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The Forum > Article Comments > Is investment attraction an economic distraction? > Comments

Is investment attraction an economic distraction? : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 23/8/2017

All too often, these become cliches and are stretched to incredulity. Take this effort from the hapless South Australians.

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If you are going to bribe folks to come on over and build stuff/do business here, you need to use something that just keeps on giving!

Like say, the world's cheapest, cleanest, safest energy! And massively reduce household spending as part and parcel of a new energy paradigm, as well.

We tried privatisation only to see prices treble inside a single decade. Now it's time to return to the future and embrace those same keynesian socioeconomic principles and future vision that ushered in a period of unprecedented prosperity, made us the third wealthiest nation on the planet and a creditor one at that.

With hardly a single privatized social amenity in sight!

We owned all power generation and distribution! And consequently able to supply energy at the true natural price, rather than the gold plated price gouged one that now prevails, thanks entirely and only to the application of iron-willed, insane ideological imperatives rather than logics rites!

Look far and wide around the entire world and nowhere can one find so much as a single example of privatization reducing power bills or improving maintenance outcomes!

But plenty of examples of the Emperor's new clothes/price gouged gold plated delivery, provided/controlled by tax avoiding, profit repatriating foreigners, who clearly have highly critical, demonstrably disingenuous planners and pollies in the pocket?

If not? What other credible explanation will pass the pub test or rational logic? Save hard left morons treating such public amenity as their personal ATM's!? And ripped out operating capital!

Business must have this madness lifted off of their backs and allowed to compete/build their business the way guys like Dick Smith were able. And from very humble beginnings, when this place was a real genuine land of unfettered opportunity. Where paying a fair share of the tax bill was a privilege!

We who follow, can surely do so much better!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 23 August 2017 11:16:44 AM
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Eyes wide shut there Alan.

You could open them. If you did you would notice that the higher the level of renewable power generation in any country or state, the higher the cost of electricity.

Take off the ideological glasses, & you can actually see the truth.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 23 August 2017 11:59:51 AM
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Hasbeen you just be gazing in a mirror, with your eyes wide shut!? Anything else for you has to be quite terrifying? Given the visage gazing back?

Levity aside, I have never ever anywhere, ipso facto, advocated for renewables!

Moreover, ideology is all too plainly, not just your bent, but mind crippling intellectual constipation!

Try reading my post first and to its conclusions, before rolling out the inevitable ideological laced, laconic levity and don't forget the meds, there's a good chap.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 23 August 2017 12:39:15 PM
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Come on little man.

Your post is all about blaming privatisation for our ridiculous electricity prices. While I agree that privatisation may not be any kind of panacea for price control, it is also not the major problem.

It is government stupidity in falling for the global warming fraud, or government dishonesty in using the fraud to push more taxation & costs on the long suffering public.

South Australia is a perfect example of how not to run a state. You would think that the example of Green stupidity given by Tasmania would cure any state of socialist politicians, but not in our southern mainland states evidently.

You have to look past your ideology to see the facts mate, a problem for a number of our posters.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 23 August 2017 2:18:48 PM
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Are you serious Has. And are you suggesting privatization has kept a lid on prices? LOL!

Methinks you are just a self deluded fool or a shareholder with sticky fingers in the electricity/coal mining cookie jar? We have a parliament able it would seem, ready willing and able to find, what, around 7.5 billion for a new public sector, clean coal power station?

But simply obfuscate all over the place when asked to find a fraction of that money, around 1 billion for a (proven technology) 350 MW FUJI molten salt thorium reactor. We could place one in every state for the money Canberra seems willing to commit to a single coal fired/clean coal power station!?

And let's be clear, fertile thorium just can't be weaponized, yet is still nuclear power, which has all manner of greenies jumping through the roof or rattling the cage.

And not a renewable, but the lowest costing, base load power we could roll out. And just what business and the manufacturing sector need, like a drowning man needs a life jacket, well before any suggested tax cut!

Once again, and to reiterate, you need to read the entirety of my posts before going off half cocked like some demented dummy, as par for the course.

You have a nice day now and leave the nuclear science to someone who has worked with it.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 23 August 2017 11:34:42 PM
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