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Give peace a chance : Comments
By Stuart Rees, published 5/5/2017In contrast to a build-up of arms in preparation for war, promoting peace required different values, a different literacy and language.
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Posted by Alan B., Friday, 5 May 2017 10:45:00 AM
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For gods sake Stuart, justice would require people like you to get off their broadening back sides & do something useful & productive.
So buddy, get out & do something to actually support yourself, before asking those already burdened with your existence to carry some other burden chosen by someone so useless as yourself. Ever thought of taking up market gardening Stuart? You could not only actually produce your own food, but some for others. Hell you could even send any profits, & your excess production off to support those you currently want us to support, but only after we have adequately supported you & yours. Ever thought of actually getting a life? Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 5 May 2017 11:07:45 AM
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Regrettably there is little money in peace.
The consumer society sees to that. Every bomb and shell that explodes requires replacing at someone`s profit. Besides war tends, albeit in small quantities, to maintain a minor population reduction which in itself will bring us closer to peace. Posted by ateday, Friday, 5 May 2017 11:32:21 AM
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Three related references on the necessity of global peace. Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 5 May 2017 1:04:19 PM
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It would be rather nice if some of these academics for a change, instead of immersing themselves in a world of theory and conjecture, embraced a decent slice of realism,legitimacy and validity, just for a change. Rather than pouring out all this spurious nonsense about a world full of, gaiety 'n joy accompanied with a tranquil calm of wistful peace, with little butterflies fluttering here and yon, and masses of small bluebirds all tweeting together in complete harmony. And perhaps for a little while, we can all put away our AK47's for a bit longer.
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 5 May 2017 1:25:24 PM
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Don't tell us. Tell ISIS, Nth. Korea and those not wanting peace. We are not the problem.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 5 May 2017 5:49:33 PM
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We actually need peace in all the nation and eradicates all war promoters.
Posted by rollyczar, Friday, 5 May 2017 11:05:25 PM
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For millennia, people have hoped for peace in their time.
Today, as usual, there is no shortage of grand proposals for peace, such as new defensive devices, yet arms races and wars continue, sometimes creating the discouraging idea that hopes for peace are too "idealistic". Global preparations for "defense" consume an immense and growing proportion of human financial, material, and personal resources, in a world that is already overburdened with social and economic problems. All over the world, scientists and engineers devote their skills to planning new and more efficient ways for humans to kill one another, workers labour to manufacture instruments of death, and soldiers train for combat. From a moral and even an economic point of view, this vast investment of human ingenuity and energy seems a tragic waste. And looming over all these military preparations and counter-preparations is humanity's ultimate threat, the unleashing of full-scale nuclear war. The obsessive focus on the threat of weapons as the way to avoid war blinds us to the central question: Is anything that we value so important that we can justify risking the destruction of our societies, the murder of hundreds of millions of people, and the jeopardising of our very species? Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 May 2017 10:25:30 AM
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Eradicate all war promoters!? Now who would they be? The Sabre rattling Russian President? The genocidal, homicidal Syrian dictator? The Kurd killing Turkish Tyrant? The Kamikaze North Korean killer? And a few other tinpot potentates, (ISIS etc) who just want to rule the world!
About a half dozen individuals in all, who seriously believe a sovereign border and a brain washed support base, give them carte blanche to do as they see fit or please? And it shouldn't! Those who just want to live in peaceful cohabitation, should summon the essential testicular fortitude to unite behind a single minded purpose, recognize the exact problem and eradicate it! By whatever means necessary! And I do mean by whatever means necessary or available! Starting with humane negotiated voluntary exile and escalating to enforced removal, imprisonment for the term of their natural life, and then as a last resort, elimination, with a well placed 50 calibre pill between the peepers, to absolute oblivion at the nose cone of a cruise missile or great big ten ton bunker buster bomb! Let there be no doubt we want these folks, emasculated, exiled or eradicated and before they can involve whole populations in their genocidal pursuits! And the only guaranteed way to actually give peace a chance! And given what is actually required by all peace loving nations and or so called leaders who just want to wash their hands or leave to someone anyone else? Pigs might fly! Go figure! I mean, seriously! Cume by yar and lets give peace a chance, sung by chanting mobs, with flowers in their hair, won't do it! And won't stop bombs raining down on their heads if any one of a half dozen power hungry madmen decide to pull the pin! even if some pea brain pin heads believe it or umbrellas will! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 6 May 2017 10:28:38 AM
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The author is right, give peace a chance.
