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The Forum > Article Comments > Price of electricity is rising, not sure about temperatures > Comments

Price of electricity is rising, not sure about temperatures : Comments

By Jennifer Marohasy, published 14/7/2017

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has recently put in place strict limits on how cold a temperature can actually be recorded.

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Another missive from a member of the head firmly in the sand & selective quotes tribe hope less your a joke madam
Posted by John Ryan, Friday, 14 July 2017 3:01:52 PM
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Hey John Ryan, which carriage of the global warming gravy train are you riding.

With so much new research showing it is garbage, only those profiting from the scam, or too stupid to understand the physics could possibly believe the rubbish
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 14 July 2017 5:51:15 PM
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Well, for those claiming some basic knowledge of science or physics or what a gravy train GW is?

Please explain a couple of things! How can a solar furnace in a waning (cooling) phase produce record after record breaking heat waves and unprecedented ice melts/retreating polar and glacial ice!

When historically such natural cyclical events usher in a cooler period which usually accompanied by advancing polar and glacial ice, not the very opposite!

And given our solar furnace in the sky has been in a cyclical waning (cooler) phase since the mid seventies, NASA. Has the Co2 levels now up in uncharted territory got anything to do with this, cyclically impossible result and who really is getting wealthier as a consequence? Certainly not farmers, who reportedly were suiciding at the rate of four per week at the height of the last exceptionally enduring drought!? ( Bob Katter.)

My money's on the coal fired power producers and the extra squillions they are raking in, from gold plated, price gouged tax, avoided power delivery power!? Aided and abetted by quisling, Benedict Arnold, regulators and the current, created by them, power regulations/energy market!

I think an appropriate name for this particular gravy train, wrung out to the very last drop, from an adoring, captive energy market, would have to be the Hasbeen express?

All aboard, destination mass extinction!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 15 July 2017 10:42:42 AM
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hasbeen: one of the gravy trains is the one where companies such as Exxon who make squillions out of polluting, have been and are still willing, to pay amounts of around $10,000 for articles denying GW.
Some even get fully funded trips all around the world and big bucks to lecture about their crazy theories when they get there.
Not a bad incentive.
Others are just barking mad and their brains cannot handle what is happening.
Not to worry it is happening anyway.
Posted by Robert LePage, Saturday, 15 July 2017 3:34:29 PM
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The main reason for the steep rise in power prices is the privatisation of power companies who are in it purely to make the biggest profit they can squeeze out of the customers.
Energy companies should never have been allowed to be privatised and that includes oil and gas companies. The gas companies are now squeezing for all they are worth and gas prices are now so high because of this.
This is in a country that has enormous supplies of gas and exports the bulk so they can make even more profit.
The number of houses with PV on the roof is escalating and the power companies are seeing their cash cow withering before their eyes.
This is why there is a push back against "renewable energy" and it is denigrated by energy companies and their paid lackeys, politicians.
Posted by Robert LePage, Saturday, 15 July 2017 3:45:27 PM
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it could only be global warming that caused Scott Ludlam to forget he was a NZ citizen. Which high priest of gw will the Greens use to replace him?
Posted by runner, Saturday, 15 July 2017 8:44:10 PM
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