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A world federation : Comments
By John Avery, published 4/12/2018We have the power to choose a future where international anarchy, chronic war and institutionalized injustice will be replaced by democraticand humane global governance.
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Very good post by Loudmouth, who pointed out that African attempts at federation failed miserably. Few people know that idealistic South American attempts at creating a United States of South America in the 19th century, also failed miserably. Similarly, the idealistic Arab attempt to create a single Arab state failed. And now we have the spectacle of Europe falling apart.
Saltpetre is still dreaming the impossible dream of a world federation, citing the fact that most people long for peace. That may be so, Saltpetre, but totalitarian societies exist where what most of their people want is immaterial to what their rulers want. And their leaders usually see their right to govern as being the authority to act on their people's collective good. And that good can be anything from military expansion in order to gain vital resources, to ensuring that their population collectively pleases their God so that most of them will go to heaven.
World federation is exactly like socialism and multiculturalism, my dear Saltpetre, how many times must it fail before you figure out that it is dancing with the fairies? Federation can only happen in places where populations are racially akin, people are bound by a common language, and the disparate cultures that individuals identify with are so similar, that there are few barriers to a general agreement as to what constitutes right and wrong behaviour. Example, USA. But now the USA is falling apart again, this time through imported racial and cultural differences.
Very thoughtful posts by Canem Malum, and I agree with most of what you say, especially "that there are too many people in the world." As such, our planet is heading towards a new world war in which the democracies are once again badly placed to win. We in the west will still be debating human virtue and transgender pronouns as our multicultural communities fracture, and when the first nuclear tipped missile from a totalitarian state incinerates us.
The idea of World federation and common humanity are entirely white, western, liberal ideals. Other cultures think we are crazy.