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What would low population growth mean for Australia? : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 12/10/2018

Is there an obvious correlation between population growth and the economy and housing? The answer it seems is no.

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The numbers stack up and say exactly what I have said for years, one can have serious economic growth even with real population decline! We should slow our migration right down or stop it altogether, lest we wind up with some sort of polyglot country that is neither one culture nor another and just various ethnicities fighting each other for cultural dominance?

Even as we kill the economy!

Economic growth was never ever predicated on population growth but rather on demand. And demand is driven by growing the average mean income as clearly shown in numbers that don't lie!
Except for our ideologically driven politicians?

Demand is driven upward as energy prices and tax comes down. And as middlemen profit takers of all manner are driven out of the economy, be they fro the private sector or the public service provision model.

The latter easily bypassed with a direct funding model that circumvents or excludes them and their demands from any and all public service provision. And from the private sector with tax policy that punishes paper shuffling middlemen and or those lazy manufacturers who use them to run their sales delivery models.

And seen mostly as commisions for pushing products?

The Chinese model allows anyone to buy directly from the factory. And where this is the rule rather than the exception, literally halves the cost of living/doing business, while quite massively impacting positively on both demand and savings.

As well as allowing very healthy wages growth. Whereas overheated population growth (our current model) kills it and housing affordability.

Want a stronger more robust economy, minus unnecessary population growth?

Then attack and remove poverty in all its forms and guises along with the aforementioned recommendations and then just let it rip.

Given it will have no choice always providing we allow a free and fair market controlled by free, fair and fierce competition, which must, therefore, include the above and almost abandoned cooperative capitalism! Plus never ever embraced thirty-year self-terminating, government guaranteed infrastructure bonds! It's just too easy!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 12 October 2018 9:54:12 AM
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Footnote: Every western style economy rests on jus two support pillars, energy and capital!

Moreover, "we" control neither but have handed both, with "our" blessings to foreign-owned or controlled, price gouging, tax avoiding, profit repatriating entities? As "we" sell the country down the river and then try to stack it with folk from mostly entirely incompatible cultures?

Getting a stronger economy minus migration initiated growth, starts with the rollout of the cheapest possible energy.

And I've said enough on that on other threads to not have to repeat it here.

The other is capital and if we would reclaim our control of that and the purloined economic sovereignty that used to be ours!

We need a people's bank and or financed and facilitated, taxation advantaged, credit unions as the cooperative capitalist's model.

And given as such, far more control by the more internally active shareholding members! Who would surely be incensed by the current revelations emanating from the RC into the finance and insurance (ponsey schemes) sector! and able to actually do something about it!

Lastly, if we would have our future intake of migrants to settle in rural and regional Australia?

Then that ought to be a requirement of permanent residency or citizenship or both. And needs to be accompanied by a regional tax zoning plan that all but obliges our largest employers to migrate out of the capital cities and into the bush. Where the jobs go, migrants will follow!

Given they do that? Then all but force unheralded economic growth on the whole country via economic flow-on factors. Also need affordable energy and water security, plus rapid rail to assist/ensure just that!

Time for the politic-ing to end and affirmative action to begin! The only thing standing in the way are the usual suspects, powerful vest interest and Polly waffle pollies who will endlessly defer with yet another inquiry or feasibility study. We pay these folk to do stuff, not endlessly waffle, on how it might be done and by who!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 12 October 2018 11:46:12 AM
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If you remove Melbourne and Sydney from the discussion, Australia does not have population growth at all. It would also be interesting to calculate what the GDP might be if these two cities were left out of the equation. We might the get some better idea what is the situation for all the rest of the country, without the total figure being skewed by the two outliers.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 12 October 2018 11:54:15 AM
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Australia can handle a population growth but only it's a sensible population. To procreate with what is at hand at present gives us no chance.
Posted by individual, Friday, 12 October 2018 11:58:55 AM
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Mysteriously missing in the article is reference to the latest version of coping with high population growth; forcing immigrants into the country for their first period of residency. Over forty percent is the goal.
A need (apparently), driven by the insatiable demand for cheap farm labour, and change influence by the National Party.

The policy has holes in its fence, big enough for a herd of elephants to walk through.
It's unworkable on too many fronts to go into here. But it's enough to demonstrate the lack of real interest in the subject among the rulers, who obviously don't give tinkers damn about negative outcomes of high immigration, and those under-resourced in dealing with housing pressure. A situation skewing the market artificially upwards, and abandoning this large group to deal with it.

