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The Forum > Article Comments > The reality of our northern cattle industry belies popular rhetoric > Comments

The reality of our northern cattle industry belies popular rhetoric : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 20/4/2018

Three years after opening its $100 million abattoir (employing about 200 people), AACo has launched a review into the underperforming asset.

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Al B

Best advice for the poor souls still battling with the fruit of the Microsoft Lemon tree, is to pick it up and chuck it in the bin. Go buy a simple IPad for yourself.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 20 April 2018 8:35:35 PM
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Got a brand newie on my lap now Diver and still the same problem. Microsoft a system designed by hackers and for hackers, masquerading as IT engineers. When I replace this system it will be with the other non- Microsoft system, always providing it hasn't been outsourced to the land of slumdog millionaires. Alan.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 21 April 2018 10:25:53 AM
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Alan B.
I use Microsoft Windows 10 and Office suites for everything except the browser. Somebody warned me away from Edge, so although loaded, I don't open it.

Mozilla Firefox works fine for me, with one or two exceptions. Ditto Chrome. I hadn't realised that the problem lay elsewhere, so my apologies for the snarky earlier comment.
Posted by SingletonEngineer, Saturday, 21 April 2018 11:09:19 AM
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Allan B. It doesnt matter how you kill animals at this end. You can have the most religiously rigorous and supervised slaughter possible and that still wouldn’t help because one of the biggest reasons for the need of live stock at the other end is a simple lack of refrigeration from retail customers.
Poor people in these countries don’t own fridges and freezers so they need to buy a live animal and keep them alive until required
Posted by Big Nana, Saturday, 21 April 2018 12:23:51 PM
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Big Nana is exactly correct there
Posted by JF Aus, Sunday, 22 April 2018 10:16:13 AM
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For the record. We have a commodity. Someone wants that commodity. Part of the process is how they want that commodity. They supply the money, we supply the commodity. All the reasons why we are doing what we are doing have been gone over, again and again. The first hurdle. Our labour costs are WAY too high, so minimal local input. You can't get more minimal than what we are doing at present. Notwithstanding all the intermediate other reasons we go straight to the end user and as has been pointed out, they do not have the level of refrigeration we do, if at all in some cases. So when all the brainiacs from the brain bank have finished fantasizing over what we should be doing about our livestock exports, don't you think there are smarter and more knowledgeable people already working on it? Until Aussies realise they have gouged themselves into the labour wilderness, don't stop those who can still survive, even prosper from a disastrous upbringing led by a history of leftist greed and an avaricious lifestyle. Aussies are not going to like what is coming, sorry, has already begun. For us to simply survive, in this new future, we must take a significant financial hit. This means, our house prices must drop, as with our earnings and of course the net result is a drop in our standard of living. This has already begun. So I would suggest stop focusing on destroying what is left that helps Australia, and start looking at how your going to handle the pain that is coming.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 23 April 2018 8:52:19 AM
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