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The Forum > Article Comments > How we lit the fuse of the population bomb > Comments

How we lit the fuse of the population bomb : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 8/8/2018

Why concentrate population growth in mega-cities already under strain while smaller cities and regions stagnate?

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Mass immigration into a developed country is a disaster for Australians. The organisation this author represents stands to gain massively from immigration. The rest of us are the losers.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 8 August 2018 10:12:52 AM
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Australia, and indeed this, our ONLY, planet may not be overcrowded but it sure as hell is OVERPOPULATED.
Posted by ateday, Wednesday, 8 August 2018 10:18:16 AM
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"This serves to illustrate how wide is the disconnect between public policy makers and the greater community"

I really hate to see people struggle to try to figure things out.

It's not a disconnect.
It's totally seperate agendas.

You think that the policy makers are working in the citizens best interest and somehow they just went off course, but really they were never working in our interests because they have their own agendas.

If they didn't have their own agenda's they wouldn't be off course in your view in the first place.

Your mistake is thinking they work for us, when in truth - they don't and never did.

They work under the framework of UN, global finance, corporate and special interests, think-tanks, lobbyists and their own political leanings and finally citizens themselves take the wooden spoon, every time.

Were only given any consideration at the agreed time that always comes around in which the politicians tell their lies, we choose the lesser evil, and once elected they go and do whatever the hell they like free from any real accountability, the nation gets sold further down the river and the vicious cycle continues.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 August 2018 10:21:14 AM
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The birth rate continues to increase our population naturally and recent migrant populations are part of that natural growth as well, even as we shut down or mothball regional and rural maternity hospitals! And altogether in recent years, I'm reliably informed around 50% of them?

Yes, the regions could support larger numbers and population, if there were jobs! Not the occasional here today and gone tomorrow jobs like a mine or some extraction based enterprise, but something still there and earning a quid a century from now.

Like, say energy dependent recycling?

And entirely dependant on energy prices, energy-dependent enterprise can afford. And then our migrant visas could stipulate these new arrivals spend the first ten years of their stay in this or that region and rural or regional industry. And not without precedent?

In any event, we have to have more water if we are to support a larger population. Desal and recycling allow larger populations to be supported And ought to mean it becomes a criminal offence to flush our reusable wastewater out to sea as billions of litres P.A?

Finally, Every second borehole drilled for water comes up salt or other mineral contamination so a to make it unusable for even agriculture.

And that could change as soon as tomorrow if we only had leaders with the wit to roll out deionisation dialysis desalination across this wide brown land to enable that water to be used as cost-effective broad scale irrigation, given the reported flows from these bores?

And even then reusable even after passing through several sets of kidneys as water for climate changing, water purifying, permanent wetlands.

We need folks in our parliaments with nimble agile minds and able to not only think outside the square but be practical innovators into the bargain! None of the current self-serving, coal-fired crew!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 August 2018 10:27:45 AM
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Armchair: I'd hate to think you are right? But, what other rational explanation answers those same questions? Questions that have to include the sustained attack on cooperative capitalism under this or that efficiency guise. With the only discernable effect, the draining of the bush into already criminally overcrowded cities and most rural industry lost or wound up.

Or like our once-thriving manufacturing sector, sold down the river?

It's sensible to be a genuine conservationist, always providing your mind is not held captive by mindless green ideology and the extreme autocratic mindset that seems part and parcel of that anti industrialisation anti-technology, open door migration policy, mindset?

And never more apparent than in the worst drought in living memory!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 August 2018 10:42:52 AM
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Uneccessary immigration makes up 62% of our total annual population increase.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 8 August 2018 12:52:31 PM
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Hey Alan B.
Maybe sometimes I'm a little guilty of fearmongering when I should be more factual, but whether or not I overdo it in some of my comments I think that generally I'm not too far off the truth.

As for our farmers...
Well it's a terrible situation at the moment and this is no time for incompetence or complacency from our leaders, and I hope they can all put politics and their differences aside to help those struggling as much as is possible.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 August 2018 3:36:14 PM
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Big pharma is assisting with population control? Or so it would seem? With the help of the fossil fuel industry and big nuclear? And between those, highly profitable big three and their highly priced lobbyists, they've managed to get, I believe, Walk away safe thorium or even serious research into thorium prohibited.

Even when as we now all know thorium is the only source of U233, And that, the principal source of miracle cancer cure bismuth 213. Yes, we can make it using radium which is bombarded with a linear accelerator!

But a hugely energy inefficient and extremely costly method of making bismuth 213! When we can make industrial amounts in a walk away safe, thorium burning MSR. And with it cure myeloid leukaemia, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and some very nasty brain cancers!

Heard recently, were down to just two grams in the entire world? Big pharma would be ever so pleased? Given the time handed to it and its, I believe, inferior peptide or nanoparticle cancer treatment development? Jarrod still dead aged just 36!

In case you missed it, in this morning's news. Jarrod Lyle dead at 36, leaving a grieving widow and kids. And replicated across the globe in literal thousands of death by neglect aided and abetted, one would think, by all of the aforementioned, usual suspects?

Why we're not making bismuth 213, or the accompanying thorium burning walk away safe MSR and through that, 2 cents per KwH, is incomprehensible, but I draw our attention to Armchair's incisive if not entirely inconclusive, comments above!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 9 August 2018 11:35:46 AM
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