If you live in the bush, or South Australia, looks like the problems are coming to a town near you. Such a lazy way to govern!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 12 October 2018 12:18:24 PM
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Specialists disclosed to Fact Check that whether Australia's flow growth rate proceeds will rely upon regular increment (births - passings) and net abroad relocation (landings less takeoffs).
Posted by AndrewGunderson, Friday, 12 October 2018 4:26:52 PM
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When we were building the (impossible) Snowy, the migrants we needed had no other choice but go where directed, and many stayed on in the bush as fruit and cane farmers, what have you.

Diver is right inasmuch as one can't force folk to settle in a strange new land full of strange customs unless there's an incentive to do so and that incentive could easily be both permanent residency and subsequent citizenship!

Regardless of Diver's, as usual, negative opinion.

And true, one can't blame folks for wanting to settle where there are jobs or a livelihood! And that's where we need new tax laws, new infrastructure and rapid rail to allow the biggest employers to migrate out there taking their depleted, migrant ready workforce with them.

We used to have a workforce starved industry sector where one could literally earn a week's salary, for introducing a new worker.

And what was once possible for a much smaller Australia, half our present size is doubly possible today. Or maybe the old folks were just a lot smarter or more industrious?

Maybe Diver has all the answers? Or even just a few positive ideas? No?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 12 October 2018 4:34:20 PM
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We do not need population growth. No developed country needs mass immigration of the sort imposed on us by politicians. It is a lazy way to increase GDP, but it reduces per capita GDP.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 October 2018 4:38:45 PM
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The pro population growth advocates have already won a significant victory by framing the debate, so that it only considers dollars. Writers like Ross Elliott then focus on the economic aspects and hardly mention the other quality of life issues.

In recent months, though, congestion has pushed its way into the debate and the average punter has started to call B*llsh*t on the over-repeated claim by the Business Council of Australia, the Urban Task Force and other pro population growth groups that all we need is better planning. How about business starts getting some better planning to make profits without high population growth.

A good indication that the worn out economic arguments are losing traction are Labor's "letter to ScoMo" and the Liberal's "send them to the bush" proposal. Both of these are stalling tactics, (at which politicians are well practiced experts) designed to continue the existing policy of high population growth and immigration while pretending to be concerned about congestion and infrastructure costs.

With the current debate mostly framed around economic factors the BCA and Urban Task Force don't have to answer whether higher population is going to result in higher wages, less greenhouse gas generation, less pollution, more habitat for wild animals, lower energy prices, lower road tolls, lower food prices and lower water prices. At least we are starting to consider congestion, infrastructure costs and housing prices.
Posted by ericc, Friday, 12 October 2018 5:14:29 PM
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Some young female immigrants are needed to sort out the stale gene pool.
Posted by individual, Friday, 12 October 2018 6:58:56 PM
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Ross Elliott = Property Council = Greed.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 October 2018 7:30:49 AM
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ericc: You are at least trying to address the topic, whereas the usual suspects are just giving vent to their favourite hobby horse or political diatribe?

Cheaper energy is key, even more so if it is carbon free, reliable dispatchable power that can be sited virtually anywhere. With cheaper energy able to be sited virtually anywhere, comes affordable water, affordable recycling/massive development/reafforestation of our arid inland. Much of which will prosper our endangered species!

Think, at one time this continent was covered in trees from the west to east. which inducibly acted as a recharge mechanism, when the monsoons came or when moisture blew in form east-west north or south.

It matters not if around half or even all of those trees produce fruit, fibre or sustainable forestry!

Few of the native flora or fauna were fire-tolerant species only the flora that could adapt, survived repeated burnings by stone age hunter gathers as stone age survival mechanism. Are now, so wedded to the practice, unable to intellectually conceive of a better more ecologically sustainable practice.

Short-term cell grazing that does all, we need to do to ensure adequate firebreaks, a land management philosophy; that's both superior and better land management practice.
As opposed to routinely/annually adding tons to atmospheric CO2 pollution.

Yes some animals, not all, burp methane. those that don't, usually perform better with weight gain from woody weeds and produce far less fat and cholesterol. Add dung beetles to the equation, you are continually returning nutrient to the soil and eternally geo-sequestering carbon.

In any event, a larger population will require quite massive development and reafforestation of an arid inland. Jobs growth/employment in regional rural Australia.

Only possible if we accept that only nuclear energy as CLEAN, WALK AWAY SAFE. CHEAPEST MSR thorium has a snowflakes chance in hell of actually succeeding in not only doing just that! But ensuring that our standard and quality of life are all lifted/improved for everyone, rather than as present, a select privileged few!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 13 October 2018 11:47:28 AM
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Dear Alan B (for black kettle).