Just as the John Howard inspired laws that made it illegal to possess anything for the purpose of self defence have made Australia a safe place, the world could follow suit and just as there is no aggression or violent crime in Australia, the world could become the same. As the Porcine Species flew through the air there would be no need for fighter planes or bombers or armies or police. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 6 May 2017 12:09:50 PM
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So basically the author of this article’s whole plan for stopping war is to talk about peace.
It offers nothing but words as a solution. Words can't solve the Palestinian conflict, and nor have they been able to solve the Syrian conflict. The author praises the pope, who would rather blame Western countries for the the plight of Africa, Syria, etc. than condem these countries for their over populations which cause their poverty,wars, famines,droughts(from the cutting down of the trees) from the expanding populations. Also the extinction of many beautiful animals, like the tiger and elephant who must compete wih the 6 billion people on earth for land and space. Not the Wesrern countries causing this, and not global warming causing the droughts over.there, but the barren landscape devoid of trees, used by humans. When are our schools going to stop brainwashing people to have these stupid utopian ideas, instead of teaching them biological factual realities. Humankind is driven by the sexual mating Instinct, and the territorial instinct to protect their offspring. Hence families, and war. Our instincts override our intelligence to a large extent. In fact we use our intelligence to obtain that which we desire. A family and the territorial resources to provide for them. We spend our whole lives doing exactly that, having children and providing for and protecting them. And we keep huge territorial armies and weapons at hand to go to war to protect them from being dispossessed of their land and territory. It's so obvious, blind Freddy could see it, but not our esteemed academics, who perfer to believe they can change the biological imperatives of a whole species,humans, just by thinking and talking it away. No, they can't, but they persist in believing they can, and thus writing absolute rubbish like the tosh in this article. Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 6 May 2017 11:24:35 PM
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I'm going to repeat what I've written in the past on
this forum - A fundamental insight of sociology is that once people no longer take their world for granted, but instead understand the social authorship of their lives and futures, they can become an irresistible force in history. Whether we choose to destroy our civilisation or save it is a collective decision. If more and more nuclear weapons are built, and if more sophisticated means of delivering them are devised, and if more and more nations get control of these vile devices, then surely we risk our own destruction. If ways are found to reverse that process, then we can divert unprecedented energy and resources to the real problems that face us, including poverty, disease, overpopulation, injustice, oppression and the devastation of our natural environment. For that to happen we need strong leadership - to lead the way. And put words into actions. Then perhaps our choice to save this planet can be achieved. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 May 2017 10:37:20 AM
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Since the fall of the Soviet empire the number of nuclear weapons has fallen by nearly 1/2 and the number deployed by nearly 80% since the threat of war has fallen substantially. The theory of deterrence as first defined by Bismark is necessarily to build up superior forces, but have sufficient force to ensure that any attacking force suffered out of proportion to any potential benefit. This is where nuclear weapons come in. For example, in comparing the UK to the Soviet Union, the USSR would easily win any conventional or nuclear exchange, but would lose every major Russian city, several times the population of the UK and would take decades before it could recover. This is the issue that the mutton headed mugwump in the UK fails to understand. That and the fact that it takes decades to build a viable defense force. With the build up of China, its attempted annexation of the South China Sea, the threat of war looms again. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 7 May 2017 2:34:03 PM
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That's a bit confusing. Reducing nukes lessens the threat but nuke war is impossible to win . Which is true? Who is needing decades to become equipped ? If nukes are deterring war why is south China sea a problem? Each bit is valid but how do you join them up? Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 7 May 2017 4:25:00 PM
