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The Forum > Article Comments > Twenty ideas for a Morrison government > Comments

Twenty ideas for a Morrison government : Comments

By Graham Young, published 10/9/2018

Labor populism under Bill Shorten and Sally McManus, if they deliver on their promises, will make the economy inflexible and weak

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As to the 20 ideas for the Morrison Govt I can only repeat what 99% of wage earning Australians are saying. Create an economy that makes it worthwhile for people to sacrifice 50+ years of their life in return for their wage. Scott Morrison should tell his lose assembly of barely capable
ministers & bureaucrats to display some competence & start working on reward for effort instead of fleecing the productive & rewarding the (largely) academic background hangers-on bureaucrats.
Sort out the immoral mess that is Centrelink & ATO.
A much improved economy & quality of life in Australia would be the outcome.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 13 September 2018 7:50:07 PM
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Toni said;
Yes, of course they would. Those in power will always look for
something to terrify those who want to be terrified; see 'Muslims'.

Know something, Muslims have killed million times more than nuclear !

I also think that there will be no change in the public opinion till
blackouts become a daily event, major shopping centres lose power for
an hour or two and employees are stood down when the power fails.
Being faced with a 10 or 20 floor walk up or down will convince many.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 13 September 2018 11:17:32 PM
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