The Forum > Article Comments > Precarious, unsafe and socially inadequate > Comments
Precarious, unsafe and socially inadequate : Comments
By John Tomlinson, published 23/2/2017What do we want, precarious, unsafe and socially inadequate employment, poverty, categorical- means-tested welfare and downward envy or a universal basic income?
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There is a relentless attack on the poor in Western economies. Cost of living is outstripping the ability of low wage earners to remain in the economy, and exist at an acceptable standard to ensure self respect and the feeling of inclusion.
Before any innovation such as suggested in this article, much more urgent action is necessary in other fields under Government control.
The first priority is to have available "meaningful" productive employment for those in our communities unskilled and basically educated.
Redesigned hand-outs do not inclusion produce.
The Western economies carry an over-abundance of the wealthy and the well educated.
And a growing class of people heading in the opposite direction.
Treating this group of people officially, which governments do, by ignoring their concerns for housing and their need for inclusive employment, as second-class citizens, is rendering this group to long term poverty and social dislocation. The fruits of this ignorance are large before us.
And having the US Labour Party, the Democrats, through Clintons glib branding of this group as the "deplorables", advertises to this large and growing group, that any reliance on Government acknowledgment of their plight, is not and will not be forthcoming from any direction but protest! Arise Donald Trump! (Or Reincarnated Hitler), if this situation is not reversed.
No, more handouts will not cut the mustard!