The Forum > Article Comments > Banning the burka is an accelerating trend > Comments
Banning the burka is an accelerating trend : Comments
By Russell Grenning, published 14/6/2018The Danish Parliament has voted, by an overwhelming vote of 75 to 30, to ban the Islamic burka and the niqab.
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A ban on the burqa displays intolerance. If a woman wishes to hide her body completely under a head to toe garment, go for it!
The action is a security threat. If so, the wearer should willingly subject herself to a body search if required, and continue the right to wear the covering.
If the wearing of it is forced on the wearer against her free will.
The wearing of the burqa is a right under freedom of religion, and should remain so.
Otherwise….the pressure from the religious intolerant libertarians, extends its claws into other areas such as forcing religious institutions to adopt immoral practices such as gay marriage, against their religious beliefs. (As ONE example)!