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Sorry that you are struggling with the concepts. The nuclear deterrent makes the cost of major conflict intolerable, however, the incremental invasion of the South China Sea (SCS) is a territorial annexation of the waters of the other south asian countries, and while it is bullying and stopping only these other nations from fishing in these waters it can largely get away with it. The problem is that the US and most other countries don't recognise China's claims and use the SCS as a major trading route with their planes and ships refusing to recognise China's claims of sovereignty, occasionally sending military ships and aircraft through the area and ignoring China's protests. With the increasing militarisation of these fabricated islands, there only needs to be one instance where the faux confrontations of the chinese goes too far and a US ship or plane is fired on and there will be a military response, and probably a short limited engagement that the chinese will lose badly. Where it goes from there is anyone's guess. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 8 May 2017 6:18:08 AM
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Trade, travel, and telecommunications have made the
nations of the modern world more interdependent than ever before. Yet today's societies entered the nuclear age with political institutions inherited from a previous era. The human population is spread among a series of sovereign independent states - most of them with their own armed forces and so there is a built-in potential for warfare whenever two nations have conflicting interests. Lets not forget that before the twentieth century, there were few institutionalised ways for hostile nations to achieve peaceful settlements. When negotiations took place, they often occurred only after a war - for the purpose of agreeing to a peace treaty that would specify the spoils for the victor. We now have infinitely better prospects for helping nations to avoid war. We have two vital elements for international peace-making that are in place. The first is the United Nations, which provides a forum for world opinion and a mechanism for conflict resolution. The second is a growing body of international law that specifies the rights and obligations that nations have toward one another - particularly with respect to aggression. A major difficulty with international peace-making of course, is that compliance with the resolutions of the United Nations and the rulings of its World Court are voluntary, for no country is willing to surrender its sovereignty to an international body. The United Nations is most effective, in fact, when the superpowers are able to agree on a course of action and mobilise their blocs to support it. Even so, the organisation provides an influential forum for world opinion, and while it does not always prevent war, it surely helps make it less likely. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 May 2017 10:15:22 AM
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As you mentioned, there are mechanisms in place to prevent wars, but when they are ignored as China has done, then there is a far higher chance of conflict. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 8 May 2017 2:21:39 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,
Over the centuries, the number of people involved in, and killed by, warfare has increased dramatically. Alexander the Great set out to conquer the world as he knew it with an army of less than 40,000 men. William the Conqueror invaded England with 50,000 men. The Napoleonic Wars involved hundreds of thousands of soldiers. In the American Civil War, nearly 2 million men were under arms. During World War I, some 65 million troops were mobilized, and 19 million people were killed. The carnage of that pointless and dreadful conflict so stunned the world that people called it "the war to end all wars," for they knew humanity would never commit such folly again. World War II followed a mere twenty-one years later - and this time, almost 100 million people took up arms, and an estimated 38 million soldiers and citizens were killed. All told in the last century there have been so many wars resulting in so many deaths. Today, the major powers maintain huge standing armies. Of course, in nuclear war, the size of armies would be irrelevant, for the entire civilian populations of the countries concerned would be brought into the arena of battle - along with much of the rest of the world's population. To a visitor from another planet, it would seem that the modern world is obsessed with preparations for "defense" (it's never called "offense"). Many countries spend more of their budgets for military purposes than they do for education or medical care. This represents a colossal diversion of funds from socially useful goals, for example, a single hour's worth of these expenditures would suffice to save, through immunisation, hundreds of thousands of children around the world who die each day from preventable infectious diseases. Regarding China? It is still determinedly socialist and authoritarian. It will be interesting to see how far this country will stray in the future from the socialist path and whether economic liberalisation will at sometime lead to political democratisation. Given China's size and potential, its economic future will continue to be of world historical significance. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 May 2017 3:03:55 PM
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Apart from the threat of nuclear weapons.....
