The Forum > Article Comments > Questioning the 'medical reason' for a nuclear waste dump in Kimba, South Australia > Comments
Questioning the 'medical reason' for a nuclear waste dump in Kimba, South Australia : Comments
By Noel Wauchope, published 1/8/2018The radioactive waste resulting from Australian use of medical isotopes is only a very small fraction of the overall Lucas Heights' wastes, all of which could easily be stored indefinitely at Lucas Heights.
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Beware ‘long time nuclear activists’ as this person is. She and her kind are against the use of nuclear, fullstop. Her article has not appeared for some reason, but we know what she would have written - the same anti-nuclear dogma she has propounded in the past.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 9:48:17 AM
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Best article yet, Noel. I look forward to not hearing from you again in future.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 10:59:23 AM
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Can't see Noel's article at ?
To view Noel's nuclear waste dump article click on Pete Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 11:10:38 AM
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True that the nuclear medicine reason is used to justify a waste dump, BUT:
1. Noel and too many other Australians don't accept that nuclear research and knowledge maintenance at Lucas Heights includes defence reasons. Australia should look more realistically at the prospect of having our own nuclear deterrent capability. This is becoming more important with Trump/US statements that America's (current and maybe future former?) allies should defend themselves. Australia also faces an increasing China threat. See Australia's increasing need to consider a nuclear capability at 2. Also, as coal steadily becomes discredited/unfinancial the need for Australian nuclear power reactors becomes a legitimate area of Australian research and waste dump preparations. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 11:31:10 AM
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Without seeing any article I think there are good reasons to locate a low to intermediate level radwaste facility in upper Eyre Peninsula. When/if Australia has high level waste I think that will have to be stored in the Woomera Prohibited Area controlled by the Defence Dept. Already one such site has been suggested at Challenger Mine in the fork of the Adelaide and Darwin railways. Remote but accessible with the hole already dug and not far from its birthplace if the original uranium came from Olympic Dam.
Kimba is en route to the WPA. I understand the casks of ex-Lucas Heights vitrified material will go to the intermediate site until the high level site is completed. That is as a staging post. Kimba has all weather roads to the north without the need to back track like the alternative Hawker site. Just get on with it without turning it into a theatrical production. Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 1:17:41 PM
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You can access Noel's piece at Cheers Pete Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 3:29:43 PM
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So Noel, your answer/solution/proposal being?
Posted by Prompete, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 4:54:06 PM
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Click on the large ALL at what should be the end of the article, & it will appear.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 5:13:22 PM
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Medical reasons, exactly why we need a nuclear industry and with it the production of U233! Because U233 is the only source of cancer miracle cure bismuth 213. The only source of U 233, is fertile Thorium, which becomes fissile U233 after being exposed in the blanket of an MSR.
Bismuth213, successfully trialled in European clinics against death sentence, ovarian cancer, 2006. Also used to treat myeloid leukaemia even when everything else had failed, also other death sentence cancer like pancreatic cancer/nasty inoperable brain cancers. N.B. One in four of us affected by cancer during our lifetime! Informed Ovarian cancer alone claims more unnecessarily sacrificed lives annually than the national road toll as does brain cancer. Both these conditions and some leukaemias have remained stubbornly unchanged in the death toll statistics for the last three decades! Aside from that, we shouldn't store anything we can very safely burn and make massive and free electricity while we are at it! Even weapons-grade plutonium And given we do it in a walk away safe( MSR) thorium reactor, instead of the current 99% waste, produce no more than 1%! And find it's far less toxic and eminently suitable as long-life space batteries! We only have a problem because absolutely stupid activists just like you Noel. Are so brainwashed by their own idiotic ideology, They can't allow seriously intelligent and safer, unbelievably cheap alternatives a place a the table! And with that pragmatism, returning some economic hope to an otherwise, doomed planet, being killed by carbon not a few lousy tons of nuclear waste Noel! Which in a thorium-powered MSR, is just unspent fuel other folks will pay annual billions, to thoughtfully dispose of, Genius! The prohibition of MSR thorium serves the needs of the fossil fuel industry, big nuclear and last but not least big pharma!? So which of those groups do you covertly work for Noel? Because at the end of the day, Noel, each and every member of the anti-nuclear brigade. serves the business models and the needs of the aforementioned three, even unknowingly!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 1 August 2018 7:24:27 PM
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from Noel Wauchope
Alan B asks which of these groups do I covertly work for - fossil fuel industry, big nuclear or big pharma!? It seems very hard for nuclear lobbyists like Alan B to get their heads around the thought that anyone would do anything for no purpose other than to get the truth out, and work for the public good. But - sorry, Mr B, but that is what I do - I am not paid by anyone for the environmental work that I do, and I have no connections with any industry. What about you? Posted by ChristinaMac1, Friday, 3 August 2018 10:02:37 AM