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What does the future hold? : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 12/7/2017

And as a final thought, peace and prosperity (economic growth) seem a basic assumption in the whole set.

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At 9.20am I'm surprised to once again be first to comment here Don!

Around the world the smart money is leaving fossil fuel in droves! Coal fired economies like ours will be basket case backwaters, given less and less appetite for coal fired power and coal exports.

And as you know the troglodytes in charge aren't able to think of anything else but an increasingly expensive, coal fired future?

As much as 90% of today's jobs will be history, with the white collar jobs next on the chopping list!

Kids will learn online and at their most comfortable pace? Given most occupations will become history inside fifty years, we will need to think about a universal wage!

Or confront a crime riddled world where nobody is safe, where lawless no go ghettos abound!

Moreover as the sun as it will, goes back to a new waxing phase, and an already overheated world hots up some more, the warm and comfortable frogs in bowl might finally understand that the joint is far too warm for survival and attempt to leave, with the nearest planet in the habitable goldilocks zone Venus already the hottest planet in the solar system, being ruled out and Mars just too cold and waterless!

Our continued survival options look fairly slim!

I shouldn't worry, were I you. You and all your ilk, will likely be on the wrong side of the grass by then with just your Grandkids left to try and sort out the horrible mess you and yours have made for them! Quite deliberately with aforethought!

As for climate change and sea level rises, you might have to worry sooner than you think? And live to see it?

If Antarctic ice keeps on melting and adds land based ice/dammed by just melting ice, fresh water to the oceans?

A piece the size of victoria now hangs on a thread and may even break off during our winter or soon thereafter? And in so doing, perhaps release enough freshwater to raise sea levels globally by as much as 7 metres? And almost overnight?
Alan B. TBC
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 12 July 2017 9:57:31 AM
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Autonomous cars are here now and ready to roll, only held back by to slow to get out of the way, politically preoccupied, (I'm alright jack) chauffeur driven, visionless politicians.

Even so, eternally deferred rapid rail could solve most of our current transport problems, assisted by large airtight vacuum tunnels and cylinders dispatched, with a single shot of compressed air, as we sleep, transporting consumer goods on demand to basement receiver terminals?

We can and should desalinate endlessly available seawater, utilizing space age, new deionization desalination that produces copious potable water (90%) for around quarter of today's costs.

Add much much cheaper (thorium) power, and there is no waterless desert that cannot be transformed into a veritable garden of Eden and somewhere to relocate the 60 million or so displaced people? Now displaced by unprecedented droughts, with more displaced persons in refugee camps, than created by the 2nd world war!

We can have a viable future, just not a coal fired one, nor one where dog eat dog economic rationalism prevails! But must be replaced by cooperative capitalism where every boy and his dog, will be vastly better off!

Given we survive without destroying the joint with looming nuclear holocaust, we could see population numbers beyond 11 billion in as little as 80 short years.

Fertility is still rumbling along at 4.6% in Africa, with the other impoverished nations not all that far behind? Even the continent with the lowest fertility rate, Europe, is still gradually expanding at 1.6%.

We do have a chance to not just survive but prosper magnificently!

Just not with the current cohort of, [jockeying for power,] self serving troglodytes (inmates in charge of the asylum) running the joint! And resolutely, with unheralded immovable determination, holding us and the nation back!

Singing as humanity sinks slowly into its sunset. We shall not, we shall not be moved, we shall not, we shall not be moved!

Supplemented by a lamenting few as, ya load sixteen tons of number nine coal and wadda ya get, another day older and deeper in debt.
Oh the irony!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 12 July 2017 10:42:23 AM
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Alan B: You say "A piece the size of victoria now hangs on a thread and may even break off during our winter or soon thereafter? And in so doing, perhaps release enough freshwater to raise sea levels globally by as much as 7 metres? And almost overnight? "

So, I went to the beach today and guess what: the hide tide mark hasn't changed much from the weekend. Looks like your "almost overnight" prediction is wrong-- better luck next time.

PS: By-the-way, the chunk of ice-shelf that is/has calved off will cause hardly any direct raise in sea-level when it melts because it is already floating in the sea (that is what an ice-shelf is: a platform of FLOATING ice at the edge of the land, it is NOT land based ice). However, a very slight and slow rise is sea level can occur indirectly due to glaciers behind the ice-shelf being able to flow faster since the shelf (or part of it) is no longer in the way thus allowing them to deposit more land-based ice into the sea over time than previously.

PS: Oh, by the way- for a piece of ice the size of Victoria, assuming it is sitting on land, to cause 7 meters of sea-level rise by melting, do you have any idea how high it would have to be? Because of the above statement you made I really do doubt that you've the slightest idea . Go do the maths (it is only primary school level maths required plus a little bit of googling for the size of Victoria, radius of the planet and percentage of planet surface covered by oceans)-- I think you'll be astounded by the result!!
Posted by thinkabit, Thursday, 13 July 2017 8:42:15 PM
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