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The Forum > Article Comments > It’s time to cut union influence over government in Queensland > Comments

It’s time to cut union influence over government in Queensland : Comments

By Deb Frecklington, published 4/6/2018

In the past 18 months, the union's Queensland branch has been hit with fines totalling $2.4 million after losing 10 cases brought by the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

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Are you suggesting the government or ministers of the crown are receiving illicit donations in say brown paper bags? Or that our laws are being flouted with impunity?
Perhaps we need to reestablish another Fitzgerald inquiry. Into official corruption by any and all elected officials?
As spokeshave would have commented, something stinks in the state of Denmark.
If we truly want to kill off unions, their power and influence? Then we have to abandon individualism and reembrace Christian evocation and the Good Samaritan parable.
Or the do unto others principle, "inasmuch as you do unto the least among you, you also do unto me"
And instead of the status quo and selling our heritage for the modern equivalent of forty pieces of silver.
Do something else that makes union nd unionism both irrelevant and obsolete! And by the simplicity of thoroughly embracing fully fledged cooperative capitalism as Government initiated, facilitated and financed, official policy/objective In the sure and certain knowledge, inside such entities, unionism would be as welcome as a pork chop at a bar mitzvah!
Moreover, because co-ops were the only private enterprise free market entities that largely survived the Great depression mostly intact, can't grow too big to fail and allow the money earned inside any region, state or territory to circulate and go round and round, allowing every one dollar to do the work of seven or more!
As opposed to selling our hard-won heritage to the highest or any bidder with a handful of (Benedict Arnold) dollars!
We say that private enterprise does it better and it does if it's the right model and one guaranteed never ever to make us tenants in our own country or under the heel of this or that socialist inspired entity!
One needs go no further than Maleny to see the evidence of cooperative capitalism doing it better than the rest!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 4 June 2018 10:53:21 AM
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Where is your indignation about lobbyists for big business and there influence on Government.

I await that article.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 4 June 2018 4:12:42 PM
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I support unions who get fair pay for workers. I have no time for unions who extort more money than their members deserve, just because they can throw a disruptive strike. Power station workers are the classic example.

Can anyone give any examples of how much CFMEU members are paid?
Posted by benk, Monday, 4 June 2018 8:25:49 PM
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....Can anyone give any examples of how much CFMEU members are paid?...


Irreverent question
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 4 June 2018 11:30:20 PM
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As long as the population of rogue employers are a growing cohort, we will not only have to tolerate unions but watch them grow in power and influence!
And there's no way to legislate them out of existence! In countries where they were successfully repressed? The outcome was armed rebellion and not at all uncommon, Regime change!
We need to understand why unions exist and prevail? Arguably the only way to remove them and their influence. Is by rendering them both irrelevant and obsolete!
And there's only one proven way to accomplish that, and that is through cooperative capitalism!
But, despised by the hard right conservatives, because it removes their preferred highly exploitive, dehumanising, economically counterproductive business model That always widens the gap between the haves and the have-nots!
All while concentrating our finite wealth in fewer and fewer hands!
Arguably, a recipe for a guaranteed Great depression, that could, if allowed to proceed to a logical conclusion? Make the GFC look like a Sunday school picnic in comparison!
If cooperative capitalism isn't our writ large future? Then arguably we have no future, as a self-determining, sovereign economy!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 5 June 2018 10:55:41 AM
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