The Forum > Article Comments > Don’t let the terrorists and supremacists win > Comments
Don’t let the terrorists and supremacists win : Comments
By David Leyonhjelm, published 31/10/2018If it is ok to be white, we should be able to say so even if white supremacists say the same thing.
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 8:25:15 AM
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It's OK to be Tasmanian , many pig-men and women bitches are and I'll fight anyone who votes down Tasmania's race in parliament. It's OK to conquer Jerusalem if you don't eat pig or dog. It's OK to be pig but you have a mental problem if you walk on 4 trotters.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 9:18:46 AM
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well written article David.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 10:15:57 AM
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" I think it is ok to be white. But we also need to hold people to account for what they say."
That's a terribly badly written article. Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 10:20:18 AM
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The confusion:
Why is it ok when the radical socialist gay rights movement, infiltrate political organisations, but not when radical nationalist socialists do the same? Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 10:27:49 AM
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As a universalist and equalist, I believe it's okay to be anything: any ethnicity, either gender, any age or size. Nobody is more or less entitled than anybody else on any drearily-usual spurious grounds.
Yes, of course, white males have experienced privilege - go back fifty or a hundred years and ask yourself: what proportion of our parliamentarians were white males ? Most CEOs are white males. Until the sixties, the great majority of uni students, and graduates, were white males; property ownership is still overwhelmingly in white male hands. So one task is to incrementally level out - primarily through merit - some of that advantage. That necessarily means that some limited affirmative action may be required for some categories of our fellow citizens. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 10:34:44 AM
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ttbn Quote "The gutless Liberal party thought it was 'OK to be white’. Then they remembered that it was Pauline Hanson who put up the bill, and decided it wasn't OK"
Apparently they were told to vote for it but that turned out to be a mistake so they backtracked. Which proves one thing our democracy is a failure. Correct me if I am wrong but it is an offense to coerce a person to vote a certain way in an election, but it seems it is okay for liberal leaders to coerce others and tell them precisely how to vote in parliament. Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 5:23:32 PM
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//For instance, because it is ok to white, everyday Australians should be free to say that it is ok to be white. Just as it is ok to be black.//
So, in short, it's OK to be human. Well good. Glad we got that sorted out. You know, for a while there I was worried that I was making some grave mistake by being a person and that I should upload my consciousness into the cloud or something. Thankfully, Dave 'Ace' Funny-Surname has taken some time out of his busy schedule to remind us all that it is OK to be human. What a guy... Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 5:26:38 PM
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Yes Joe, white males have experienced privilege, go back fifty or a hundred years and ask yourself: Who was being killed in 10s of thousands fighting to protect their families & homeland.
I think there has been a pretty fair balance between the advantages of privilege, & the cost of the obligations. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 8:14:02 PM
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It wasn't OK to be in the trenches. Who was killing in 10s of thousands.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 8:31:48 PM
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Turbull made his public comment on the embassy knowing that it will
mean that government will HAVE TO move it to Jerusalem. To not do so will mean Australia has to give a veto on all diplomatic decisions to Indonesia. There is no way that a two state solution is possible. Both The PLO side and Hamas will NEVER accept a country that contains Jews. Just read the Koran and all their statements on the subject. They make soft statements in English to journalists etc even US diplomats but something different in Arabic. That is just the way it is. We all know what decisions on policy have to be made to avoid a Labour government. Get out of Paris or let it die on the vine. Keep the coal fired stations going as long as possible. They are comprised of hundreds of parts and those parts can be repaired, refurbished or replaced. The large solar & wind farms now being erected will soon demonstrate on whether they can do the job. In the meantime find out the costs of nuclear. We are currently living on fairy tales. If you think we have all been told the truth, then power generation and storage is all costing about $1 to $2 a watt(hr). There are no easily available wind records for all of Australia. All the optimists are guessing. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 31 October 2018 9:52:01 PM
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There are two competing racist theories to explain why some ethnicities are always dysfunctional.
The first racist theory, is that identifiably different breeds of human beings have differing levels of intelligence, physical abilities and and temperament, in the same way that identifiably different breeds of dogs, cats, and horses have different levels of the same qualities. The other racist theory, is that all breeds of human beings are absolutely equal in every way, and therefore the only reason why some breeds are always dysfunctional is because it is all the white man's fault. For years, the socialists have held to the second racist theory, while pretending that they are the primary champions of anti racism. I figured that one out a long time ago. The problem for the socialists today is, that white people are getting sick and tired of being blamed for everything. Especially as we are the ones usually subsidising the dysfunctional minorities who's leaders never fail to tell us how much they despise us. I think that the phrase "it's OK to be white" is just part of the backlash by white people, who are finally starting to think straight and fight back. It is basically telling young white people that they should stop feeling guilty for minority dysfunction. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 1 November 2018 10:33:26 AM
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0ccasionally you get a thinking Indigeneous person who is very thankful that the British rescused young girls from their uncles, built roads, hospitals and infrastructure and increased their life expectancy. They also know that their own tribes treated each other very badly. No doubt I will be labelled racist for stating facts.If you are not labelled racist these days you either ignore the truth or refuse to speak it.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 1 November 2018 11:18:03 AM
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LEGO, you have landed on the touchyist of subjects.
The science in genetics and intelligence must be very difficult to study because if you find one truth one half the world will condemn you, if you find the opposite truth, the other half will condemn you. The question that must be solved is in all of humanities history why have those that remained in Africa never advanced above the level that existed when Europeans arrived back in Africa ? Even now they seem to be having difficulty advancing their standards. What modern developments have not originated in white majority countries. Even in Asia after Chinese advancement in many fields stalled nothing happened until European traders arrived. Advancement in all fields seems to have surged in Europe from about 1000ad and then Nth America from 19th century. The Arabs collected knowledge from the Indians and the Greeks and Romans and this collection then fired up the scientific and the whole Enlightenment movement in Europe. There is a very sad reason why the Arabs themselves were unable to take advantage of this knowledge. Since well before Mohammad the Arabs have had the custom of marrying their cousins. It is strange that a people who bred horses and camels did not understand that the same rules did apply to themselves. Unfortunately, Allah told Mohammad that cousin marriage was OK. A Pakistani woman in the UK founded an organisation to oppose the practice. She had bitter opposition that said it was anti-Islamic. The real victims here are the children. Special schools in Midland UK have a higher content of Pakistani children than others. Pakistan has 73% rate of cousin marriage. It is a continuing problem. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 2 November 2018 7:21:30 PM
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"0ccasionally you get a thinking Indigeneous person who is very thankful that the British rescused young girls from their uncles, built roads, hospitals and infrastructure and increased their life expectancy." Such a one was my friend the late Burnam Burnam. He often said, "they say that every man has his price, but they've never found mine yet". Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 4 November 2018 1:12:36 PM
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To Bazz.
"May the truth be told, though the heavens may fall". Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 6 November 2018 12:54:14 AM
The self-hatred of some white people has reached fever pitch - even among our so-called leaders.
And, of course our embassy should be moved to Jerusalem.