The Forum > Article Comments > The European illegal immigrant crisis – resistance is growing > Comments
The European illegal immigrant crisis – resistance is growing : Comments
By Russell Grenning, published 16/1/2018In Austria, a government report has shown that the number of crimes committed by 'foreigners' increased to an astounding forty per cent of the total in 2016.
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Our import of no-goods and no hopers is still the highest in the world per capita. Don't waste time thinking about Europe. Think about your own country and it's dropkick politicians seemingly determined to wreck our values and traditions to please the United Nations and world opinion - everybody except Australians.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 9:35:43 AM
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In Germany, as in Australia, our brown newbies are Above The Law aren't they?
Any criticism of African males relying on gang crime to "earn" a living is Racism. Isn't it? Thankyou wimpy Victorian Labor State Government and its Bought Victorian Police Force. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 9:57:40 AM
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That is the same "whimpy" state, that apologised recently to the Chinese, for the White Australia Policy. Shows how pathetically lost is the political situation in poor old Victoria; and that, in the home of the magnificent AFL too. How humiliating! Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:30:45 AM
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Resistance growing? Also the chances of armageddon!
As are the number of Goodless humans guided solely, by a mindless hate of difference! Some of it, even commercialized? As for Armageddon? Reinforced six inch concrete walls are plenty of protection from radiation poisoning! But must be SEALED from all outside, contaminated air/water! A deep underground source of water that has trickled through something like sandstone is reasonably safe to drink. Fruit/vegetables can be grown under lights, some of them UV, in those same sealed concrete boxes. And would need to be the size of a theoretical starships, supporting generations. And where everything is recycled/reusable. A good store of long lasting light bulbs/tubes essential! Ditto video players! Power supplies, which would need to last for as long as a hundred years and the only candidate for that job is thorium, underground generation and distribution. Ditto most communication/travel! Some VIP's might survive and have access to taxpayer funds? SO JUST GET IT DONE! It'll be even more beneficial and turbo charge the national economy while we wait for what seems almost inevitable? Nuclear weapons are exploded at height to maximise the kill zone! Only conventional bunker buster bombs explode forty feet under, are damn expensive and usually reserved for Prime targets! We will find pockets that self decontaminate and where it could be safe sooner? Rainfall and gravity will gradually and progressively take care of the rest that which safe will need to be safe for all saved/rescued and returned flora and fauna. Starting with hardy plants! Humans, last cab off the rank! Our biggest cities the biggest targets, except for Canberra and while parliament is sitting, trying to sell a little more of Australia to our friends? The surviving communities will only survive as self supporting self sufficient communities where every member has an essential role and shoulders it willingly, like our volunteer firies! And likely what you are both best and enjoy most of the time? Good video libraries and books, would instruct the survivors on all artisan skills etc, in the brave new world. Good luck! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 16 January 2018 12:38:37 PM
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The human plague is well and truly on its way......
Has been for quite a few years. Posted by ateday, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 12:42:58 PM
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Trumps Mexican wall is not as silly as it is made to look, by anti-Trumpters.
So far there has been little "serious" attempt to stop illegal immigration in Europe. Serious attempts will involve slaughter of the hordes. Modern politicians don't have the stomach for blood and guts! There will be a combined mixing of the blood and guts of men women and children. But that will stem the tide. There is no other way unfortunately! Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 8:24:21 PM
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Man the beaches......and start building walls....'cos this hole in the ground is ours....but you're invited to buy whatever we dig out
Posted by Special Delivery, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 8:36:27 PM
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DD, there's always another way!
During 1800's England open her prisons/ferried their worst scoundrels into Ireland where sedition and rebellion reined. And just allowed them to take whatever they wanted, legally. Only large quarantined British estates seemed untouched? Eventually enough rabble rousers showed their hand, preached armed rebellion in public places like churches etc. Soon many rebels where arrested/transported here, along with a dwindling tide of starving, ragged ass rebels. Small rewards turned hungary children against parents/brothers against brothers. Told to me by an irish gran. Former British criminals were labeled the black and tans as a consequence of their distinctive M. P. uniforms. Brutal theft, rape and thuggery were their main weapons, along with theft, excelled. Eventually their excesses became far too much for irish born brits/landed gentry and were quickly rounded up by regular police and British military after all the rebels ended here or died getting here (around half? Imagine if Trump opened many of his federal prisons and gave the ex cons rights to the same privileges? With targeted ethnic groups, which would always be reported, arrests far and few between. With an occasional arrest of some poor colored boys keeping the population quiet and quivering, waiting their turn. As a tactic, it'd probably work and return the untrammeled power of the KKK? You'd be clapping them on? While other actual Christians would be completely sickened to their bootstraps and rebel? Which would bring in a extended state of emergency and possibly a lifelong Presidency? You wouldn't applaud? Have you ever looked at what you wrote a few days after you wrote it? You'd be clapping all right as the once mightiest nation and military on earth self destructed. As the hate junkies let her rip! Some sort of economy would survive, like highly automated variants, automated power and water supplies? Have a nice rest and try not to think history repeating? Rampant calloused indifference that makes the Godless Nazi proud, could ever really become America? Or could it? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 17 January 2018 12:04:18 AM
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With out constant flow of immigrants, European society and economy would bleed to death. There will never be an end to immigration because of low birth rate and ageing population.
