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The Forum > Article Comments > How I spawned an alt-left conspiracy theory about crazy Islamists > Comments

How I spawned an alt-left conspiracy theory about crazy Islamists : Comments

By Gary Gambill, published 23/1/2018

I argued that Islamists, who had no compunction about driving half a dozen suicide-bomb-laden trucks into heavy cement fortifications to breach an enemy position, were playing an important part in turning the tide of the war.

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I have no idea, and I care even less!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 23 January 2018 11:51:27 AM
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This article was a Gambill.


This is better
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 January 2018 12:04:42 PM
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Well I think you're a scumbag Gary Gambil, and I don't exactly know why you're bothering to make such a fuss about it 6yrs after.
I suppose the war didn't go the way you expected, you were called out as a piece of crap for supporting the jihadi's and it's been eating at you ever since?

Well if you don't like it then you shouldn't support ISIS.

I saw your article, I read what you wrote.
Your one of these pieces of dogpile that will justify killing any number of innocents for the importance of Israel or US national interests.
Tell me how many US citizens bust their asses every week to have the money sent to Israel?
And dragged into wars to have their kids come home maimed and mentally fried?

I supported Assad right from the start, he was the one fighing ISIS and you were nothing more than a piece of crap egging on the ones killing civilians for the benefit of Israel and the Gulf States.

You didn't give a crap about what the little people thought or endured then for the war you so gung ho'ly championed so why let it bother you now?

"While a series of articles accusing me of conspiring against jihadists would have scared the daylights out of me"

Yeah, gutless apologist supports the killing of women and kids instead...
Thanks for wasting my day.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 2:56:08 AM
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Quote "Whatever misfortunes Sunni Islamists may visit upon the Syrian people, any government they form will be strategically preferable to the Assad regime..."

Will it by chance be preferable to the Syrian people?

' will be flush with petrodollars from Arab Gulf states (relatively) friendly to Washington."

Hows that exactly, you may as well have admitted it was a proxy war and the US was supporting ISIS in their war with Israel against Assad?

May have well...
It's not like we don't the the US was shipping arms to 'moderates' (pffff) on civilian aircraft through Azerbaijan and Incirlic airbase.

"So long as Syrian jihadis are committed to fighting Iran and its Arab proxies, we should quietly root for them."

(Like somehow Iranians are messing with Aussie's lives, you expect people to believe your own brainwashed grand chessboard tripe. I don't care about what Iranians do and don't do, I only give a hoot when your wars cause em to come here and we all have to pay for it... you asshole)

Anyway that's what you said, 'root for the jihadi's' and somehow you're trying to weasel out of it and play it down, even now.

Seriously, just get lost with your stupid neoconservative bullcrap.
You wrote those things, if you won't take back what you said then live with the criticism.
I hope you think about all the dead women and kids... warmonger.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 3:19:42 AM
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Should be titled "How I made a tool of myself"
Posted by Special Delivery, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 11:26:09 AM
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