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Whinge industry has played racial discrimination law like a fiddle : Comments

By Gary Johns, published 23/3/2017

As public policy, section 18C works directly against the federal government's decisive shift to integration, announced on Monday.

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"Any Liberal who opposed these changes should resign from the party.

Well, I agree. But they it's not going to happen. The Left in the Liberal Party has nothing to fear from their Left leader, and they know that their apology for a government will be kicked out at the next election - but they will probably survive in their own seats, most Australian voters being as thick as bricks, and will vote the same way they always do. There is no incentive at all to do the right thing.

If Australian voters actually thought about their votes before casting them, we would not have had Section 18C in the first place. So pathetically complacent are 80% of Australian voters, politicians have nothing to fear from the electorate.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 March 2017 4:05:47 PM
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Gary you are a decent man. What I don't understand is how you stayed with the Labour party for so long. At my daughter uni grad in Canberra I lost all respect for Beasley (whom I had previously admired) when he rabbitted on about how great Rudd was going to be. Its a pity you were not able to stop the Labour party and much of the Libs degenerate in the name of progressive. Latham now seems like a genius compared with the current crop of feminist/homosexuals and unionist running the Labour party. Talk about a need for the ' deplorables' to rise up.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 23 March 2017 5:27:02 PM
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So long as Labor keep supporting immigrants entry to the country whilst the news reports their crimes there will be no end to the problem.
You can make rules to criminalise 'Hate Speech' but you won't stop people thinking that way so long as the problem gets worse.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 23 March 2017 7:07:01 PM
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Racism is fully aligned with ideology and ideologues use it to promote their agenda's, so there will never be a time when people accept others for what they are and not what they look like, or believe.

The agenda of the PC crowd all revolves around ideological discrimination and not race, that discrimination is directed to those who oppose PC ideologues and their ideological insanity.

Sadly all ideologues are the same and claim their ideologies are real, when in reality they are deluded illusions, with no basis in fact whatsoever.

This PC mob, are in reality traitors to their country, as they demand more and more crazy ideologues be brought into countries and they will have no effect on the country at all. Yet the reality is, these ideologues have only one aim, to promote and put their ideology in charge.

Religious ideologies are behind all the planet and countries problems, add the economic ideologies and we have a a recipe for world disaster.

We are at the end of a human era, the ideological era and what the outcome will from this ideological defining war against reality will be is indeterminable.

Sadly when you consider the desperation to support the current direction and failure of the average person to take any form of responsibility for their footprint on the planet and appropriate action, will see a very bad outcome for humanity and life. We can expect this to be all sorted out by 2030, because nature will make it happen and we are already seeing the beginnings of the final decade of ideological humanity.

Ideologues keep putting things off, including the time line for ecological collapse. So we are not ready for what will come because our societies live deeply in delusional illusions and they have no inclination to change.
Posted by dax, Friday, 24 March 2017 9:23:17 AM
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To Dax.

As a dedicated racist, I am outraged that you would compare me to the PC crowd. If you are an anti racist, then I would suggest that anyone who thought that groups of people who evolved separately to conform to wildly differing environments must be equal in every way, are more ideologues than us racists. I suggest that your ideology is a "deluded illusion."

I more or less support the rest of your article. My favourite quote comes from that amazing book, "The Coming Plague", which supports the idea that humans on Earth are Earth's ever increasing pathogens, while microbes appear to be the antibodies.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 25 March 2017 5:14:41 AM
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Gary Johns may be a C grade golfer but that's a massive improvement on his D grade article. Once again no mention of Section 18d, which by the way Bill Leak was covered by but he refused to take the exemption. One has to ask what was his political motivation in doing so? One also has to ask why the anti-18c warriors never make reference to 18d? Although an obvious answer is that it completely destroys their case.
Posted by minotaur, Tuesday, 28 March 2017 10:57:34 AM
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