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A world federation : Comments

By John Avery, published 4/12/2018

We have the power to choose a future where international anarchy, chronic war and institutionalized injustice will be replaced by democraticand humane global governance.

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Judging posts.

Very good post by Loudmouth, who pointed out that African attempts at federation failed miserably. Few people know that idealistic South American attempts at creating a United States of South America in the 19th century, also failed miserably. Similarly, the idealistic Arab attempt to create a single Arab state failed. And now we have the spectacle of Europe falling apart.

Saltpetre is still dreaming the impossible dream of a world federation, citing the fact that most people long for peace. That may be so, Saltpetre, but totalitarian societies exist where what most of their people want is immaterial to what their rulers want. And their leaders usually see their right to govern as being the authority to act on their people's collective good. And that good can be anything from military expansion in order to gain vital resources, to ensuring that their population collectively pleases their God so that most of them will go to heaven.

World federation is exactly like socialism and multiculturalism, my dear Saltpetre, how many times must it fail before you figure out that it is dancing with the fairies? Federation can only happen in places where populations are racially akin, people are bound by a common language, and the disparate cultures that individuals identify with are so similar, that there are few barriers to a general agreement as to what constitutes right and wrong behaviour. Example, USA. But now the USA is falling apart again, this time through imported racial and cultural differences.

Very thoughtful posts by Canem Malum, and I agree with most of what you say, especially "that there are too many people in the world." As such, our planet is heading towards a new world war in which the democracies are once again badly placed to win. We in the west will still be debating human virtue and transgender pronouns as our multicultural communities fracture, and when the first nuclear tipped missile from a totalitarian state incinerates us.

The idea of World federation and common humanity are entirely white, western, liberal ideals. Other cultures think we are crazy.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 10 December 2018 5:03:42 AM
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My dear LEGO,

I don't think any of us really doubt precisely that desperate scenario you have so splendidly illuminated.

>>The idea of World federation and common humanity are entirely white, western, liberal ideals. Other cultures think we are crazy.<<

Precisely! And can you really blame them? After what the brilliant white westerners have thrust upon them through time?

Maybe it's beyond time for some real and honest reparation and repair. And, a lot more understanding and R E S P E C T!

In Oz we battle with our own repair conundrum, following a mere 200 years of 'new history' - and we are a mere 25 million in our undershorts. But in other quarters wounds run so much deeper and with far, far greater complexity - and at 7.7 billion and rising, that's a lot of repair and a lot of crow-eating.

What then? Nuclear holocaust to clear the slate for snow-white open slather? (And may the devil take the hindmost!)

Or, a genuine, hard-boiled go at a brotherhood of MAN (apologies to PC, Me-too and all fighters for other teams), and a genuine, no-holds-barred reversal of 'outrageous fortune' for all the downtrodden?

May we all be blessed in the path we choose to follow.
(Hail Frump? 2020 - sooner? What me worry? Bags packed for the hereafter?)
Posted by Saltpetre, Monday, 10 December 2018 7:30:16 AM
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Well, Mr Saltpetre, if you are white yourself, then I seem to have bumped into yet another white race hating self flagellant who thinks that racism is terrible. Congratulations, it was people like you with this contradictory attitude which first got me thinking straight. You can't go on and on about racism and then quite openly imply that the white race is responsible for everything that went wrong on this planet.

What the deplorable white westerners have "thrust upon" everybody else is what made the modern world. Those that emulated our commerce have prospered. Those that emulated our secular democracies and our separation of political, executive and judicial powers have become free nations in their own right.

Which white western ideas do you despise? Freeing worldwide slavery? Universal suffrage? Female suffrage? Female equality? The 40 hour week? Police forces? Fire brigades? Electricity? Flight? Railroads? Cars? The Internet?

Its funny that you hate white western society when everybody on planet earth is trying to barge their way into white western countries. The South Americans are not trying to migrate into Pacific Islander countries. The Pacific Islanders are not trying to immigrate into China. The Chinese are not trying to get into India. The Indians are not trying to get into Muslim countries, The Muslims are not trying to go to Africa. And the Africans are not trying to get into South America. All of these people want to live with the white guys.