An immigrant is an immigrant. He is neither legal nor illegal. I strongly feel illegal immigration is a matter of interpretation. And is used to justify treating other human beings like savages and animals because of the perceived "financial burden" and "lack of integration into English society." Funny. All the illegal immigrants I know, in Phoenix, are the hardest working Sobs around. Up at dawn, waiting for day labour outside Home Depot, working HARD or even pulling weeds all day in the blazing Phoenix sun, anything to earn money to feed their families or send back home. They're not looking for welfare. All they want is work, a driver's license (so they don't break the law), and a chance, however tiny, at getting a piece of the American dream. I don't condemn them. I salute them. In fact you are looking at the immigrants in Europe, in the same way the native Americans looked at our ancestors, but the difference, is that we took it all from them. So, if you do not forget where our ancestors ran from and how they conquered and took this land, you will look at their reality in a different way, and a better understanding why people would risk it all including their own lives for economical hope. These poor people are refugees from war torn countries and should be given asylum and a helping hand getting back on their feet. Instead Britain and France are acting like Donald Trump, disparaging them attacking them with police and treating them like criminals. What on earth is wrong with Britain and France today? Britain and France have prospering economies and can well afford to give refuge to a few thousand refugees from war torn countries in accordance with international law. It is their obligation under the U.N. Charter. Period. IA Posted by Iftikhar, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 1:21:32 AM
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Sexual grooming is a western value. A couple of migrant Muslims are trying to adopt it in the name of integration.
If the western policies of illegal wars, regime changes and support for gulf despots stop, there won’t be refugees in the first place. And of course the Middle East was a shining light of peace and tolerance before the Evil West got involved. Posted by Iftikhar, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 1:28:06 AM
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“An immigrant is an immigrant” Really? It should be obvious to anyone paying attention to the news that there are many kinds of immigrants: Legal, illegal, skilled, unskilled, productive, burdensome, etc…
One obvious fact is that some immigrants bring their failed ideology and culture with them, others arrive willing to accept the better life and values of Australia. The proper word for the former is “good”, while that for the later is “problematic”. Notice how our resident Islamist apologist talks of treating immigrants like savages – this from a man that blindly accept that he and his coreligionist are the “best of peoples” and non-Muslims are “lower than animals” – at which point be blames every thing on the evil whites. Just for you info, Iftikhar, those immigrants outside Home Depot are not Muslims, they are latinos, mostly. They get up at dawn and look for work (some, most have jobs) while your people are doing their morning prayers to a brutal sadistic god (or don’t you even know about the vile tortures Allah so enjoys, as described in the Quran?) and thinking of new ways to blame infidels for anything and everything (kind of like the 11-year old scarf girl in Canada). Note also that Ifti wonders what is wrong with Britain and France (and the USA and Australia, of course). Does this man ever wonder, even for a millisecond, what is wrong with islam and Muslims? Does he wonder why Islamic societies are so abominable? Of course not, Islam is perfect and we are evil and it is all our fault. I looked at your site, which is pretty much 50% dedicated to blaming others and 50% inaccurate portrayals of Islamic dogma. Take the line “In Islam there is no commandment to kill people….” Does Allah know this? Have you cut out verses from your copy of the Quran? What about 5:32 and 9:111. Are they about sending flowers to the sick? It would be nice to find a musssie that actually knows anything about his loathsome religion. BTW, where are you Iftikhar, the UK, Phoenix or Downunder? Posted by kactuz, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 7:22:37 AM
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God Alan B, you do “go-off” like a Chinese cracker!
The problem with the West, and as a consequence, it's abysmal lack of ability at dealing “directly” with anything resembling confrontation, is it's “self-pacification” of the masses! The final solution for the State-based pacification process, is to feminise the masses….all going to plan at the moment! Thank God for Donald Trump…with his finger on the nuclear button…let us prey he presses it, and restores the American pride, so missing since Hillary “clitiros” Clinton’s rule of madness! Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 9:25:47 AM
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Diver dan I think there must be more than one person posting under the Alan B name, or there is a dramatic personality change dependent on the consumption of some mind changing material.
