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The Forum > Article Comments > So, when do you become a grown-up in the UK? > Comments

So, when do you become a grown-up in the UK? : Comments

By Russell Grenning, published 27/2/2018

An intelligent, aware and responsible child of 16 or 17 can legally start the process of becoming transgender without the consent of his or her parents or guardian but cannot legally buy a drink in a pub or vote in a general election.

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The voting age and mark of majority should be lifted to 25 now that we know that the brain is not fully developed until then. As for gender-swapping at whatever age, there are too many important things to deal with to be worried about idiots and sex changes as long as they pay for their own mutilation.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 8:39:43 AM
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If only the “left wing” of politics would stick to what traditional left wingers do best, IE concern themselves with traditional views of inequality among the poor, and seek improvements using redistribution of wealth through wages and conditions.

Agitate for housing policies that are inclusive of all members of society currently excluded by unaffordable rents, and a housing market manipulated towards keeping foreign investors satisfied, and housing empty of people.

Flying “rainbow flags for fags” at taxpayer expense, is not traditional and left wing, nor is it inclusive and equal at all!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 11:57:29 AM
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Just a couple of things, first the U.K. is a foreign sovereign nation, who have their own parliaments.

Second if a kid is old enough to work and pay tax, then he or she ought to be able to vote for how; plus on who and what those taxes are spent on! Seems perfectly fair and reasonable to me!

We made the change from 21 to 18, because if 18 year old were old enough to fight and die then they were old enough to drink, smoke and vote!

Scotland has seen the light and now allows folk old enough to work, earn an independant income and even pay tax, even if that tax is VAT, fuel excise and congestion tax. altogether a pretty penny and percentage of, often modest incomes!

As for gender reassignment?

A fifteen year old, well into puberty knows where his/her natural God given sexual attraction lies and if old enough to make a baby? Surely also old enough to decide if they want to? Or where there true genetically imposed, God given sexual nature/gender bias lies.

When you become a grown up anywhere, but particularly in a democracy that espouses personal freedom and freedom of choice! You but out of other folk's personal and ultimately, their most personal business.

Simply put, it's none of your effing business, control freak! For fu-ks sake, but The F out and mind your own effing Business!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 February 2018 1:39:18 PM
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Further, and let's just get one thing straight here! You don't have to be left winger to go for gender reassignment! Only the most profoundly ignorant would think so!

Transgender people come from all walks of life and cross all party lines! Your sexuallity choses you regardles of whether you're a humble peasant or a prince! And becomes increasingly obvious with the onset of puberty. It can't be raped out of you!

But religious indoctrination that inculcates, brainwashed from birth belief that a different gender bias is unnatural. Forces many into closets and acting out parts ah la Rock Hudson, who presented as a truck driving alpha male, yet died of aids due to, it's believed, unprotected sex, with male prostitutes?

The spread of aids must stop along with all the pretense that makes furtive, unsafe sex so pernicious and prevalent?

Others are still in their own religiously imposed closet and butch it up with what they believe is male behaviour, in strip clubs and with foul mouths and only exposed by being micromanaging control freaks, like the Author?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 February 2018 2:01:23 PM
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yep stupid to think we can control the climate and then we have genuine gender bending by adults being imposed on kids.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 2:08:44 PM
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Or left handers. runner, because they also choose to be different!

I mean 90% of us are normal right handers, therefore it follows those using the left hand have to be deviants?

After all you lot can't seem to accept the already in evidence that there's a gay gene, like left handers you get what you're given from the human gene pool.

Folks that CHOOSE to be willfully blind to the emerging/compelling evidence are a bit like flat earthers. The only ones choosing anything here, even trying to conflate paedophillia etc, that has so shamed the Christian church they CHOOSE to belong to, even though it has become a sty in the eye of God?

Filled of misogynous control freaks, refusing to look at evidence that proves their brainwashed belief system/garbage, is foul evil that allows them to persecute/discriminate against, born different, minority.

Richard Bramstrom of virgin air offered a high placed oficial from the flat earth society a ride in one of his low orbit space flights. And at enough height to se the curvature of the earth.

Anyhow, when they landed Richard asked his guest, Well what do you think, is the world round or flat? Flat, replied the flat earther. although you had me going there for a minute.

And congratulations on the special effects and almost lifelike graphics. Almost convincing!

With which Richard threw his hands in the air and said something like you folk are nearly as bad as the "religious" homophobes, just clinically unable/unwilling to accept the literal evidence that proves, repeat, proves you are wrong! Well that's what he shoulda said?

Given you been proved wrong several counts, runner. How do you intend to plead your last judgement?

I mean it's no good pleading ignorance when the compelling evidence was laid at your feet!

That'll be years from now, or will it?

Cars crash, planes fall from sky, comparatively young men are succumbing to fatal heart attacks!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 February 2018 8:13:09 PM
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Gender reassignment treatments should be restricted by at least age. For the sake of the person's health it should wait till at least after they are done growing through puberty. For example the sake for their health if it's important enough for them then it's worth that much of a wait.

The second thing to consider is that at the same time as puberty, (and a few years after) people go through a wide shift of who they identifty themseves as. For their own well being I would say at least a few years after puberty and an adult on their own before being given the chance of gender reassignment. Because it's not easily reversible, if it's reversible at all.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 8:30:14 PM
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