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No matter the question, government is the answer : Comments

By Stephen Cable, published 24/11/2017

It seems that when government workers are in a position to decide, they vote for more government and there is no party more in favour of larger government than the Greens.

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The Greens are a bunch of nut jobs, and most of the humanities department at our UNI's are as well.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 24 November 2017 7:52:58 AM
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The election of another Green to a lower house is a frightening reminder of the hothouse of extreme Leftism that Victoria is. Add it's newly acquired ability to legally kill people, and it certainly becomes a 'fly-over area for non Victorians. The growth of government is truly appalling.

What a truism is: "Where government advances, liberty retreats.

Thanks to the author for telling it the way it is.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 November 2017 7:53:02 AM
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In the interest of fairness though, if the leftside can build its institutions via the taxpayers, then obviously the right should as well.
Posted by progressive pat, Friday, 24 November 2017 9:13:14 AM
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Well, While I'm no fan of the green movement and their capacity to get into bed with the devil himself, if that gets them more marginal seats? Even where they as alleged progressives go up against other alleged progressives and in favour of demonstrably regressive candidates? Even as they trot out glib denials?

Which underlines their only real political obsession! Power and winning it!

That said, not the only economic illiterates occupying public office? President Reagan, routinely critigued Democratic spending and debt levels, and then while in office, routinely and massively exceeded it? And managed to virtually bankrupt the USSR, while so engaged?

John Howard managed a similar feat as he irresponsibly, I believe, squandered mining booms one and two, with welfare for the rich, vote buying, pork barrelling?

That said there is a way to reduce government spending and government duplication and that is by successfully removing the middle tier of government, and without sacrificing so much as a single service or public amenity, save around 70 plus annual billions!? Even more, (30+%?) if regional autonomy and a direct funding model that excludes all the usual middlemen, predominates or prevails!

And it's regressive conservatives more than most, who refuse even consideration of reform in this area, but would rather see local government, removed first!

Every western style economy rests on just two support pillars, energy and capital!

And privatising either or both has not only added to our financial burden, but could bankrupt us as well! As the profit curve is all that dominates the thinking of corporate boards and their handpicked CEO's!

I mean, why do you think both energy and housing are unaffordable in our major regional capitals!

And bound to get worse before it gets better, if regressive conservatives, and or greens, get the nod!? TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 24 November 2017 9:28:51 AM
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We confront a future where many occupations will be automated, be they truck drivers, teachers and lawyers? And as climate change deepens and it will! Our ability to feed ourselves could be compromised?

Particularly, if we follow the green rational of decommissioning dams and coal fired power in favour of vastly less reliable, vastly more expensive renewables? And wild rivers!

Have they got shares in wind and solar technology?

That aside, they seem to want to open the flood gate of migration, even where it includes migrants of questionable character, who've destroyed confirming documentation and were able to find $5-15,000.00 as boat fares to organised crime syndicates!

Who didn't give a dam if the boat crew and passengers perished, once they were packed to the gunnels with fare paying passengers. Who to a generic man, had already found sanctuary/political asylum, inside transition countries!

Nobody is shooting them there, and regardless of their preferred destination? They are in no way as intentionally, undocumented intending migrants, our responsibility!

As lamb chop chewing Sam Kickovich would say, you know it makes perfect sense!

We don't need more people, just retraining the ones already here!

And we need affordable carbon free energy and the affordable water. Which alone makes affordable energy possible along with the expanded food production. Which in turn, makes both possible and doable!

And affordable if we get our act together and finally embrace self terminating, thirty year, tax free, infrastructure bonds! ENERGY AND CAPITAL, DUMKOFF! IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 24 November 2017 10:08:41 AM
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Short and sweet...
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 24 November 2017 12:59:46 PM
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No one could do as badly as cyman mal and the jesters in the village idiot party we are currently enduring.
Posted by mikk, Friday, 24 November 2017 2:18:12 PM
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When I was a boy, most business operated inside owned premises and retained enough operational capital to completely restock shelves. And just paid their taxes in full and without question as that was and remains the patriotic thing to do!