The poster is often rational, & in command of facts & good ideas, then switches to ratbaggery. If I was more interested I might check if this switch has anything to do with the time of day. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 1:18:49 PM
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Deafened by his own "gong"... We live in an era of the greatest peace of all-time. There is room for manoeuvre, and a bit of mass blood shed in the name of world law and order would hardly make a dent in the statistic. We could easily stop stampeding immigrants with tried and tested through history, mass slaughter on the borders. Word would soon get out! But no, we sit around whimping it out, and complain about renegade African wild natives, running ragged through our peaceful streets, particularly in Melbourne! Who are the fools? Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 2:24:08 PM
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A lot of people are quick to forget just how the UK and Europe became so rich in the first place. They did through the exploitation of countries such as Africa India and the Middle East. If we lived in a more equal planet all these arguments would be obsolete. The reason Europe is so rich is because they keep everyone else poor. Europe is still exploiting workers from these countries right this very minute. Whether they are working in their own country or working in Europe. The way people in EU can afford to live with food and clothes so cheap is because people are being exploited for you to afford these items at unrealistic prices. Think about that the next time you bang on about how they will make the EU a 3rd world country full of terrorists. Try living in the real world for a change instead of in your silly bubble.
Anti migration people act as if native born people commit no crime. A Muslim kills 3 people and its all immigrants, and especially Muslim immigrants are terrorists, going to kill us all if we don't stop the invasion. But, what's the reaction when the much more common native born person kills his wife? Nothing at all. No problem there? There is a lot of evidence that if allowed, migrants would be very productive and tax paying. The problem is, that governments do not allow them to work for fear they will "steal jobs" Europe and the US have played an important role in those conflicts. The least they can do is to provide shelter for their victims. Anti migration people act as if native born people commit no crime. A Muslim kills 3 people and its all immigrants, and especially Muslim immigrants are terrorists, going to kill us all if we don't stop the invasion. But, what's the reaction when the much more common native born person kills his wife? Nothing at all. No problem there? IA Posted by Iftikhar, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 9:58:28 PM
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An accusation of colonialism from the most brutal colonialsts in history !
What a nerve ! Where are all the Christians and Jews that were in the Middle East ? Why is it that eastern European countries want nothing to do with moslems ? Because they were ruled by Islamic tyrants for many years. Spain was occupied for almost 700 years until Isabella got stuck into them. At least European colonialists left behind democratic governments and government structures, even if the locals could not maintain it. Iftikhar I suspect is Pakistani and if ever there was a failed state that is one. Still Pakistan holds the record for the highest score of the percentage of cousin marriages. That probably accounts for much of Pakistan's troubles. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 19 January 2018 2:34:38 PM
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This below about Canada, but equally applicable to here:
To say “we are a nation of immigrants,” then, is immaterial. We are now a nation of citizens. Skilled immigrants, properly screened and taking into account real domestic needs, should be part of the country’s future, but not in multiples that threaten to dilute a nation’s internal cohesion, not from backward countries whose inhabitants are all too often uneducated, illiterate and functionally unassimilable, and certainly not from parts of the world -- in particular, the Islamic world -- whose history, culture, theology and politics have ranged it against everything that Western civilization comprises. The plight of European nations like Germany, Sweden, England and France, sinking into a morass of civil unrest, criminal violence and legal subversion, should be an incontrovertible object lesson that multiculturalism is the devil’s gift to a forgetful and undeserving people. The congeries of welfare recipients bankrupting our fiscal resources, inner-city ghettoes of disaffected and belligerent residents, the array of lawfare plaintiffs, the proliferation of de facto censorship procedures (cf. Canadian federal Bill C-16 and Motion l03 and the various “hate speech” laws) and the consequent erosion of community standards are the poisoned fruit of such unstructured immigration protocols -- a scourge prettified under the term “multiculturalism.” Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 21 January 2018 3:12:40 AM
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Exactly Kactuz, the latest bit of news from Malmo Sweden.
A suburban police station in an Islamic no go suburb was badly damaged by being shot up, (remember Lakemba police station) and was rebuilt stronger. It has now been blown up. What a great idea it was to open the borders ! Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 21 January 2018 10:44:23 AM
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Having lived amongst and dealt with Muslims for some years I found that basically, they are a seemingly 'normal' bunch. I would ask the question what are the 'real' reasons these refugees are here?
I choose to question there real motive. When my parents and other European migrants came after the war, they had hell to pay, as did I even though I was born here. I would like to believe that amongst these 'good' Muslim migrants we have militant ones hiding within. Now this is where I believe the problem lies. As in with the 'mafia', the locals knew who they were but for fear of their own or their families lives they would simply 'look away'. I truly believe that these 'bad guys' are known to the Muslim population, but are too scared to do anything about it. The unfortunate consequence of this act of restraint is that terror is unleashed unchecked. I have to say I want these militants removed from our society, and I don't care how. The shame of it all is that all the good ones would have to go too. Unless they are prepared to single out the bad ones. This will never happen because of the fear of retribution here and back home, and we have a totally ineffective govt and legal system. We have far too many 'soft cocks' and PC people, whom we must firstly reject. These are emotional people. Emotions have absolutely no place in any debate or decision making process. Then we kill all the greens, the pollies and anyone else in law enforcement that would not comply. I know let's find another Hitler. Anyone up for the challenge? Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 21 January 2018 10:52:23 PM