Here come the robots. An army of robots is a scary scenario and is not far off. The drones have led the way. One of the American military hierarchy said they already have drones that can operate under water. That's going to add a whole new dimension to submarine warfare. Mankind at this point in history shows no sign of ever being able to live in peace,even though we've been talking about it for decades and even tried to bring it about with a United Nations assembly. Still there has been no end to war. Nothing has worked. Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 8 May 2017 10:30:27 PM
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In the last 70 years the % of people killed in war has dropped to historic lows, and is a tiny fraction of what it was in any previous century. Similarly the % of expenditure on arms and weapons is also at historic lows. While it would be great never to need armies again, that is certainly not the situation yet. Armed forces take decades to prepare, and even if one has no intention to attack or invade, one needs to ensure that one is prepared to provide sufficient deterrence for any potential conflict in the next decade. With China's booming capitalist economy has come the capability to arm itself which it has done with gusto launching its second aircraft carrier in less than a decade. Given its history of conflict with its neighbours, and its territorial ambitions in the south china sea, I don't believe that it is yet time to let down our guard. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 9 May 2017 5:24:55 AM
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China and US both know they are No.1 power. China's population is 1.4billion , 1/4 of world population. Britain's empire used to rule 1/4 of the world . China may out-vote the Yanks but not by elections.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 9 May 2017 7:09:53 AM
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Disarm everyone and the bully with the most muscle will take over and then someone peaceful will, in desperation, invent a slingshot or the bow and arrows.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 9 May 2017 10:25:28 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,
Of course putting the arms race into reverse would most certainly be a gradual one because so much money is currently spent on military purposes that rapid disarmament would jolt the economies of the superpowers and indeed of the world, and partly because disarmament requires increasing trust between the parties involved. Moreover, Russia suffers the particular disadvantage of having to maintain a huge army to protect its long border with its unfriendly neighbour, China. Whereas the United States has only one nuclear enemy, Russia faces missiles pointed at it by every other nuclear power in the world and Russia's sense of menace is further increased by the fact that its principal enemy is the only nation in the world that has ever used nuclear weapons. Having an American President - from whom one can expect the unexpected with his hand on the nuclear button is also a bit of a concern. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 9 May 2017 10:51:41 AM
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I have no doubt that while China has missiles aimed at Russia, it also aims them at India and the US, all of whom aim missiles back. It is hard to disarm when burgeoning superpowers such as India and China are arming up, and China is showing naked aggression against its neighbours. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 11 May 2017 11:48:37 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,
As I pointed out earlier, the major stumbling block to disarmament is the issue of trust, for each country finds it difficult to believe that others like China would really abandon their supposed ambitions for "world domination". After all, China, India, et al, are much less affluent and technologically advanced societies than the US and so are worse equipped to prepare for war. They also world-wide have fewer allies and far fewer military bases than the US. Ideally it would be great if tensions eased and a climate of trust developed then existing bombs, war heads, and delivering systems would possibly be scrapped in a series of carefully verified stages. However, I also don't see that happening - just yet. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 May 2017 12:05:17 PM
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China and Russia are both busy occupying and annexing the territorial areas of others by force. It is too soon to declare world peace. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 11 May 2017 12:55:13 PM
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Shadow minister
I see the annexing of Ukraine by Russia as not unlike something the Us would do in the same circumstances in fact has done. Going in to protect one side against the other. The pro European citizens in Ukraine, toppled a democratically elected leader after he won the election fair and square in Ukraine, because he was more friendly towards Russia than Europe and was ready to borrow a lot of money from Russia as Investment to aid the economy of the country. When they ousted the democratically elected leader, naturally those that had voted for him, were up in arms, literally. And so the country split along ethnic lines, the pro Russian Ukrainians and the pro European Ukranians. Doesn't look too good for the multiculturalism and democracy in Australia when you see the country go to war after a democratic election, over who is going to run the country. When the Pro European Ukranians took power off the elected president, it meant they also controlled the army. As Putin said he went in to protect the Russian Ukranians from a bloodbath, something he said that is no different to what America has done in the past. And Britain as well when you think of the Faulken Islands in Argentinian when Margaret thatcher was Prime minister. Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 11 May 2017 4:49:25 PM
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So you approve of Israel annexing the west bank? Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 11 May 2017 7:54:11 PM
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"Having an American President - from whom one can expect the unexpected with his hand on the nuclear button is also a bit of a concern." and John Howard helped get him elected. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 May 2017 3:52:40 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
And how did John Howard do that? I thought it was the American mental midgets with IQs of a fence post that did that. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 12 May 2017 6:37:44 PM
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Hillary Clinton waffled on about John Howard's Australian Gun Laws and that frightened the hell out of a lot of Americans, particularly those that hold that they have a God given/natural right to defend themselves and their loved ones from criminal attack. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 May 2017 7:27:40 PM
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With miniature nukes we can expect to see US school shoot-ups with mushroom clouds.
Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 12 May 2017 8:04:32 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
America does have a serious problem with guns. As I stated earlier - mental midgets with an IQ of a fence post. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 May 2017 11:12:56 AM
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"America does have a serious problem with guns." But not as serious as a lot of other countries. At least, even under the Democrats (so far), Americans are allowed the means of self defence, whereas we, in Australia, are forbidden to possess ANYTHING for the purpose of such defence. Of course senior politicians are OK, John Howard had armed minders. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 13 May 2017 10:40:16 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
In international terms, the US is an extremely violent society, with a homicide rate far exceeding that of any industrialised nation. A single American city like Chicago, Houston or Los Angeles records more murders in a typical year than does the whole of England. Most other countries severely restrict private handgun ownership but there are in the millions of handguns in the US - and weapons of this type according to the FBI that are used in over half of the murders that occur each year. Studies have shown that less than 2 per cent of all slayings in gun-owning households were for self-protection; the remainder were homicides, suicides, or accidental deaths almost all involving family members. We don't want this situation in Australia. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 May 2017 10:54:29 PM
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What has industrialisation got to do with it? South Africa is one example of strict firearms control and its murder rate far exceeds that of the US. Any observations on the fact that Australians are not allowed to possess ANYTHING for the purpose of self defence? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 19 May 2017 10:14:47 PM
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Is Mise,
I will have to go with Foxy on this. Having spent some time in South Africa, the problem is not with the gun laws, but that the country is awash with illegal guns from conflicts in Angola, Mozambique, the Congo etc. I remember reading a statistic of the bush war in Rhodesia when all civilians carried protection against terrorist attack, that more civilians were killed by their own guns than by terrorists. The problem in the US, and I have many US friends, is that the gun lobby has very effectively sold the concept that the right to bear arms equates to the right to free speech etc, and while many don't believe this, enough do to make toughening gun laws nearly impossible. Hand guns make it too easy to kill and have no place in normal society. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 20 May 2017 2:57:31 PM
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So the gun laws in South Africa do not work? What's your take on the fact that Australians are not allowed to possess ANYTHING for the purpose of self defence? Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 20 May 2017 7:07:46 PM
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Someone possessing a gun is far more likely to be killed by that gun or because of that gun than able to defend oneself. Clearly you didn't read my previous post. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 20 May 2017 8:41:31 PM
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"Someone possessing a gun is far more likely to be killed by that gun or because of that gun than able to defend oneself." Care to give a backup reference? But what's your take on the fact that Australians are not allowed to possess ANYTHING for the purpose of self defence? Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 20 May 2017 9:58:46 PM
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I got this information talking to senior police officer. The reason is simple, the person attacking with a gun will always have the advantage of surprise, and if someone draws a weapon for defense he immediately becomes a target. Similarly, one only has to look at the vast number of fatal gun accidents in the US to realise that simply owning a gun is a risk to one's health. If you compare the number of cases where someone has successfully defended themselves compared to the instances above, it is a small fraction. And even if you do successfully defend yourself and kill an intruder, you then have to convince a judge that you had no other option. Chances are that the consequences of your self defense will be worse than the robbery. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 21 May 2017 9:26:39 AM
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Shadow Minister,
"I got this information talking to senior police officer." A police officer who has requested permission from his superiors not to carry a pistol whilst on duty? It'd be unsafe, a criminal might take it off him. But what's your take on the fact that Australians are not allowed to possess ANYTHING for the purpose of self defence? Or is this question in the 'to hard' basket? Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 21 May 2017 9:43:42 AM