Do you think that they know something that you don't?

The funniest thing about contemporary white hating "anti racists" is their current propensity to exhibit absolute glee that white people's populations are in decline and they are being displaced in their own countries by non white immigration. The Zimbabwean blacks rejoiced at chucking out the white man, and after nearly starving to death , they are now they are trying to get the whites to return. South Africa is the next African success story. You are like the educated Cambodians who cheered on Pol Pot's troops, them wondered why they were being sent to the killing fields.

Posted by LEGO, Monday, 10 December 2018 10:13:06 AM
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Well, Mr LEGO,

Amaaaaaazing indeed!
But who is really the white racist here?

>> Federation can only happen in places where populations are racially akin, ..... etc, etc.<<

So, is Sharia Law ok? Or child brides, FGM, sex slavery, starvation, disease, War Lords, or even 'shock and awe'? Leave 'em to their own devices, but if they step over the line then bomb the crap out of 'em?
Yeh, yeh, a real philanthropist.

>>Those that emulated our commerce have prospered. Those that emulated our secular democracies .... have become free nations.. <<

Of course 'we' don't exploit (or have ever exploited) any of those desperate to emulate Western success?

>>Its funny that you hate white western society when everybody on planet earth is trying to barge their way into white western countries. <<

So, all those 'others' had better keep out, hey?

And, why would they be desperate to emigrate, to claim refugee status on the basis of what's left behind for them, or has unintentionally or otherwise been brought about (or left to come about) 'at home'?

Ok, the West can't be held responsible for all the world's problems, but in any universe it can't be right for some to have so much and others so little.

I have never advocated that all doors should be slung open, but I do believe it's time Western Powers grew up, buried the hatchet and worked out a way for everyone to get along - and then to set about sharing this world's finite resources more equitably.

The world may have a chance to enable all nations to be comfortable withing their own boundaries, while hopefully respecting universal law and human rights, and thereby stem the widespread diaspora - or else?
Surely the developing world deserves a 'fair go' and a leg up to achieve a sustainable and equitable quality of life for all its citizens?

A proposed bolstering and reformation of the UN can only come about through cooperation and actively embracing fair play and a fair go for all nations, all citizens.
No racism involved.
Posted by Saltpetre, Monday, 10 December 2018 2:44:27 PM
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May I quote Dima Vorobiev:

The idea sprang from the Christian monasteries. People there worked, they prayed, they had a little spare time and used it to enjoy themselves. Sooner or later they asked themselves and everyone around: why can’t the whole humanity live the same pious, quiet and spiritual lifestyle as us? There will be no wars, no angry people, no famines, no suffering?

Then, Marxists came with a very practical answer: we can make it work, they said, if we mandate that everyone give up their private property. Everyone will work for everyone else’s salvation…….. We put the whole surplus into a common pot, and everyone will decide how to spend it….

There turned up to be just one problem: humans are shaped by evolution to be a bunch of lazy, selfish, sneaky, predatory ...s. Only fear of pain, starvation and death gets us off our idle backsides to make ourselves useful.
. ……….The only way to make it all work, they found, was to create a class of Communist enforcers.
Dima Vorobiev
Posted by don coyote, Monday, 10 December 2018 3:16:54 PM
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Thanks for your feedback Lego- it's gratifying that at least one person was able to prove their grasp of the key point- "there are too many people". You also made some very interesting points.

There are some that just see the world in a different way- like you I believe that some ideas are wrong- it's possible that they will never see things differently despite evidence to the contrary- but truth is the first casualty of war- all you can do sometimes is choose a side and fight to the death- they will do the same. The fog of war- imperfect information.

The founder of the New Left was Marcuse- his aim was to radicalize and destroy society using Trotsky's Permanent Revolution and Freudian Sexuality- the view of those such as Marcuse is that society enslaves the population. There appear to thread's of the New Left in many organisations including unexpectedly the Liberal Party.

According to some commentators the Western World's Socratic tradition of "the examined life" has been sadly rejected in favor of Mysticism and Dogma.

Radicalism has been favoured over examination- Radicalism is not a culture it is nihilism and the "worship of death".
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 11 December 2018 12:27:41 AM
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