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Climate change and electric vehicles : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 10/11/2017

What the ACT Government has done is to commission solar and wind generation, much of it outside the ACT, that is a contribution to the grid.

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I can see why one would rail against some of the identified assumptions Don and the idiocy in using coal fired/charged electric vehicles.

Even so, we don't need to currently import coal! So there would appear to be some sort of economic rationale in the supposition?

For mine if we are to go completely electric and I can think of several extremely compelling reason why we should? And all of them based solely and exclusively on economic outcomes alone.

Moreover, if the preferred paradigm eventually and progressively reduces greenhouse gas to preindustrial days? Can be economically exploited to reverse desertification, which in turn may allow displaced refugees to be repatriated to their homelands, in their tens of millions?

And if adopted and deployed here, would quite massively boost our economy! And here I'm talking about, nuclear technology.

Not just any nuclear technology, but tested and not found wanting, molten salt thorium technology.

Thorium is the most energy dense material on the planet. And three times more abundant than uranium.

While is is of little matter that is carbon free energy, it nonetheless is! And for an excellent summation, I refer you to Super Fuel, subtitled green energy, written by, of all people, a prize winning investigative journalist. If memory serves, his name is Richard Martin.

Professor Hargreaves of, [Thorium cheaper than coal fame,] is on the public record, claiming energy costs below 2 cents as the median!

Recent advances in cost effective desalination now make desalinated water economically viable for broad crop agriculture? And if coupled to thorium energy, also rechargeable electric vehicles.

All of which become vastly more viable with an energy production paradigm of less than 2 cents P.K.H! And as fully privatised models!

I believe I could halve that by deploying competing cooperative models, that would still be free market, proven the most successful, private enterprise!

And better yet, doesn't avoid tax, doesn't repatriate profits and unable to price gouge! And ideally, all Australian!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 10 November 2017 11:01:38 AM
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"The evidence of climate change is overwhelming". Yes. But the evidence for human cause is so 'underwhelming' as to be non-existent.

Why on Earth anyone wants to keep raking up the lies, kicking them about, is beyond comprehension for any sane, logical person.', says ttbn.

Well of course the pay is very good mate.

It would be interesting to know just how much Commissioner Professor Kate Auty is being paid. I bet the dollar level per rant is really high. I'll also bet the retirement conditions won't leave her worrying about the old age pension.

It is of course impossible to know if the lady concerned is just stupid, or a smarty working the angles to improve her retirement fund, but either way she obviously does not give a damn about the wellbeing of her fellow Australians.

I once spent an hour talking to the chair of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. She was an English Professor, & knew a bit less about the reef & the ocean than the average tourist. This ambulance chaser does appear to be of similar ilk, but has done very well for herself.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 10 November 2017 11:59:34 AM
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Michael Mann has stated:

"Continuing to argue about what's causing the planet to warm is the moral equivalent of arguing over whether wood burns while a fire is climbing up out of the basement of your house. It's time Republicans stop arguing and got out the hoses instead."

Climate science began in the early 1800s through Fourier.

Of interest, Ross Garnautt has stated that the wholesale cost of renewables in South Australia is now lower than States where coal is the chief source of power.

A very major Report has just been published in relation to how climate has impacted on the USA in 2016 which has been referenced by thousands of scientists.

Professor Francis speaks about how the science of the Arctic's influence on climate has been refined:

There are a number of Research papers published about how ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctic are being undermined by warm Oceans.

2017 won't be the warmest year recorded; though, it has been suggested it will be there near the top. Record temperatures were recorded in many areas of the USA for there summers, some records are now being broken for the time of year.

Just saying that the climate isn't changing without any evidence doesn't make sense when on a daily basis science reports are being published.

Lately, there have been studies published about how the Amazon is no longer a sink for CO2, coral reefs being bleached off Western Australia, ice sheet demise, subsea permafrost degradation in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the Totten Glacier in East Antarctica less stable than thought, increasing CO2 levels seen as part reason for demise of bees, and more.
Posted by ant, Friday, 10 November 2017 12:54:51 PM
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Only complete nutters would or could argue a natural causes rational, during a waning phase of the sun, which traditionally would have ushered in a naturally occurring cooling period or ice age!


The word is out? Just as in big tobacco and asbestos, oil industry scientists are saying one thing to their employers and another to the general public! Ditto the nuclear fuel industry!

To be sure, you just can't polish a turd, but when has that stopped any of the aforementioned from trying?

Just get over yourselves, give your troubled minds a rest and simply look at what's on the table through rational lenses!

Never mind about climate change or anything you just don't want to believe, even a round world that revolves around a currently waning sun!

And then just focus solely and purely on the economic argument alone! Just that and nothing more! After all at the end of the day, it's the economy stupid!

If undecided, check out U tube, Google tech talks and Super fuel, subtitled green energy.

Or the case for thorium by speakers like, Kirk Sorensen, Former NASA engineer and nuclear technologist, for the bona fide facts!

Just burying the head and repeating the lies now promulgated by sections of a very economically threatened fossil fuel or nuclear industry just won't cut it, neither will resorting to troll like abuse! And endlessly questioning or challenging assembled facts!

We can do so much better, particularly if we all man up and man the oars and for just once! All row together and in the same flamin direction!

Rowing in ever decreasing circles can only see our lifeboat Australia rammed up our collective jacksey.

The fight we must have, is out there! Not here at home amongst ourselves! United we stand, divided we fall! Even when our backs are to the wall!

Ain't that the plane truth!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 10 November 2017 4:44:16 PM
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Alan is quite correct when he says, "you just can't polish a turd", be sure as hell is trying very hard to disprove this fact,
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 10 November 2017 7:25:45 PM
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Nuclear powered cars? Sign me up.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 10 November 2017 7:32:14 PM
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