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The Forum > Article Comments > Why it's way too early to write off retail > Comments

Why it's way too early to write off retail : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 19/7/2017

There's one very telling difference between ourselves and most US markets: overbuilding here is virtually impossible due to the 'blue dot' factor.

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It would literally be amazing if everyone shopped online and products were delivered by solar powered drones, and CBD's and big shopping centres were turned into nature parks and lakes where families could ride their bikes. Could really help with the obesity epidemic as well.
Posted by progressive pat, Wednesday, 19 July 2017 11:07:32 AM
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It's difficult to see companies like Costco and Amazon setting up shop here if we had too much retail competition!

As for delivery by drone? That's possible?

But my money is on remotely dug and lined vacuum tunnels that connect your basement to preferred retail centres?

Then a smart chip in the fridge, will transmit a message to said retail centre, like we want more low fat UH milk, cheese, butter, eggs, bacon, soap, shavers, undies or whatever.

And the vacuum tube will gather its loins and send/hurl a suitable cylinder to your basement delivery point overnight and phone you in the morning, to ensure you know your private coded shopping trolley/cooled parcel box is full?

Scrambled eggs anyone?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 19 July 2017 11:43:24 AM
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We tried on line grocery shopping with one of the majors, but only once. Two blown vacuum packed items, one being my coffee, & a couple of others substituted, when the "no substitution" box was ticked meant the first was the last.

For Amazon, & some Hong Kong suppliers freight is the killer. $70 freight & handling on a $70 item knocks them out of the market. It can still be the game changer for the Oz on line seller. When prices are similar, I would rather spend $15 driving to & from a stockists, than on freight.

Firstly I know the item won't be damaged in transit, but more importantly, if the item is faulty or fails quickly, warrant claims are much easier with a retail store than an online seller. Provided they can contain their prices, I don't see too much problem for retailers
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 19 July 2017 2:48:03 PM
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Posted by gladysjohnson, Thursday, 20 July 2017 5:50:45 AM
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