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Earth Hour – You can’t hold a candle to it : Comments
By Russell Grenning, published 23/3/2018What's all the buzz about Earth Hour? In fact, your average candle does more damage on the carbon pollution front than a night light.
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Posted by Alan B., Friday, 23 March 2018 10:08:54 PM
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Earth hour has long since become passe. Last year's earth hour saw virtually bugger all lights go off and the city's energy consumption barely moved.
As with virtue signaling, it is about showing how virtuous you are without actually doing anything meaningful. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 24 March 2018 3:22:52 AM
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Alan B
Chick peas are chick peas Al. Chick peas are the most convenient nitrogen fixing crop to grow, with economic benefits. I'm sure hemp fits the mold somewhere in mother natures scheme, but where is your evidence that it is a radiation decontaminant of the soil? There is so much myth and over statement attached to hemp. I have a simple view; if you wish to demotivate society, hand it over to pot heads. This sounds like an addition to the unbelievable hype surrounding hemp produced by pot heads, to simply justify their addiction. Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 24 March 2018 7:12:28 AM
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Alan B
Nuclear energy: Al, I'll try to let you down gently. Atomic energy will never be trusted by the community which will suffer from the reality, the world is governed by bean counters. Bean counters will always prioritise money over safety every time. The evidence for that is stark, and the madness of the reality is astoundingly obvious. Add in the overlay of human natures propensity for retribution, and you have in front of you, evidence of the greatest war crime in human history, using a nuclear bomb. It's not the science which is the problem Al: But a problem there is. Bean counters and human nature. Nothing can be trusted with nuclear innovations. Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 24 March 2018 7:55:38 AM
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Sorry Dan, you are wrong.
First of all Japan earned the bomb with their aggression, & inhuman treatment of all they conquered. It was not worth a single life of any yank to invade them, & a negotiated settlement would not have changed a single attitude in the country. Not only did it end the war, saving millions of Japanese lives, along with huge numbers of the allies, it gave us the 70 years with no major war, we are still enjoying. Whether some like it or not, we will go nuclear at some time, but should grow a brain, & use our coal first. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 24 March 2018 10:19:04 AM
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Want to enjoy Earth Hour? Go to North Korea.... They have earth hour EVERY hour. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 24 March 2018 10:44:12 AM
While cotton may be a superior fibre, it can't match it with industrial hemp as a tailor made mop crop. Especially when the goal is decontamination of irradiated or hot areas.
Why, there is some speculation that A few hemp harvests, might allow former residents to safely return to Chernobyl? Me I want to have an operational Geiger counter with me at all times.
The only reason I added this little gem to the debate was to debunk some of the patent fear mongering of folk, who can only ever see mushroom shaped clouds, whenever the word nuclear is mentioned! Or talk about seriously long half lives as if this meant they were more radioactive than material with very short half lives. When in fact the very opposite is true.
We need to understand that nuclear can be safe as a source of reliable affordable electrical power. Speaking of that, why is private coal fired electrical power in the USA, less than a third (6 cents per KwH) of the going rate here?
As spokeshave would've commented, something stinks in the state of Denmark. Perhaps there's far too many political sticky fingers in the till?
If we removed the dead wood and the passengers we make ours carry! Then there'd be no renewable that could compete as unsubsidised provision?
The green answer to almost anything, is just simplistically make stuff/things dearer! They just don't get it and don't care!
I mean as those wild fires swept the land, burning out over seventy families/country folk. Some concerned greenie rang the voluntary fire brigade, asking for some redgums be given preference over folks and their domiciles.
Making energy dearer, makes everything else much dearer; given the energy component and upward cascading cost factors, in everything we use or consume!
Alan B.