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The next pandemic : Comments
By Peter Curson, published 1/12/2017Almost half of the USA (is) one giant natural reservoir of the disease where plague is permanently entrenched among the burrows of ground-living animals.
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As the author suggests, not much the individual can do towards changing the inevitable...
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 1 December 2017 9:55:21 AM
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There seems to be a increase in the number of people, children too, shown kissing animals and even sharing saliva with all sorts of animals, but especially dogs, cats and horses.
Most realise that veterinarians are not going to be opposed to that and even optimistic that problems might not eventuate if your pet goes to the vet often. Encouraging owners to treat animals as part of the family is a deliberate and highly effective strategy to grow fees and profits. Your risk, their profit. Posted by leoj, Friday, 1 December 2017 10:32:49 AM
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And this guy is a retired professor at Macquarie. What Prof Curson says is all true up to a point, but he omits many salient points. For example, he mentions the death toll from the 1918-19 flu pandemic. Quite so. He then needs to ask himself why the death toll was so high. The answer is that it occurred directly after WWI when whole populations were on the brink of starvation, particularly in the Central Powers, and had been weakened by the privations of war. Health services were strained and millions were moving around. If a flu strain of the same degree of danger hit now would it cause the same number of deaths? In fact, it is unlikely the death rate would change much at all.
Even in areas directly affected by Ebola it is possible that death rates from infectious diseases fell, not rose (I had cause to look at what figures there were for the area, recently). After all, Ebola is not the only deadly disease in the area by a long way, and international organisations have been doing a lot of work in the area. In western countries, as Prof Curson should well know, death rates from infectious diseases of all kinds have been falling not rising for decades.
Posted by curmudgeonathome, Friday, 1 December 2017 11:03:48 AM
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//There seems to be a increase in the number of people, children too, shown kissing animals and even sharing saliva with all sorts of animals, but especially dogs, cats and horses.//
Jesus, you must watch some weird videos. Zoonotic diseases which readily spread between people and domesticated animals are already well controlled, because medical and veterinary science were not properly developed until long after the domestication of those animals. The two fields are fundamentally intertwined. It was zoonotic disease that led to Jenner discovering vaccination in the first place. And much of Pasteur's work deals with zoonotic and purely veterinarian disease. Long story short: the next great pandemic will probably not have natural reservoir in any domesticated species. The smart money is on whale flu, apparently. Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 1 December 2017 2:56:58 PM
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" number of people, children too, shown kissing animals and even sharing saliva " or 'has the cat got your tongue' in war-torn slums.
Chinese aerial virus is infecting trade deals and tweeting sites in the New York swamps. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 1 December 2017 4:49:06 PM
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When poverty becomes the new norm for more than half the population, then standards of hygiene and vermin control go AWOL. As does adequate nutrition.
And health services are less than adequate, with too many sick folk crammed into wards that out be divided into single ensuited rooms. To limit the spread of super bugs. We need to return to he sterile medical practise pre antibiotics. Moreover, things like HIV/aids can and does mutate and needs new additional medications to control this virus. As long as big pharma earns annual billions from managing, there will remain little appetite for curing this scourge. Even as already approved medication (leukaemia chemo/rheumatoid arthritis?) can in combination, stop this virus dead in its tracks? And we need to make better use of both ozone and oxygen as pathogen/disease control mechanisms. At the end of the day, unless we remove disadvantage and its handmaiden poverty! Things can only ever go from bad to worse, given none of the alluded to problems happen in isolation without knowable causative factors and their obvious solutions. The worse being unmitigated greed on part of the population and just can't envision a future, where there's enough, so that we just don't have have deliberately created pools of poverty! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 1 December 2017 5:39:37 PM
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So I'm stalking by asking questions on what you post in OLO .
Anyway , you never reply to support your declarations on whatever global solutions you announce. Then, where is your evidence for stopping AIDS in its tracks? If it's not a rude question. If it is, it still needs a reply. Doctor. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 1 December 2017 7:39:32 PM
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//we need to make better use of both ozone and oxygen as pathogen/disease control mechanisms.//
Don't be ridiculous. You cannot cure AIDS by giving a patient O2, and giving patients O3 is a spectacularly bad idea unless you're Dr Harold Shipman. AIDS can be cured with a diet rich in beetroot, garlic, lemons and beer. Oh, and thorium of course. Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 2 December 2017 4:41:51 AM
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no not the thorium , with his blood pressure.
! ! Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 2 December 2017 8:57:21 AM
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Given the 24 hour limit is just ten posts! Replying to every anti thorium, titanic tantrum put in by any troll on Putin's payroll, would be ridiculous and a waste of time!
Toni: Where in any of my posts have I advocated Oxygen as a cure for aids? Where? Apology accepted! And if you are going to critique thorium like the resident, no name numbskull? Then first read, Richard Martin's, Super Fuel, subtitled, green energy. Richard Martin is a prize winning investigative Journalist. And worth reading, even if only for a comprehensive energy essay written in layman's language. Or listen to a short summary on U tube. Otherwise, better the world should suspect you are a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt! And given what you say I said, is not what I said or implied, why don't your join your Mate No name numbskull in the pointy head, dunces corner. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, at a least three atmospheres, has shown to be therapeutic in stroke recovery, in treating untreatable diabetic ulcers and slowing down dementia, if applied at routine intervals, as preventative medicine. Ozone as bubbled air in hydrotherapy, hot tubs or family swimming pools, assists in applied hygiene! And quite marvellous as a water softener. Some countries still use oxygen rather than chlorine to treat town water! Finally, oxygen is implicated in all healing! I have been known to answer to Doc or prof. But never Doctor. Studying medicine or passing exams or years spent in analytic laboratories confers neither status! I was eventually, offered a residency, by a professor of medicine I seemed to have really impressed and not confined/intellectually crippled by intellectual arrogance. But years too late! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 2 December 2017 12:04:32 PM
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" HIV/aids ..Even as already approved medication (leukaemia chemo/rheumatoid arthritis?) can in combination, stop this virus dead in its tracks?"
Simple question. Wot? Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 2 December 2017 12:24:57 PM
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Certainly the epidemic of Trumpism has reached plague proportions.
And in terms of the Trumpadore's sex drive - East European supermodels are not the only ones Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 3 December 2017 2:49:50 PM
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No name numbskull:
Wot? According to my reading, a Melbourne based research team headed by a Lady scientist, discovered that a patent brand name, rheumatoid medication Z-x-w-y, finds a forces out of hiding small pockets of hidden aids virus? And the leukaemia medication/chemo, seems to have effectively destroyed those exposed? And quite widely reported at the time, several years ago! Although those best suited, still comparatively healthy, given the extremely robust effects of the combination of already approved for other purpose, medication! And if followed though by several double blind trials, may prove to be successful? And as an unintended consequence shut down one of big pharma's biggest money spinners. And there lies the difficulty? Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disease, and the medicine Z-x--w-y, seeks out and destroys the rouge immune cells? Aids suppressed by anti viral meds, hides out in your immune system, where the medication simply recognises the host cells as just more rouge cells? And just destroys them if not the virus, leaving it for the chemo, which seems, has no difficulty then disposing of the unwanted pathogen? This then unexplained rationale and something big pharma would hate? And may mean clinicians may have to wait for either medication to be out of patent? Before it can used for an unapproved purpose? Given either medication may have prohibitions/conditional use/limited treatment and applications placed on either, by the patent holders? And may explain why big pharma, wanted many of their patent protection period and controls extended? And underlines, I believe, big pharma's commitment to profits before all else? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 3 December 2017 4:25:27 PM
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( without verbal abuse) "And the leukaemia medication/chemo, seems to have effectively destroyed those exposed? And if followed though by several double blind trials, may prove to be successful.." Yeah right . Stopped dead in its tracks , still in the race. That's why I enquire about your proclamations . Sir Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 3 December 2017 5:01:03 PM
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What is certain is that adequate responses will be completely conditional on the preferences of profitmaking companies and religions.
Actual human benefits will only occur if these forces are satisfied of above-average returns or are themselves in real danger, in which case they will claim victim-status and first pick of the vaccines. Posted by Rusty Catheter, Sunday, 3 December 2017 5:05:12 PM
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Thorium nasal sprays are effective in warding off the miasmas that create disease. Ask your local pharmacist about them today.
//Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disease, and the medicine Z-x--w-y, seeks out and destroys the rouge immune cells?// //Aids suppressed by anti viral meds, hides out in your immune system, where the medication simply recognises the host cells as just more rouge cells? And just destroys them if not the virus, leaving it for the chemo, which seems, has no difficulty then disposing of the unwanted pathogen?// Dude, why are you asking us? It's your story. Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 4 December 2017 4:56:43 AM