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The Forum > Article Comments > There is no such thing as peak oil demand > Comments

There is no such thing as peak oil demand : Comments

By Dwayne Purvis, published 31/3/2017

As it stands, the forecast models of demand are likely predicting peak demand far later than it will be.

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I do fly often. But that is the norm since I was 25 years old. I do not fly ist class I just collect the difference between ist and cattle class.

I would not know what the greens have done to raise electricity prices. I think with some realism you may find it was the runt sitting on the backbench that had more to do with putting up pressure on electricity prices.

If you had a question for me I have failed to find it. At least I have said something, and not just ignore your dribble.
Posted by doog, Friday, 31 March 2017 11:59:00 PM
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If oil was the only energy source or we couldn't use something else far far cleaner and cheaper than oil, we might have a peak!

Current oil prices have more to do with confected scarcity than lack of oil deposits!

Venezuela, has more oil than the Saudi's and the Edmonton reserve at an estimated 1.8 trillion barrels could depress prices further; as would the updating of Venezuela's prospects, refineries and wells!

It's not earning much now, given corruption and huge mismanagement, by a regime treating it as their personal ATM! And includes syphoning off operating capital?

We have copious gas and enough to power every mode of transport plying our highways and byways, which could be marginally altered to run on it for far far less! Reducing transport generated carbon by around 40% as the huge other upside!

But our coal fired geniuses at the helm thought, we could use it to ramp up, dig and sell it exports! Even at the cost of a manufacturing sector?

Have you ever seen such paucity of new ideas? Or idealogues waging grim ideological warfare to see which insane imperative wins the day?

If I were to step outside my door, fill a one cubic metre box with dirt. I could using simple gravity separation, extract enough ready to use thorium, around 8 grams? At a recovery cost in total of around $100.00.

Then use that 8 grams in a carbon free, walk away safe, molten salt thorium reactor, to power my house, car and provide all my material wants or needs for around 100 years!

Do the sums! That's just a dollar a year!

And we have enough in our dirt to power the world for around a thousand years and thousands more if we mine igneous rock!

And that is why there won't be an oil peak, unless our clever leaders conspire with oil producers to create one, or are so abysmally dumb as to sit on their hands as others do it to us? While they roll over and beg for a tummy rub!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 1 April 2017 9:07:05 AM
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ttbn# how much do you get paid for rubbishing peak oil and climate change?
Does it all come from the same place or do you have a group financing you?
Posted by Robert LePage, Sunday, 2 April 2017 3:23:36 PM
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There are signals about all this.
Major oil companies profits are falling, some quite dramatically.
The fall in income is due to increased cost of search and development.
Think about Shell's announcement that they are planning how they will
leave the oil industry and concentrate on natural gas.
Their return on search & development expenditure is at the centre of the problem.

The shale oil (tight oil) surge of recent years has started declining
but the economy driven reduction in demand has reduced concern.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 4 April 2017 9:22:13 AM
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As another commenter highlighted, Shell etc. are barely treading water nowadays, while Rockefeller Foundations (at least publicly visible) divest from Exxon Mobil, but under the guise of supporting renewables and the environment...

Peak Oil seems to have been about muddying the waters via the Club of Rome, along with theories or ideas developed about steady state economy, limits to growth, sustainability etc.

Of course the Club of Rome was sponsored by VW, Fiat etc. and hosted by, cough cough, the Rockefeller's, then with Standard Oil soon to become Exxon Mobil.

Along with green washing it also gave credibility to their obsessions with human biology, population control and immigration restrictions for younger generations, to be seen as 'liberal and environmental'.
Posted by Andras Smith, Tuesday, 4 April 2017 7:54:51 PM
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