derangement complex: technology companies and Australia’s anti-encryption law : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 10/12/2018

The Prime Minister has been able to count on supporters who see privacy as dispensable and security needs as unimpeachable.

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Hey Binoy, when Australia had the White Australia Policy, we never had to worry about importing people who really do want to mass murder us, and who could never be assimilated. But this sensible policy was overturned by Gough Whitlam without public debate or consent. Labor knew that with rising prosperity in Australia, who would need a Labor Party? What Labor needed, was always dysfunctional ethnicities who would become a permanent underclass and vote Labor forever.

The importation of Muslims into western society has been a social and economic catastrophe. There are now 90 Muslim men either in jail or on remand for terrorism related offences in Australia. There are more 'Australian" Muslims fighting for ISIS than exist in the Australian Armed Forces. And I submit the statement by the "moderate" Australian Imams Council that "thousands" more "Australian" men want to go and fight for ISIS.

That is a clear and present danger to the Australian people. Thank you, Gough. Thank you, leftist liberals.

Literally dozens of terrorism incidents have been prevented by the marvellous work of Australia's security agencies, as well as our various State and Federal Police. But these agencies are saying that we have been lucky so far, but the luck will run out if they are not given the powers to keep the terrorists off balance. Given their amazing success so far, it is prudent for the public to believe our protectors.

You multiculturalists have amazing attitudes. You create a ghastly problem caused entirely by your own overly humanitarian ideals, and when the problems predicted by the "racists" manifest themselves, you then attack the people who are trying to deal with the consequences of your insanity.

And do not try to equate the Chinese security forces and their misuse of technology with Australian security forces and their use of technology. China is a Nationalist Socialist dictatorship, Australia a parliamentary democracy. Different species, Binoy.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 10 December 2018 1:15:16 PM
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Nothing new Binoy.

Since about 1900 governments and corporations have provided access to their letters, telegrams, telephone exchanges, now Internet, in and between all developed countries, by laws and conventions.

The ultimate aim is to stop terrorist bombings, shootings, and other serious crime.

All approved by politicians, voted in by the people.
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 10 December 2018 6:00:11 PM
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Actually, I wonder what it is all about.
It is easy to generate encyphered messages that cannot be cracked or
will take so long that the information is useless.
The message can be generated off line and sent as an encrypted file.
It can then be decrypted off line on a different computer.

I really cannot see what it is all about, unless it relates only to
seized phones.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 13 December 2018 4:49:07 PM
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