The Forum > Article Comments > Trump earthquake buries Bush, Obama, Russia, EU and UN > Comments
Trump earthquake buries Bush, Obama, Russia, EU and UN : Comments
By David Singer, published 23/2/2017President Trump has buried the Bush Roadmap and any lingering hope for the creation of a second Arab State.
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The only peaceful alternative the palestinians have is a hugely ramped up international commercial boycott, that leaves Israel with no other choice than to go to the negotiating table with a (beggar's choice) resurrected two state solution, that's palatable to the Palestinians, with Israeli honor bound signatures already on it!
The international Jewish diaspora, is becoming increasingly hostile to Nethenyuna, his (enough already) drain on their purses and his manipulated gerrymander, via HIS illegal settlement program; and all that sustains him in power!
Part of which has to include the roll back and or bulldozing of the illegal settlements, all of them!
The illegal squatters need to know, they get out or get buried! And if the Israeli Army replete with armor and shock and awe action, is the only way to get that done?
The only mandate Israel has is the UN sanctioned 1947 boundary lines and that's where she should pull back to, as opposed to a tinpot Tyrants confected security reason for annexing patently purloined palestinian land!
Tyrant, given none of the occupied folk ever once voted for the destruction of their livelihoods or the illegal acquisition of their land!
Continuing occupation can only have one outcome. A blood bath with no winners, ever!
Alan B.