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Turnbull's new approach to electricity: smoke and mirrors : Comments
By Alan Moran, published 21/8/2018These are some of the reasons why the coalition government is 50 per cent in revolt against Malcolm Turnbull.
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Set up to fight for personal convictions against a theoretically loaded party room and Abbott, with a loaded deck? Like a spoiled kid who wrecks his favourite toy, rather than share with an older sibling?
Critique Malcolm, but who would you replace him with to improve the coalition's election prospects? Only Julie Bishop looks the goods/ likely to refuse what'S now a poisoned chalice?
Smoke and mirrors? but only if we're not serious about addressing climate change or adapting to it by literally drought proofing the wide brown land, using the brains we were born with and the power of the atom!
Therefore, recommend all the naysayers read, Richard Martin's, Thorium, super fuel, subtitled, green energy. Then Robert Hargreaves book, titled, Thorium, cheaper than coal, Or listen to them, Kirk Sorensen and Jam Petersen on U tube/google tech talks. If only to get the full unvarnished truth/facts.
Then understand, energy costing less than 2 cents per KwH could do if married to some visionary nation-building projects and deionisation dialysis desalination.
Or, how much more affordable, miracle cancer cure, bismuth 213 we could make, utilising WALK AWAY SAFE MSR's/thorium!
Yes I know we can make bismuth 213 using a particle accelerator and bombard radium with particles, using horrendous amounts of energy, at enormous cost, for few annual grams.
When we could make it by annual kilos in thorium burning MSR's. Creating SAFE, CLEAN, CHEAP energy as we do so.
Which is the more logical approach mine or the monstrously ill-informed GREEN recommendation?
A longish election campaign with the aforementioned speakers and their, already public domain, factual informative videos being used to counter misinformation and scurrilous antinuclear propaganda put about by folks whose knowledge is steam age at best! And expert at the smoke and mirrors stuff!?
Alan B.