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$100 oil is a distinct possibility : Comments

By Nicholas Cunningham, published 28/9/2018

The outages from Iran are worse than most analysts expected, and bottlenecks in the US shale patch could prevent non-OPEC supply from plugging the gap.

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Could the supply constraints imposed on Iran by Donald Trump have anything to do with the rise in oil prices? As oil oligarch President Putin rubs his hands with glee. As he waits for his preferred economic weapon to once again bite deeply and further divide an already seriously divided west? $100 a distinct possibility, so also the $87 barrier that started the, oil caused, recession of the 80's?

And as that occurs, as last time, reduce the entire economy and ring in the very conditions needed to create another GFC?

This miscreant manipulation of a market protected by blatant collusion from fair and open, free-market competition? Is likely to bring the debt-laden US economy once again to its knees and turn brother against brother, father against son in the search for personal economic survival?

And a new rust bucket debt-laden economy marked like the last one, by soup kitchens and tent cities?

The reaction by the emerging economies is likely to be completely unsuspected and unheralded as their own economic survival forces change on the entire energy-dependent economy?

And will inevitably include the ramped up production of virtually costless biogas (methane) and coal to fuel conversion in those areas blessed with significant coal reserves?

Moreover force forward the complete and now seriously overdue transition to electric motor vehicles/transport options?

Plus, decarbed economies/MSR thorium!

Who will Mr Putin sell his overpriced, price-gouged oil and gas to then?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 28 September 2018 10:49:00 AM
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umm...umm..that's um....
wot's thorium?
Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 28 September 2018 6:35:05 PM
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Ah, Nick, thorium is the most energy dense material in the world! And four times more abundant than uranium. And found almost everywhere.

Were I to step outside my back door and fill a one cubic metre box with dirt? From which I'd be able to extract enough thorium to be further refined in a metal refining crucible, to produce around 8 grams of the metal.

And for a total outlay of around $100.

Enough inherent energy, to power both my house and car for 100 years! That's just $1.00 year!

You heard me right, just one dollar a year! The reason for the official suppression of thorium by very powerful vested interests!?

As demonstrated at Oak Ridge, thorium delivers everything fusion promised but didn't deliver!

Thorium is both malleable and magnetic. able to be drawn to a thin wire and when chilled also a superconductor. It is fertile, not fissile and therefore as the metal. Unable to support any form of compression initiated thermonuclear explosion.

It can, however, be transformed to U233, in the blanket of a reactor and where it can then be included to support a neutron producing, critical mass, reaction. Consequently, more thorium converted to U233.

U233 being the principle and far less costly source of cancer miracle cure bismuth 213.

Bismuth 213 was trialled very successfully in radioisotope oncological European clinics as early as 2006, where reports indicate complete success against killer ovarian cancer, with little discernable harm to healthy cells.

Our entire medical establishment remains seemingly, blissfully unaware? And continues to treat this death sentence cancer with highly invasive surgery and chemotherapy followed by gene inhibiting medication.

Altogether along with subsequent palliative care produces massive profits for big pharma!

In fact figures I've seen would indicate the palliative care is the most profitable part of this whole exercise, which among other things supports "professional' charitable institutions, whose sole aim is revenue collecting to ostensibly find a cure for ovarian cancer?

A disease which still, as it has for decades, claims more lives here than the annual road toll!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 29 September 2018 11:13:45 AM
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Ah that thorium . thought so. yep that's the one. So the chemist got me some bismuth and after washing in the kitchen sink , my test showed that the very short half-life restricts the use of 213Bi by limiting the time available to perform conjugation chemistry and inject the patient. Despite these limitations, a number of groups have used 213Bi in preclinical and clinical trials showing its feasibility . Some of these early trials indicated that used the 225Ac-based nanogenerator approach described earlier may be more therapeutically efficacious compared with 213Bi for antibodies because of its superior α-particle yield or decay, as well as the longer half-life of 225Ac and its daughter elements, which match the longer biologic half-life of large-molecular-weight antibodies . However, 213Bi may have use when attached to faster-clearing agents, such as peptides or peptidomimetics. Although we are still in the early stages of α-emitter therapeutic development, the promising results obtained with 213Bi indicate that it may be a viable therapeutic alternative in select applications or given to chooks which lay thin egg shells.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 29 September 2018 12:37:39 PM
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Clearly, you are confusing manmade peptides with natures antibodies?

Nick. Bismuth 213 is attached to an antibody that then delivers it directly to the cancer cells and as demonstrated inconsistent trials able even to cure inoperable brain cancer.

However humorous you find that prospect or the fact that victims have a life expectancy of just 14 months from diagnoses to death.

I'm sure you will find that hilarious as well, as the fact, we haven't been able to, with Australia's antique medicine, knowledge and practice? Been able to make any inroads into this affliction, which I apparently have, for over three decades.

And the death rate for just this one is still greater than the annual road toll! And sure to amuse you, Nick, no end!? As you seek to obfuscate in the interests of the three trillion a year fossil fuel industry, big nuclear or a parasitic pharmaceutical industry?

Extrapolating from Oak Ridges fuel usage records it is possible to compare and contrast two different styles of reactors and their fuel consumption.

A 350 MW light water reactor will over a thirty-year operational lifetime, burn 2551 tons of enriched uranium which if you didn't know, is as rare as platinum and almost as expensive. And the toxic waste is still over 2550 tons. (99+ %)

[Uranium is rarer than precious metal gold.]

Whereas, in an MSR thorium 350 MW, the total estimated fuel usage for its thirty-year operational lifetime, is just one, as common as lead, ton. And less than 1% far less toxic waste production!
TBC Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 29 September 2018 3:06:34 PM
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"we haven't been able to, with Australia's antique medicine, knowledge and practice? Been able to make any inroads into this affliction, which I apparently have, for over three decades."

Federal Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 8 standardised medical practitioners under the same regime. In NSW this is covered by the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) No 86a.: a person should “not knowingly or recklessly” say they are a registered health professional if they are not. Penalties of up to $30,000.

Selling incomplete cancer therapies : 10 years deprivation of pc and keyboard privileges.
Selling incomplete thorium re-actors: Pc is smashed , heated to 16000 degrees C and sold as rare earth.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 29 September 2018 5:32:25 PM
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