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These fifty years (1967-2017) : Comments

By Noel Preston, published 9/8/2017

Reflections of a survivor of the 60s: how has Australia changed in this half century, and are we now a more ethical society?

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Of course one may immediately ask when the question of ethics is raised - ethics according to whose definition of ethics? I see a great advance in ethics that women have access to legal abortion and Australia has had a female prime minister. Have we progressed toward peace and control of armaments? In a democratic society I think it desirable to have separation of religion and state with no public funds going to non-state schools and no chaplains in the state schools. However, it is a thoughtful article.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 9 August 2017 8:51:53 AM
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Yep, an exciting fifty years but a shame it created so much debt, reduced the birthrate to below replacement, and in all likelihood, led to the fall of western civilisation
Posted by progressive pat, Wednesday, 9 August 2017 9:55:57 AM
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It is these past 50 years since the cultural Marxists have been 'marching through the institutions', hence the pathetic, fractured society we have become. Ethics? That's a word no longer in the Australian dictionary.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 9 August 2017 10:34:05 AM
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I don't believe we are more ethical or egalitarian! But less! With highly destructive, greed is good, individualism, replacing both, as well as, forgone community spirit!

But particularly in growing overcrowded cities! And crammed to the rafters to serve the needs of the money men! And for as little outlay as possible!

During those fifty years the joint seems to have warmed a little? About 1.3C?

During those fifty years a lot has happened, the visionary engineering feat of the century, the Snowy mountains Hydro scheme, was completed and we went from a basket case, war torn economy to the third wealthiest on the planet and a creditor one at that!

Only to be sold down the river by quisling Benedict Arnolds, pretending to be serving our combined national interest, as they disassembled, Great Depression surviving cooperative capitalism and formerly self sufficient rural communities! Along with wool, sugar, dairy, family farms, social housing and co-ops!

Spiraling debt continues to climb to new record highs and recalcitrant pollies continue to force the ideas that wrecked our once robust thriving economy down our collective throats almost as if the inmates had really take over the asylum?

New ideas left untried, least they change the status quo and the money tree that's self serving (rigid, timid) divide and conquer, politics? The only successful industry that is growing and assured! As ordinary folk are treated as mushrooms; and or, captive cow markets for private price gouging foreign owned or controlled monopolies?

God help us if we don't wake up and remove this cancer, before it's too late! And that is well inside the next fifty years!

What's next on the menu of these recalcitrant and uncaring indifferent idealogues, fried kids? Try jumping out of the bowl then!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 9 August 2017 11:03:28 AM
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Well thankyou Noel, for detailing almost everything that has led to the destruction of the once happy & prosperous nation Australia was in the 50s & 60s, to this hostile country of fighting clans we have today.

This can be directly laid at the door of people like you Noel, who have championed & promoted most of the changes that have led to it's destruction.

About the only major destructive element you have not mentioned is the burgeoning growth of the university sector, leading as it has to extreme costs, & the formation of institutions like the Griffith University Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, where silly little mentalities play with stupid ideas that can never help those who built this country.

Your arrogance& self satisfaction, expressed here, tell it all about people like you.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 9 August 2017 12:23:53 PM
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**…and vigilance about the current retreat from social and economic egalitarianism are likely to be overlooked.**

And whenever has society embraced homosexuality as egalitarian Noel? (Admirably, through the stubborn resistance in the LNP), Australians are showing determination and forethought enough, to put a stop to further social decay, by resisting the lies and deceit that homosexuality (highlighted by the push for gay marriage), is actually progressive?
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 9 August 2017 1:28:27 PM
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On one hand, we have become less ethical as the divide between the top and bottom gets wider, jobs get casualized and young people can't buy a home. On the other hand, we have taken a huge step forward in our commitment to meet our "responsibility to care for all life on the planet". Our innate sense of justice has led to the establishment of the NDIS and with it, a pledge to look after our disabled population. Such a shift in the consciousness of Australians should have rated a mention in this article.
Posted by estelles, Wednesday, 9 August 2017 2:38:29 PM
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Ethics? But there's always the sex, money and power that I crave and root for.

Monty Python reveals philosophers and ethicists of the philosophy faculty stark naked:


Trump Rules OK?
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 10 August 2017 5:30:56 PM
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It would seem that Hasbeen is yearning for the days of Australia when racism was not just accepted but part of official government policies (both state and federal). Sexism was rife and many women had to leave their jobs if they married or got pregnant. Homosexuality was illegal and people were bashed for being the wrong sexuality.

The nation was an international backwater of insular people where heterosexual white male privilege was the dominant social feature.

If you call that some sort of 'ethical society' then you have real issues. Or perhaps just an old homophobic, sexist, racist white male yearning for the old days of power and privilege.
Posted by minotaur, Monday, 14 August 2017 12:28:55 PM
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