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Marriage as a 'social institution' : Comments

By Eric Porter, published 5/9/2017

Indeed, if marriage were simply about love, it would render all the legal infrastructure redundant.

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Toni Lavis:

“Do as you say, not as you do, eh Phanto?”

There is a world of difference between expressing an opinion about someone else’s behaviour or motivation and the desire to hurt them with derision, insults, put downs and sarcasm.

Everyone’s behaviour and motivation should be under scrutiny and most people who behave with good grace and for the right reasons will not have a problem with that. It only bothers those who have a hidden agenda to protect.

“Sixpence! Sixpence to see The Amazing Phanto!”

This is an example of your desire to hurt. Whether you succeed or not is beside the point but you certainly have the intention. Of course if you do not have that intention then my claim will have no affect on you.

“//Yeah that's what pedophiles say//

I wouldn't know, phanto.”

Yes you would – you are lying.


I am no longer going to indulge your “whack-a-mole” evasiveness. If you do not have the personal integrity to admit your intention to insult me and then Yuyutsu and also to indulge your arrogant attitudes towards other members of this forum then there is not much I can do to change that.

You have exposed yourself for all to see and people will draw their own conclusions. There is not much you can do about that either.
Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 6:49:24 AM
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At no point have I been evasive, phanto.

<<I am no longer going to indulge your “whack-a-mole” evasiveness.>>

On the contrary, I went to great lengths to respond to every rubbish claim of yours and all the mental gymnastics you engaged in for the sole purpose of making my rather normal and understandable motives appear sinister.

Why, one can make any action - no matter how innocent - appear sinister, if one presents the motives in a False Dilemma.

But then, you already knew that, didn’t you phanto?

<<If you do not have the personal integrity to admit your intention to insult me …>>

Oh, it was (in part, at least). I haven’t denied that. Indeed, I happily acknowledged it:

“I’ll be as patronising and insulting as your ridiculous arguments warrant.” (

Which is why we were discussing the difference between fallacious and non-fallacious ad hominems. My insult was justified. When you are justified in calling me an idiot, I can assure you that I won’t complain if you do. Indeed, I welcome it. There is nothing wrong with calling out idiocy. It is a means of allowing those, who are not snowflakes like yourself, to learn from their mistakes and engage in some self-reflection - an ability you are apparently yet to learn.

Again, you really know how to debate yourself into a right tangle, don’t you phanto?

<<… and then [insult] Yuyutsu …>>

I haven’t insulted Yuyutsu. I had pointed to the problems in his arguments. to which he responded by digging his heels in.

<<… and also to indulge your arrogant attitudes towards other members of this forum …>>

Do you have an example of me doing this? I don’t think so.

Bye bye, phanto.
Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 7:20:30 AM
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//There is a world of difference between expressing an opinion about someone else’s behaviour or motivation and the desire to hurt them with derision, insults, put downs and sarcasm.//

There sure is. Remember that case a few years back when the Chaser team disagreed with journalist Chris Kenny's political views and so rather than make joke about those, they called him a 'dog-rooter' (and he subsequently sued for defamation)?

What the Chaser were doing there was attempting to malign Kenny's reputation with unfounded insults, which is exactly what you're attempting to do by accusing me of pedophilia. So congratulations, phanto! You're as mature as those darlings of the ABC left, the Chaser boys. Hope you feel proud of yourself.

//It only bothers those who have a hidden agenda to protect.//

So everybody who objects to being having unfounded accusations levelled against must be hiding something, eh phanto? Great logic there, buddy.

//Yes you would – you are lying.//

Really? Is that the best you can manage? No attempt at debate? Not even an attempt at a skilfully constructed ad hominem? Just keep on repeating your unjustifiable accusations, because it makes you look so witty and clever?

How pathetic when people feel the need to resort to vile personal abuse instead of civilised discussion. Good day to you, phanto.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 8:06:07 AM
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Toni Lavis:

“What the Chaser were doing there was attempting to malign Kenny's reputation with unfounded insults”

No they were attempting to insult him, to deride him and hurt him in the hope that he would go away and that they would not have to engage with him at a rational level. ‘Dog-rooter’ says nothing about his political views but something about his sexual behaviour.

“accusing me of pedophilia.”

So every example that someone uses to make a point with you is an accusation that you are the same as the example? Your life would be unbearable if you identified with every example used in an argument with you.

“So everybody who objects to being having unfounded accusations levelled against must be hiding something, eh phanto?”

Why would they bother objecting? This is an anonymous forum so how can you be affected by things if you deem them untrue? You would only be affected if there was some element of truth about those accusations.

“Really? Is that the best you can manage? No attempt at debate?”

What is there to debate? Are you trying to tell me that you have never heard the statement that pedophiles do what they do because they like it? You expect me to believe you are that naive when you go out of your way on this forum to show how much of a ‘man about town’ you really are? Yes I think you are lying.
Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 8:37:49 AM
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Sorry, phanto, but I can’t let this gem go unaddressed.

<<You have exposed yourself for all to see and people will draw their own conclusions.>>

I have engaged with your asinine excuse for reasoning for over two years. Now, suddenly, according to you, I’m supposed be concerned because I have finally told it how it was by pointing out the fact that you are acting like an idiot.

Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s buying that, phanto. Good try, though.

The pointing out of idiocy needs to be justifiable and done sparingly. Follow this as a rule-of-thumb and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Anyone who still wants to pass judgment, is themselves being an idiot, not to mention 'precious'.

It’s all about character assassination with you, isn’t it? That’s what that little flurry of back-and-forths was about for you. Every time your arguments flop, you attempt to bring the motives of your opponents into disrepute. That’s the whole point of your amateur psychology, isn’t it?

Your logic is so poor, and your beliefs so vacuous, that you need ad hominems to distract from the fact when it is exposed. And what better way to do that than to present a fist-full of false dilemmas?

I could have remained as peachy and sickeningly polite as possible for the entire two years I've engaged with your stupidity - heck, I could have started every post with “Dear phanto” - none of that would have mattered. You would have still drawn something sinister from my actions, even if it were from the mere fact that I was not letting you have the last word within the time frame which you wanted it.

Here’s a challenge: how about the next time you and I clash swords, we remain as sickeningly sweet as we possibly can, and see who cracks first?

I give you ten posts before you start with the ad hominems.
Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 8:45:30 AM
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“Sorry, phanto, but I can’t let this gem go unaddressed.”

Why are you apologising? Either you have a reasonable gripe or you do not.

You said bye, bye but of course you did not mean bye,bye. You went off to have another sulk in the corner and then came back with the ‘woe is me’ mantra.

You are such a pathetic victim.
Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 9:09:21 AM
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