Your ideas are well underway with Aboriginal land rights. Aboriginals controll over 20 percent of the Australian land mass now. It's a known they'll ignore it all off into the future, (while it awaits an enterprising Chinese buyer), where it can regenerate to its original state, (less the benifits extracted by noxious weeds). Ho ho.
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 13 October 2018 12:32:38 PM
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This is one the few articles I've seen that presents an alternative view to the toxic dialogue in the press. Kudos. I'm not sure where Ross Elliott and Alan B are coming from politically. However hopefully we can see more articles in this vein. I get what Alan B is saying about a low carbon large scale energy source being an important input into Australian production. Perhaps we also need to boost our defensive capabilities by developing our own nuclear weapons given the threat from our neighbours over our territory. Many of the powers looking to send their populations to Australia have nuclear weapons and the change in the relative dominance of the US requires a deterrent. Nuclear power would assist in development of nuclear weaponry.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 13 October 2018 4:24:37 PM
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A low population growth with capable young migrants would be way better for this Nation than great numbers of indisciplined & dark ages mentality indoctrinated Centrelink dependents.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 13 October 2018 5:02:27 PM
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CM: It is possible using some Lucas Heights isotopes to create small tactical nuclear weapons.

Then put them in smart bombs to deliver them by stealth to specific targets and by the dozen in just months.

MSR thorium, on the other hand, was abandoned in the seventies because of the extreme difficulty of weaponising it. And our best possible reason for accepting, building and deploying it. regardless of the sentiments of the coal lobby or the huge political donations, they allegedly give to political parties.

Just as affordable reliable carbon-free energy is critical to our prosperous future is even more important if drought proofing Australia and making life at least tolerable when the next life threating heat wave hits.

MSR thorium and 2 cents per KwH, coupled to deionisation dialysis desalination, would allow us to irrigate our desert heartland. Make the world's cheapest steel with the lowest carbon footprint, with our locally-invented single step method and the world's cheapest safest electricity for the arc furnaces we'd build just for that purpose.

Because at the end of the day self-defence and self-reliance absolutely demands just that and sustained self-sufficiency in our locally-supplied and available fuel supplies. And all possible with MSR thorium.

Moreover, given the actual fuel usage. Will never ever run out of thorium.

We need first and foremost to address climate change and only doable with carbon-free or carbon-neutral energy. And from a self-defence perspective on tap and on demand, whether or not it rains and fills dams or whether the sun shines or the wind blows.

Yes, we could have that with very large scale solar thermal backed with equally massive pumped hydro, but at what cost? And Just how defensible would such necessarily massive projects be, given we'd lose all capacity, once these huge projects were annihilated in the first wave?

Whereas MSR thorium can be quite rapidly mass produced, sited underground as many multiples all serving as multiple backups.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 14 October 2018 12:04:14 PM
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Sounds interesting Alan B.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 14 October 2018 9:51:20 PM
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Until I see detailed evidence of how Alan Tudge proposes to implement the high points of his recent announcement (The Australian Oct 10, 2018) we continue to be left with endless parliamentary, state and federal,references on population and infrastructure and the ever convenient Intergenerational Reports to under pin budget assumptions.
Why we have never linked population to infrastructure in any cohesive national and continuous sense confirms the political inertia that bedevils any potentially fractious policy issue in 'the lucky country'
Posted by conserv8ive, Monday, 15 October 2018 11:00:36 AM
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The most telling aspect of this article is the table which shows countries with higher growth rates than Australia's. Apart from Luxembourg and some oil rich states, they are generally poor and many are failed states. Surely this is a case of causation rather than mere correlation. If we want to model ourselves on successful countries, try most of the West European countries which have relatively stable numbers.
Posted by popnperish, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 1:24:49 PM
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Armchair Critic- You have my vote for your research skills.

Foxy- I'm impressed but not by your argument.

Belly said- "I am willing to be judged on my opinions"

What is less important than the Why. 6W's

SteelRedux said- "So basically you are an overt racist which is okay as most of the posters on here don't own up to what is self-evident."

Call me a racist if you like. But I wouldn't bother to call you a traitor because I don't care enough about you to insult you- and it's ultimately pointless. Just like your messianic mission to save the world by communism. But I'll still look after my people first. In other times they might call me civically responsible. And I'll fight against those who try to force otherwise. You hate me because I disagree with Socialism. That the best way to ensure peace is by forcing different cultures together- at least that's the argument if not the underlying power agenda.

Interesting how this has worked in places like Africa.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 1:41:52 PM
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