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1 - Police don't just have guns for self defense, their job is to put themselves in the firing line, yours isn't. 2 - No I put the question in the too stupid basket. I don't see any laws against possessing a bat, a kitchen knife or an axe. However, using one against anyone will land you in the same legal peril. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 21 May 2017 10:26:45 AM
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Shadow Minister,
"1 - Police don't just have guns for self defense, their job is to put themselves in the firing line, yours isn't." That doesn't make a bit of difference, someone, a criminal for instance, might take their pistol off them and use it against them. My job is to defend myself and family against unlawful attack, don't you see yourself under the same obligation? As regards the question of possessing anything for the purpose of self defense, it is legal to own all of those things, but not for the PURPOSE of self defence, e.g. it is legal to have oven spray in the kitchen, but if the police find a can on the bedside table, then questions can be asked. Similarly with walking sticks, they have a legitimate purpose and can be used for self defence, however if one is in one's twenties and plays football for the local team, then carrying one may be construed as of doubtful legality. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 21 May 2017 11:15:20 AM
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If you're trying to make a point, you've failed miserably. I assume that you have accepted that police being armed is for more than self defense. The fact that police can be targeted for their weapons is a risk, but given that police normally patrol in pairs, and are trained for such a circumstance, it is extremely unlikely. Secondly, as you've admitted, one can own plenty of household items that can be used for self defense and the only question about bedside oven spray would be of sanity. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 7:36:33 AM
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Many, many times police do not patrol in pairs, that is one of the problems caused by funding. Only last month I was stopped by a lone policeman and breath tested as I was over the speed limit but not enough to be booked. Police should always patrol in pairs. "Secondly, as you've admitted, one can own plenty of household items that can be used for self defense and the only question about bedside oven spray would be of sanity" You miss the point, almost anything around the house can be used for self defense but it cannot be owned/kept/accessible for the PURPOSE of such defense. To have anything for the PURPOSE of self defense is a crime. Do you now comprehend? Oven spray is an excellent criminal repellent, as is deodorizer spray and WD 40, with the new extension nozzle, is a beauty as is a fire extinguisher. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 10:35:11 PM
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How many police officers have had their guns taken? Is it really a problem? Similarly, how many violent house invasions have there been in Aus? Preparations for a 1 in a million chance seems a little paranoid. Secondly, I doubt police are psychic. A person being attacked is allowed to use reasonable force to protect oneself, and if oven spray or a poker are available it would be impossible to prosecute. However, if one killed or seriously injured the invader, one would have to prove that one had no other option. This link covers most of it. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 24 May 2017 1:03:16 PM
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The point is that Australians are not allowed to POSSESS anything for the purpose of self defense. Australians are not allowed to have anything for self defence, if they acquire anything for the PURPOSE of self defense they commit a crime. It has been argued that to learn martial arts for self defence is to acquire a thing for an illegal purpose; this applies if it can be successfully argued that a 'thing' can be of a non-material nature. The cowardly John Howard, having successfully banned the ownership of firearms for self defense for mere mortals, then allowed his "minders" to carry pistols for his protection. Bye the way, do you consider it to be part of your 'job' to protect yourself and your loved ones from unlawful attack? Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 24 May 2017 4:55:21 PM
But that's for dream castles in the, hope springs eternal, clouds and their permanent residents.
We all know what happens when a madman with a completely overwhelming desire for world domination and has the military capacity to make that happen? He starts taking bites that effectively improve that capacity! Capice?
Give peace a chance, may no longer exist as our choice? That being so, we need to remove the very threats to peace to actually give peace a chance! Given there is no other realistic option!?
And one less power hungry diabolical dastardly dictator quite massively improves that chance, however unpalatable the means needing to be employed for that purpose!
It's like excising a malignant cancer! The sooner done and completely, the better the chance of a complete recovery!
Delays only compound the growing difficulties! Too much vacillation may result in the termination of the patient! Time wasted is time lost, when dealing with a resolute, determined, recalcitrant, incorrigible, intransigent, Sabre rattling, power mad malignant dictator?
Would that were not so!
Alan B.