Now tax avoidance is all the go, with folks operating out of leased premises, which is added as a passed on cost! And often with selves or showrooms full of goods literally owned by a lender, where the subsequent debt burden needs to be factored in along with tax and shareholder dividends, into the retail price! And farmers facing ruination by virtue of over investment in leased machinery? Just to minimise tax!

And tax that pays for roads rail education an hospitals they, along with other government services, use and need!

And then we wounder why we have trouble competing with emerging economies, with state own state operated banks charging no interest to tax free state owned instrumentality?

Interestingly, in the morning's news, revelations of a Chinese businessman giving the LNP $40,000.00 as a political donation and Adani apparently obtaining Chinese backing and finance for the biggest in the world, already approved Carmichael mine?

The LNP, would seem to have some interesting backers?

An interesting way to avoid the scrutiny of the foreign investment review board? And or government foreign investment policy? If government is ever the answer? Then this is the wrong government to be meddling or buying up our export commodities!

Which results in lose lose for Aussies. we lose the export income, most if not all tax liabilities and any real control of the resource?

Which ought instead be resumed under provisions of quite blatant breaches of our foreign investment rules!? TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 25 November 2017 10:29:02 AM
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The GFC was created by unregulated, private banking, grown too big to fail! And predatory lending practises?

This couldn't have happened when I was a boy, with enough public sector banks getting a major share of deposits, by virtue of the fact that their interest rate could be relied on and savings accounts were not only fee free but, as term deposits, were tied to compounding interest!

And as a consequence the CBA became the biggest bank in Australasia?

And just before it was privatised added some annual 7 billions or thereabouts, to consolidated revenue. As did the government owned Telco.

Not withstanding, the government per se, owns nothing, just allegedly represents the taxpayers interests?

None of who need to be consulted via a simple preelction flagging of intention, that is seems was never ever forthcoming?

Now we have the very same conservatives, braying about the cost of social welfare, that was by and large fully funded by state owned infrastructure the welfare recipients, paid for!

Finally and in conclusion. Co-ops were the only private enterprise business model that mostly survived the great depression largely intact. And only because they were and remain the most efficient, private enterprise, self employment, model still operating and never ever known to have grown to big to fail!

And dismantled by activist conservatives, wherever possible, to conform to a preferred, idiotical, ideological imperative!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 25 November 2017 10:56:43 AM
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Agreed, but what we don't know is, what evil these court jesters are up to, with the treasury key in their possession.

We are but an audience to be entertained. We are but the audience to the "great show of magic". Hypnotised by crude devices of propaganda, into believing, just for the moment, while comfortably seated in front of the mystical stage, where lights dazzle the eyes, and sounds numb our senses, that what we think actually matters.

We are irrelevant to the main act Mikk.

But another hung parliament for Qld. How we could have saved millions of poor taxpayer dollars, by eliminating elections, to arrive at the same end? How dare they!

As we did learn from so many squeaky wheels during the ssm plebiscite, we all know what people want, why waste taxpayer dollars on Democratic nonsense like elections!
Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 26 November 2017 9:07:57 AM
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Jawhol Herr Diver.

Ve don't like free und fair elections und or homosexuals. Und ve think that ze first must be cancelled Permantly und or for the next 1,000 years! Und ze queers zent to ze gas chambers as a final solution in keeping with you personal likes und frequently esposed dislikes.


How dare zey demand ze same rights as ze normal folk like us und elections ve chust don need ezer!

Comply or elze! Ve haf vays of making ju enchoy yourzelf!

Seig heil Herr Diver.

Be kind to you fine feathered friends,
cause a duck maybe somebody's mother?
Be kind and they'll thrill you through and through!

The Irish have a saying. Don't take life to seriously, after all, none of us get out of it alive!

Y'll have a nice day now y'hear.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 26 November 2017 9:43:04 AM
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Well, the Irish would not take you seriously; neither would anyone else.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 26 November 2017 9:46:45 AM
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Dr. Digitalis was on the air this morning advocating for assisted suicide as an act of compassion.

Anyhow, thought about itand came to a conclusion.

The old dog needs to be put down, he gasps and wheezes and whines all night, his bedding needs changing at least once a month, because he frequently soils it. The final straw was when he could no longer lick his crotch or rear end. And has as a consequence got flyblown!

