The Forum > Article Comments > Donald Trump’s gift to the world > Comments
Donald Trump’s gift to the world : Comments
By Babette Francis, published 15/2/2018No one would have expected that President Donald Trump with his chequered marital history and colourful past would have turned out to be a champion of pro-life values.
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Trump has done many 'unexpected' things, the main one being his winning an election. Since then, America has improved out of sight. However, what he has achieved has very little to with Australia, except for the as yet unrealised (by our dopey politicians) fact that we are going to need to start spending more on defence and relying less on America. Where the U.S, under Trump, has become more conservative in all things, including the sanctity of human life, Australia, like the UK, Canada, New Zealand and western Europe, has chosen to remain cowering on the Left. For some loony reason, our idiotic politicians want to appear as un-Trumplike as possible, leaving him to be the only world leader getting anything done.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 15 February 2018 8:51:41 AM
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"And President Trump has shown his sincerity"
Has the author even considered for a moment the possibility that Trump's alliance with the religious right is a mere marriage of convenience? His personal conduct suggests little genuine adherence to what might be called Conservative Family Values^TM. Posted by JBSH, Thursday, 15 February 2018 10:19:59 AM
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I'm surprised that fundie pro-lifer is in favour of this policy. When George Dubya reinstated it during his presidency, it backfired spectacularly and actually managed to have the opposite of the desired effect, increasing abortion rates... oops.
"Our study found robust empirical patterns suggesting that the Mexico City Policy is associated with increases in abortion rates in sub-Saharan African countries." //a former member of USAID's population fund, lamented the "huge, huge chilling effect" the White House's policy is having on abortion activism.// Yeah, shame about the effect it had on actual abortion rates. Still, at least it keeps the activists quite. So I guess that's something. //So the freeze is working!// Well it definitely had an effect when Bush did it. Not really sure you can say that it 'worked' though. Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 15 February 2018 10:29:41 AM
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Mother of eight.
Says it all. Environmental Vandal in a big way. Posted by ateday, Thursday, 15 February 2018 10:34:29 AM
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'Mother of eight.
Says it all. Environmental Vandal in a big way.' actually says much more about your bile and lack of reason Ateday. Posted by runner, Thursday, 15 February 2018 11:09:41 AM
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Trump's gift to the world, is a half assed excuse to claw back foreign aid funds.
The man is a poser, and a prolifer because that suits the current narrative. And the fact that some callous indifferent folk agree with his unrealistic expectations/fake news? Underlines why the conservatives and the religious right are steadily losing ground. Trump would be hard put to take credit for much of the American economic recovery, already in train when he came to office. He still has that involvement with the Russians to explain away. Moreover he only won, because he offended less of the electorate? Than Mrs Clinton! He is in my view, a very flawed narcissist, with few if any redeeming features. And his pro-life stance doesn't include the entirely innocent sons and daughters of illegal migrants. He has the morals of an alley cat and the ethics of a six time bankrupt tax avoiding billionaire. And given he has a case to answer, may not even serve a full term? And if he turns out to be Putin's stooge in the white house? Neither should he! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 15 February 2018 11:30:24 AM