As an act of kindness and compassion had the poor old bugger put down. The burial costs and medical fees, were I thought, quite exorbitant.

But Granddad's estate was worth a quite few bob so he actually paid for all of it, the euthanasia and the burial.

We're devastated and are going to Las Vegas, London, Paris and New York for a six month long wake. Thanks grampus.

Dr.D also crowed about a Queensland result where increased green support failed to materialise, while One Nation polled quite well! And waxed lyrical about the fact that a new N.S.W green candidate, was an anti SSM Muslim? What? Softly, softly, catchee monkey?

As I said, gets into bed with anybody, back-flips all over the joint or espouses any unachievable policy if that grows the electoral base?

Well, green voters aren't too bright!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 26 November 2017 10:19:02 AM
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Phase two, under the new dawning flag of equality, electronic elections. A system rife with inequality, with the exception of homosexuals in high places, and the private owners of the propaganda machinery.

Here is a golden moment, to forge the good cause under the equality flag. A moment to sharpen up the hacking devices to a razor edge, in preparation for the sacrifice of the last vestiges of Democracy, to the gods of Paganism and debauchery.

A shaft of golden light from the heavens (plural), will be mandated, falling onto the great halls of wisdom and greed in Canberra; since now the sky is the limit, as the monks of paganism, occupy the once sacred temples of Christendom, in a giant step backwards to fourth century Egypt, and the Christian scourges of paganism.
Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 26 November 2017 11:50:20 AM
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Far from squandering the first mining boom Howard took Australia out of the recession that Keating had to have, paid off the biggest debt that Aus had had to date of nearly $100bn, built up a surplus of $50bn, nearly halved unemployment to 4.1%, and lead Australia through the greatest decade of economic growth and wages growth that Aus has ever seen.

Compare this to Labor whose mining boom produced tax revenue of more than double that of Howard's era took unemployment from 4.1% to 5.8%, left $300bn of debt and $30bn p.a. of new spending laws, 30 000 illegals in detention and 1200 corpses floating off Xmas island.

Secondly, tax avoidance has been in existence since taxes were invented, and tax exemptions that people use to avoid tax were generally put in place to encourage good behaviour such as the depreciation on machinery encouraged investment in machinery, and the health care rebate encourages individuals to take out private health cover which lowers the burden on the state health system.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 26 November 2017 12:07:43 PM
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Encourage? Who? The average Joe/Aussie battler, or tax avoiding quislings, just using the system to avoid a far share of tax, then justifying it with drivel like that that flows from the pen of shadow minister? All while those least able to afford it are forced to carry the avoided load!

It beggar's belief that Dr. D was loud and clear complaining about the Queensland result, [one green bottle hanging on the wall,] and that Labour preferenced the LNP ahead of them? Well, it was the greens who led by example there!

One nation made considerable ground in the primaries and needs a very strong dose of the same medicine to prevent them gaining the balance of power and the consequent ability to engage in political blackmail.

As I've already said, [unless we want to follow Italy and government contested by 30 or more parties,] the majors just have to preference each other and then allow the contest of SANE ideas to carry and win the contest!

Not quite a hung parliament thanks to some sane use of preferences!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 November 2017 11:47:17 AM
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When a tradesman buys $500 worth of tools and claims them against the taxable allowance he is avoiding about $150 worth of tax. Is he also a tax avoiding quisling? Is the physiotherapist who works from home and claims some of her rent off tax a tax avoiding quisling? Tax avoidance is using legal methods to avoid paying tax and has been done for hundreds of years. Similarly most businesses lease their premises, and the cost of this is a tax write off for obvious reasons.

That some companies push the limits is a separate manner using transfer pricing and some dodgy loans means that the tax office needs to keep on top of them. If they are actually exceeding the limits then what they are doing is tax evasion which is illegal.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 27 November 2017 1:52:18 PM
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The taxpayer-funded national public broadcaster is the publicity machine for the green left and to the tune of $1.3 billion pa. Shows like Q&A give the green left oxygen and gather impressionable young votes.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 28 November 2017 10:44:01 PM
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